Hi guys,
I seem to have dropped off the radar something fierce since making the decision to concentrate on my other host for my two large scale comics http://theonlyhalfsaga.com/comic/ and http://gemutations.spiderforest.com/comic/. That and getting novels published has been consuming my every waking moment since April. LOL.
I haven't forgotten about you guys, I will tell you that…I'm still reading and commenting on many of the comics on here, Danielle Dark, Brave Resistance, Anathema and many more…
Though as far as my own comics goes…I haven't had much breathing room for the side stories I've left on the site here. The biggest lament at the moment being that I've not been able to forward Midnight's story - and it's fast approaching the time of year for her to shine. Sigh, and I really wanted to land Master of Fates…. Maybe, I'll be able to pick at it thorughout the coming year and make it an event for next Halloween. Will have to see.
So how have you all been? Hoping all is well with the duck. Going to try to keep in better touch with all the people I came into the community with!
Take care all!
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
Darwin Here...Hello Again...
at 8:13AM, Oct. 18, 2012
I don't know you personally but welcome back! Best of luck with what you're doing!
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