I've always been inspired by The Legendary J-Man's comics (as well as some other names like chasearcanum and so forth) when he made his CoX stories, so I tried my hand at it for fun, and this is what I came up with.
Originally, I wanted to do a webcomic on another CoV character, but I got so wrapped up in one particular small-time background character that she ended up having her own series. These series of comics I'm doing on Dr. Lore are a stepping stone for this next huge project (for now called The Grey Line).
Basically, Angelfish is about the life and times of Dr. Lore's career from 2003 to present and is not told in chronological order for various reasons. Dr. Lore can be seen as my self-insert into the CoV game, but she has enormous differences between myself (I was never in the medical field *shudder*, and I wasn't put in foster care *SHUDDER*). While I've started the series with some light-hearted and humorous plots, the story will get much more serious in due time.
I have a couple other story ideas plotted out, but making them will be extremely difficult. I'm not asking for help here and now (I don't know who here has an account to play CoX), but I will need help in the future for extra parts that aren't contacts. So, they will take time, planning, and a few extra pairs of hands. Good thing I have time to work everything out.
All I ask is that no one take this too seriously (well, any more seriously than me). This is just for fun. I'm not trying to be ground-breaking, I'm not trying to be revolutionary. If anything, I'm trying to advertise my writing and get noticed in that perspective. So, enjoy this mess of creativity, horrible graphics, and fangirling that is… Angelfish.
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