Busy? Busy. Why am I always so busy? I don't know. But at the beginning of this month I made a point of doing a bunch of writing, so there's that.
Statistics? Statistics.
Time elapsed since comic debut (1/1/2009): 789 days.
Pages posted: 259.
Average days per page: 3.05.
Time elapsed since start of work (10/26/2008): 856 days.
Pages planned: 487 (66.5%) (1.76 days per page)
Pages sketched: 331 (45.2%) (2.59)
Pages drawn: 285 (38.9%) (3.00)
Pages complete: 260 (35.5%) (3.29)
Pages posted: 259 (35.4%)
39 units: 23 planned, 11 sketched, 2 drawn, 3 complete. A little of everything this month, the bulk of it being the script for chapter 13. Planning is done through 14, sketches are done through 12. The comic is 47% complete, and at this rate will take 60 months, of which 32 remain.
Misfire Reactional - General
Twenty-eight month update.
at 1:04PM, March 1, 2011
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:19AM
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