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Artist needed for five page chapter of Curse of The Black Terror.
BSP_Curt at 9:01PM, May 10, 2012
posts: 21
joined: 6-20-2008
Hi All,
I'm looking for an artist to do pencils and inks for a five page chapter of Curse of The Black Terror. This will actually be the final chapter of this story arc and after this I'll be changing a lot of things about the comic, so it is kind of the end of a run. You can check out the comic here to see if it is your type of thing.
Anyway, I think it's a cool script and a fun project. If you might be interested in working on a project that is all about celebrating the anti-hero or just want to build your resume then shoot me a line.
I also need a cover image for this chapter.
Interested parties can drop me an email at

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