Ive been working on this painting for a few days now for my Illustration Class.
No pressure except the fact that our teacher is Artiist, C.F. Payne. (illustrator for Time Magazine, Readers Digest, ect.).. stresses me out. lol. but ANYWAYS
Assignment: We had to pick an activity out of a hat and mine was “Buying Jewelry”. He enjoyed my concept of two children at the coin machines so i went with that is my final.
The medium is Acrylic with a little bit of colored pencil
It is due in a few days, and Is not yet complete, but any feedback will be helpful. Any kind of constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
Critique needed!
at 12:39PM, Nov. 12, 2012
Well, can't say much except I like it - so, not really what you were looking for, eh?
If I had to crit something that you can fix (IE, not something like perspective or whatnot) - then I would say try and get more detail in the bag/box the boy is holding - can't really see what he is holding.
Just my 2c - but this is not a deal breaker - I like it regardless as is - good job!
If I had to crit something that you can fix (IE, not something like perspective or whatnot) - then I would say try and get more detail in the bag/box the boy is holding - can't really see what he is holding.
Just my 2c - but this is not a deal breaker - I like it regardless as is - good job!
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