Greetings all. For any of you who don't know me, I'm John Neuman, amatuer writer and community college student. Those who have frequented Drunk Duck and Smack Jeeves may know me as Nega Link (I apologize, I came up with the name nearly three years ago. I was sixteen, Zelda was my life. I wrote fanfics, it was a bad scene all the way around.) My brother, Milo, and myself,have worked on the storyline for The Crossroads for more than a years now, and we are more than pleased to be nearing the end of the first chapter, with a front page feature no less!
We will also be starting a forum for the comic, where fans can discuss future events in the storyline once things start to get a little more mysterious.
Lastly, and most important. We will soon have a custom layout for the comic! YAY! I've been bending my brian in numerous ways to learn HTML over the last four days and all I need is for Milo to finish the graphics as well as for the admins on the help forums to get back to me on a couple of questions. We hope to have some semblance of a page finished within the next few weeks.
Until next time, John out.
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