The Rant
at 3:24PM, Feb. 13, 2008
Ok. I know that I haven't explained it too much yet. I also keep the profile page up to date on what's happening. Megaman's full operating intellegence (without the virus) is that of a community college graduate. With the virus it is that of a first year college drop-out. Bass's full operaating intellegence is to be that of a collega graduate with a doctorate degree. With the virus it's barely a high school graduate. I've read Bob and George. I know the Megaman and Bass in BnG are barely on par with kindergardeners. No one else in my comic has a BnG personality. I used one joke which is me being the villian in the 5th game. I try to stray as much as possible from BnG. I'm having trouble typing I'm so mad right now. I try never to copy jokes from any one unless I'm using it as a reference or a contest. So before you blatently judge me as a BnG rip-off, read from the begining, check the profile page, or just let the thought go. To those who accept my comic as what it is, (THKNN_NUL, zealotjohn, Winged zero) thank you. You guys make this worth it. Oh, and if your too afraid to even show who you are when you say I'm a BnG rip-off, DON'T EVEN COMMENT!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:21AM
at 4:50PM, Feb. 13, 2008
well, my first comic (just random) has it's fare share of jokes that are not origannaly mine,but every one seems to be ok with that as long as its a minamul and not over done. like the log joke.(you probably dont read it tho)
feel my wrath for I am THE MAGE304
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:21AM
at 5:04PM, Feb. 13, 2008
I'll check it out. I only read one comic at a time and right now I'm going through Mixed Bag Comics.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:21AM
at 5:08PM, Feb. 13, 2008
lol, if you do start reading “just random,” be prepaired for a good (funny) read, over 100 pages, and yet im on page 98 tommorow, and you have to read the fillers, they are parto of the comic(my original joke(well i think its original(if its not ppl dont know it yet(i think im overdoing this reply(yea i am))))).
feel my wrath for I am THE MAGE304
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:21AM
at 5:12PM, Feb. 13, 2008
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:21AM
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