All has gone a little quiet on the Pageview/Stats front. I just wondered what the progress was if any?
Stats are important to help you know that people are reading and to gauge how well a storyline is being received.
Is there an ETA?
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Pageviews Progress?
at 4:41AM, Aug. 8, 2011
at 11:10AM, Aug. 8, 2011
All site stuff has gone quiet, maybe they are hard at work and will deliver a harcore working site soon.
at 12:21PM, Aug. 8, 2011
I think they are stuck on some back-end stuff, like figuring out the best way to re-import all those compressed images. I can't really speak for them though.
at 12:45PM, Aug. 8, 2011
skoolmunkee wrote:Right now, that would be my favorite thing for them to fix.
I think they are stuck on some back-end stuff, like figuring out the best way to re-import all those compressed images. I can't really speak for them though.
at 12:56PM, Aug. 8, 2011
Genejoke wrote:or maybe they're busy pulling the copper wiring out of the walls
All site stuff has gone quiet, maybe they are hard at work and will deliver a harcore working site soon.
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