This is a full reboot of a horror comic I originally did back in 2007. The comic is in full color this go round and I have pivotal changes to the storyline this go round.
Sierra's favorite holiday is Halloween. This year however her love for it is marred by the thought that the woman she thought of as her life partner has just dumped her. She goes to a Halloween party anyway, but finds herself unable to enjoy herself. She's upset and the party is dull…at least until SHE shows up.
I am going to be trying to run the pages consecutively until Halloween. I hope you will join me for the “fun”.
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
at 5:58PM, Oct. 20, 2011
Okay I have up to page four Queued for public consumption. Heading off to work on page five and perhaps six depending upon how I feel!
at 10:10AM, Oct. 21, 2011
Story is posted to page three and things are already getting strange! Page five is done, page six later (maybe…).
at 8:51PM, Oct. 29, 2011
Midnight is on track for a Halloween conclusion! SAWEET! We are up to page 11 with page 12 and 13 going live on Monday (one right at midnight, the other about midway through the day!)
Things have gotten gory and strange…
Things have gotten gory and strange…
at 1:02PM, Oct. 31, 2011
Happy Halloween everyone! The final two pages of Midnight are up for your perusal! Thanks for reading, and for those who commented thank you too!
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