So, looking over last month's post… I'm pretty much in “ditto” space. Seriously, 30 days? Already?
Maybe picking up my pace will make me feel like more time is passing. Because waiting for things to calm down so that I have time to pick up my pace doesn't seem to be working. Viva irony!
Time elapsed since comic debut (1/1/2009): 606 days.
Pages posted: 236.
Average days per page: 2.57.
Time elapsed since start of work (10/26/2008): 673 days.
Pages planned: 464 (63.4%) (1.45 days per page)
Pages sketched: 312 (42.6%) (2.16)
Pages drawn: 283 (38.7%) (2.38)
Pages complete: 236 (32.2%) (2.85)
Pages posted: 236 (32.2%)
22 units. 18 sketched, 4 complete. Better than last month, but not great. It's equivalent to 5.5 pages, which is barely ahead of my updates. The comic is 44% complete. The total time has crept up to 50 months, again of which 28 remain.
Misfire Reactional - General
Twenty-two month update.
at 8:44AM, Aug. 30, 2010
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:19AM
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