Until recently, when I saw your forum thread, I never gave a damn about any of you. You're all just butthurt little thirteen-year-olds crying about how bad and offence Powerup is. Who cares.
And then I saw how you're talking about “hacking into Shadow's account” and stupid shit like that. What got me laughing my ass off is this: You put it in the actual forum. General Discussion. How unbelievably retarded.
If you really want to have li'l fantasies about taking Powerup down, instead of making up code names (PPJ, PRP) and spamming the comments (They can check your IPs. Just because you're doing it on another account of yours doesn't mean anything. They will find out with the click of a button, and ban you) you need to realize that you won't be able to do a damn thing. What makes it even better is that Shadow and Chug probably laugh at you all every day. Every time you complain about this being offensive, it's like pulling the wings off of flies; there's nothing you can do about it. But reading your baw-fests is the highlight of my day. So, please do continue your little “plans” that make you so giddy you think about them before you go to sleep and squeal like a child.
You'll never be able to hack into his account, you'll never be able to get this comic off DrunkDuck, and all you'll ever succeed in is being the mole on the ass of a great website when all you do with your account is whine and bitch. I'm looking at you, everyone who switched their avatars to anti-Powerup propaganda. I just wanted to sum up all my feelings for you idiots. You're useless.
If you really want to have your own forum to try and play “secret agents” like you were kids again-even though I'm positive most of you all are still kids-make your own Comic Forum, or, better yet, make your own forum and get the hell out of DrunkDuck. It's a community made for webcomic artists, not people who single out one comic and attempt to make theirselves seem bigger by attacking it, although as ineffective as you all are. Powerup isn't the worst comic, and it sure as hell isn't the most offensive. You hate it because of its popularity when you think it isn't deserving of it.
What you all don't realize is how DrunkDuck's system works. Comics aren't ranking by their ratings (1-5) their ranked by the number of pageviews they get. So everytime you go to whine like an immature little brat, you just help it out in the rankings. God, you're special.
Hate to be cliche, but if you hate it, don't read it. If all its haters went away, it's go down faster than a cannonball placed in an ocean. That's how you can take down Powerup. And that's the only way there ever will be. If you'd just be apathetic, and not give a shit. (I see a comic I don't like, I never go to it again. It's that simple)
Hopefully you'll notice how idiotic you all are. I'm done.
Powerup Comics: It rocks
Warning: tl;dr rant ahead
at 5:14PM, July 25, 2008
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:22AM
at 1:33PM, Sept. 8, 2008
There's a third perspective. It mocks the second as you belittle the first.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:22AM
at 11:06AM, Sept. 13, 2008
All you seem to do is bitch about how all we do is bitch about this comic, maybe you should take some of your own advise and be more apathetic towards us, if you dont like the comments that are posted then dont read them dumb ass, and we're allowed to critisise as much as we want thats the whole point of this place is so artists can gain feedback, also, i would rather have continuous readers of my comic then simply having a load of pageviews, if you get readers coming back it means you have a good comic.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:22AM
at 3:40PM, Sept. 13, 2008
SaillestraifeWell, dipshit, in case you can't read, I already said I couldn't give a two shits about you. It was just the recent events that got me to post this.
All you seem to do is bitch about how all we do is bitch about this comic
SaillestraifeYou don't know a damn thing about Drunk Duck, you admitted yourself that you only joined to “flame” this comic. First off, flaming =/= critizism, second off, if you think you're flaming, well then you're doing a wonderous job. It's so insulting when some random newbie comes along and acts like an idiot.
we're allowed to critisise as much as we want thats the whole point of this place is so artists can gain feedback
SaillestraifeBy that logic, Powerup must be amazing. Even if you just come here to see what pile of shit Shadow and Chug have pulled together, you're still reading it.
i would rather have continuous readers of my comic then simply having a load of pageviews, if you get readers coming back it means you have a good comic.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:22AM
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