^^* I forgot to add info on my card page so…
Reploid of light, created 2000 years ago as a weapon to end all wars. Shortly before his completion, his creators saw the end of the Universe, and altered his programming, and forced him into battle against a terrible foe. Now that battle is over, and he is merely traveling with his brother, looking for the thrill of battle.
His ability to transform into the Rage mode was given to him by Chaos, one of the gods who helped forge the Universe
Reploid of Darkness, created 2000 years ago as a weapon to save lives. Shortly before completion, his function was changed, and he and NoX were forced into battle. Since that battle is now over, he travels with NoX, to make sure he doesn't do anything too reckless.
Zor has Twilight sealed inside his body, one of the gods who helped forge the Universe, and Zor can transform into him during times of prolonged battle.

NoX and Zor Profile
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