Cs: In a full exploration of the characters deepest desires and motives, I, Confusedsoul, am asking them to bare their souls to the readers of MM! Revel in their tales of desperation, sadness and bravery! Marvel at their eloquence! Admire their sheer….sheer…
Evil Twig: Ineptitude?
Cs: …
Max: You don't know what that means, do you?
Mr Stabby: Your Mother doesn't know what that means.
Max: Ha freakin' ha!
Cs: ANYWAY, this forum topic is-
Max:-stolen from Toshubi's forum!
Stabby: BAM!
Cs: (I confess, the idea was inspired from there.) Regardless, the characters are here for your queries. Ask them questions individually or as a group, and all of them including the newer ones will try and answer.
Evil Twig: Except Pete, he can't answer anything.
Pete: PHUT!

Forum for the Mildly Mundane
Question time with the MM cast
at 11:22AM, Oct. 11, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 12:01PM, Oct. 11, 2007
Do any of the characters ever feel the urge to wear Austin Powers' clothes and teeth and re enact parts from the film?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 12:14PM, Oct. 11, 2007
Max: …
Pete: “…”
Twig: It's that beaver again isn't it? I thought we had a border patrol up to stop him getting in.
Max: The one with the alarms?
Twig: Yes, the one with-
Max: -The one with really really shiny and sparkly alarms to warn off intruders?
Twig: Yes, that ala-
Stabby: This is uncomfortable… Anyway, in answer to your question, if it meant donning unsightly false teeth and vile blue suits to have inferior human females throwing themselves at me, I'd…consider it. Maybe.
Pete: “…”
Twig: It's that beaver again isn't it? I thought we had a border patrol up to stop him getting in.
Max: The one with the alarms?
Twig: Yes, the one with-
Max: -The one with really really shiny and sparkly alarms to warn off intruders?
Twig: Yes, that ala-
Stabby: This is uncomfortable… Anyway, in answer to your question, if it meant donning unsightly false teeth and vile blue suits to have inferior human females throwing themselves at me, I'd…consider it. Maybe.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
Toshiro AkA Whiety
at 2:51AM, Oct. 12, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:04AM, Oct. 12, 2007
Twig: Ah, this is a question I like! Mass extermination is necessary for the survival of plants. Disgusting animal life have claimed control of the world for far too long for my liking and it is time for the vegetative race to rise up and claim what is rightly ours.
Stabby: Max is vegetative.
Max: Shut up! Anyway, without any life left on our planet there wouldn't be any blood to sustain me (providing I survive),and with no living things that means no material possesions.
Twig: So no steally for you then, Max.
Max: A terrible fate if ever there was one. No paper clips….
Pete: “I'm dead so what do I care? Unless that means there are more ghosts around, leaving their socks everywhere.”
Stabby: Everything should die. Plain and simple. Especially the person who wrote this question. What kind of moron thinks that life should be preserved?
Twig: Max.
Stabby: Exactly! When the world is cleansed of all the filth that has accumulated, only then will I be able to rest easy!
Jerky Joe: You're all wrong, with no life left who's going to buy me!?
Stabby: Who honestly cares about buying a scabby piece of meat like you?
Joe: 'S not that scabby just the outside bits.
Stabby: Max is vegetative.
Max: Shut up! Anyway, without any life left on our planet there wouldn't be any blood to sustain me (providing I survive),and with no living things that means no material possesions.
Twig: So no steally for you then, Max.
Max: A terrible fate if ever there was one. No paper clips….
Pete: “I'm dead so what do I care? Unless that means there are more ghosts around, leaving their socks everywhere.”
Stabby: Everything should die. Plain and simple. Especially the person who wrote this question. What kind of moron thinks that life should be preserved?
Twig: Max.
Stabby: Exactly! When the world is cleansed of all the filth that has accumulated, only then will I be able to rest easy!
Jerky Joe: You're all wrong, with no life left who's going to buy me!?
Stabby: Who honestly cares about buying a scabby piece of meat like you?
Joe: 'S not that scabby just the outside bits.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
Toshiro AkA Whiety
at 3:11AM, Oct. 12, 2007
to stabby: i like the way you think …………..but i also hate so much that u want to gut you and set you on fire(if you had guts)
and everyone else i hope you all die mahaha
I shall cleanse this world of your flith..apart from max and pete cause their cool
For the Imperium of man!!
and everyone else i hope you all die mahaha
I shall cleanse this world of your flith..apart from max and pete cause their cool
For the Imperium of man!!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:19AM, Oct. 12, 2007
Twig: Sounds like Stabby has a fan!
Stabby: Die. All of you. In burning agony. At least the person who asked the question had the right idea with what to do to you lot.
Max: If you love him so much why don't you marry him?
Pete: “Nice to hear Max and I have a fan. Thanks for keeping us alive.”
Max: Sort of. We are undead.
Pete: “Ish.”
Twig: I'm trying to imagine Mr Stabby on fire.
Max: I often dream of that.
Stabby: Die. All of you. In burning agony. At least the person who asked the question had the right idea with what to do to you lot.
Max: If you love him so much why don't you marry him?
Pete: “Nice to hear Max and I have a fan. Thanks for keeping us alive.”
Max: Sort of. We are undead.
Pete: “Ish.”
Twig: I'm trying to imagine Mr Stabby on fire.
Max: I often dream of that.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:31AM, Oct. 12, 2007
What is your worst nightmare (and I DO mean the type you'd wake up screaming) and why?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:44AM, Oct. 12, 2007
Mr Stabby: I dreamt that Pyramid Head was pole dancing and Evil Twig was paying him. Then they tried to kiss.
Twig: …what?
Pete: “I don't sleep. My life is one long nightmare anyway, one I cannot awaken from.”
Stabby: Emo.
Pete: “What was that?! What did you just say?!”
Stabby: Nothing, nothing.
Twig: ….poledancing?
Max: I dreamt I was attacked by a giant broad bean, which kept trying to force it's way down my throat.
Stabby: I remember that! That was when I was trying to smother you with that pillow!
Twig: …Pyramid Head was dancing?
Twig: …what?
Pete: “I don't sleep. My life is one long nightmare anyway, one I cannot awaken from.”
Stabby: Emo.
Pete: “What was that?! What did you just say?!”
Stabby: Nothing, nothing.
Twig: ….poledancing?
Max: I dreamt I was attacked by a giant broad bean, which kept trying to force it's way down my throat.
Stabby: I remember that! That was when I was trying to smother you with that pillow!
Twig: …Pyramid Head was dancing?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:48AM, Oct. 12, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 4:00AM, Oct. 12, 2007
Max: Obviously now he's left there is a feeling of the whole, you know, empty nest syndrome, so we are having to get used to him being gone.
Twig: It was really a creative thing, you know, like he felt he couldn't expand his creativity, yeah? So in the end it was real creative differences. Yeah.
Pete: “Stop talking like you're in a band.”
Max: Sorry.
Twig: Seriously, we do miss him being around but in the end it was his choice to leave, not ours, so to deal with the pain we focus on the good and the bad memories that we got by living together.
Stabby: Like how he had a insurmountable amount of porn to lend at a moments notice.
Max: …Yeah…
Pete: “Or how he'd screw up all the electrical equipment by walking past it.”
Twiggy: …those were the days…
Max: Or how he'd borrow money before travelling 300 miles away so he can't pay it back.
Stabby: …bastard…
Twig: It was really a creative thing, you know, like he felt he couldn't expand his creativity, yeah? So in the end it was real creative differences. Yeah.
Pete: “Stop talking like you're in a band.”
Max: Sorry.
Twig: Seriously, we do miss him being around but in the end it was his choice to leave, not ours, so to deal with the pain we focus on the good and the bad memories that we got by living together.
Stabby: Like how he had a insurmountable amount of porn to lend at a moments notice.
Max: …Yeah…
Pete: “Or how he'd screw up all the electrical equipment by walking past it.”
Twiggy: …those were the days…
Max: Or how he'd borrow money before travelling 300 miles away so he can't pay it back.
Stabby: …bastard…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 5:03AM, Oct. 12, 2007
How is it a sock puppet can become in posession of cash? Dream Jobs too please…?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
Toshiro AkA Whiety
at 3:01PM, Oct. 12, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 8:14AM, Oct. 13, 2007
What would your survival techniques be if the be if the dead returned to feed off the the ‘living’ (considering I'm asking a Twig, a vampire, a sock, a chunk of meat and a phantom)?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 1:23PM, Oct. 14, 2007
How is it a sock puppet can become in posession of cash? Dream Jobs too please…?
Stabby: I'm a flesh eater. I like my meat.
Max: (snigger)
Stabby: If I inadvertantly rip someone's face off and they have a wallet lying about, I'm not about to pass up the opportunity. Granted, I don't particularly enjoy handling money as the amount of worth you foolish humans put into paper is a credit to your stupidity as a species. However, the world needs little bits of paper to run it, so in order to interact with other gormless species I need to acquire a small amount every so often.
Twig: Is the ‘Dream Job’ a question too?
Max: I'm guessing so. I would say a bailiff, you get to kick down doors and steal people's stuff LEGALLY, but…I don't like confrontations. So…I'd go for…um…actually, I quite like what I do now. I'm a proffesional free-lance thief.
Twig: A loose cannon, a burglar without a cause.
Max: Yup.
Pete: “I'd be in advertising. I'm very in to the whole bill board scene.”
Stabby: I would be the Devil as my dream job.
Max: …I guess that appeals to you, the whole flaming torture and stuff.
Stabby: …yeah…
Twig: Normally I'd say an Oak tree, but that's what I've been planning for retirement, so I'd go for being a Luchador.
Max: You only have one arm, Twiggy.
Twig: Well it is a dream job, Max.
Pete: “A-DURRRRRR!!!”
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 1:25PM, Oct. 14, 2007
Toshiro AkA Whiety
how would you like lemon juice in your eyes?
Max: No thanks, I'm Catholic.
Twiggy: You aren't really are you Max?
Max: Nah, it just worked for the purpose of the joke.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 2:19PM, Oct. 14, 2007
What would your survival techniques be if the be if the dead returned to feed off the the ‘living’ (considering I'm asking a Twig, a vampire, a sock, a chunk of meat and a phantom)?
Max: It's funny you should mention this, Cs was thinking about starting another Halloween comic this year.
Stabby: If she gets her arse in gear. Okay, I'm presuming your'e talking about Zombies, they're the generic undead.
Pete: “I hate Zombies. They smell terrible. At least Ghosts don't smell. Seeing as I am not corporeal, they can bite me as much as they like. I would use an air freshner around them though, that smell is bad.”
Max: It's sort of like if you boiled old army boots in piss for a year, and then decided to dry them by farting on them.
Pete: “You know I was just thinking that!”
Stabby: Why do you keep complaining about the smell, you don't have a nose.
Pete: “Don't question me.”
Max: As a vampire, I'm faster than the average policeman-
Twig: -You mean human.
Max: No I don't. I could easily out run a zombie, and then shiv him wih a home-made blade, probably a tooth brush.
Twig: I'd plant myself. Zombies don't like vegetation.
Stabby: I would sharpen Evil twig in to a stake to get a weapon, and in the inevitable struggle over resources I would kill Max and use his body for both a food supply and also as a distraction, throwing bits of fingers to the oncoming zombie hoard. Pete would survive, I can't do much to ghosts.
Pete: “Thanks, I guess.”
Joe: I would offer myself to them through the glass pane of the vending machine. When they mass attack the glass, with enough pressure it should break, and I'll be free!
Twig: Let it be decreed, then, that no zombie hoard will occur lest Jerky Joe finally escapes.
All: Agreed.
Stabby: Besides, I doubt even a Zombie would be desperate enough to eat you, Joe.
Joe: Aw…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 12:54AM, Oct. 15, 2007
How is Max dealing with everybody picking on him because of his ears?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 12:55AM, Oct. 15, 2007
Another Question - What is everyone's opinion on Max getting plastic surgery on his ears?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 7:54AM, Oct. 16, 2007
How is Max dealing with everybody picking on him because of his ears?
Twig: I wouldn't say picking on him per say.
Stabby: It's more that we laugh at his freakishness.
Max: …It's hard.
Stabby: Sometimes he cuts himself to deal with the pain.
Max: …What?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 8:00AM, Oct. 16, 2007
Another Question - What is everyone's opinion on Max getting plastic surgery on his ears?
Stabby: Definitely.
Twig: Oh, certainly.
Pete: “Absolutely.”
Max: Why is everyone complaining about my ears?! There's nothing wrong with them!
Stabby: Yes there is, Max. Yes there is.
Twig: They're just…wrong.
Max: How so?
Pete: “You can't define a concept as abstract as wrongness, Max.”
Stabby: They simply are wrong.
Max: But-
Stabby: They. Simply. Are. Wrong.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
Toshiro AkA Whiety
at 12:28PM, Oct. 16, 2007
ahhh the world we leave in where everyone just gets plastics if they don't like the way they are, bah you all disgust me.
PS Max is Max and no matter how he looks it's don't matter cuase thats what makes him him.(just don't show them to much)
anyway, How would you all deal with a crazed person with a prodding stick??
PS Max is Max and no matter how he looks it's don't matter cuase thats what makes him him.(just don't show them to much)
anyway, How would you all deal with a crazed person with a prodding stick??
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 2:10AM, Oct. 19, 2007
Toshiro AkA Whiety
ahhh the world we leave in where everyone just gets plastics if they don't like the way they are, bah you all disgust me.
PS Max is Max and no matter how he looks it's don't matter cuase thats what makes him him.(just don't show them to much)
anyway, How would you all deal with a crazed person with a prodding stick??
Max: Say it how it is, Toshiro! I find poking someone in the eye really help deals with stick prodding.
Stabby: Not only does it hurt, you can stay in their blind spot while they flail ineffectively trying to prod you with the stick.
Max: And then you can pickpocket away!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 5:27PM, Feb. 1, 2008
Here's a question for Evil Twig.
You seem to be quite the flora expert. What do you do in your spare time when your not sweeping beautiful young flowers off thier roots?
You seem to be quite the flora expert. What do you do in your spare time when your not sweeping beautiful young flowers off thier roots?
Ya know that tough material they make the “black box” on airplanes?
Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:01PM, Feb. 6, 2008
Here's a question for Evil Twig.
You seem to be quite the flora expert. What do you do in your spare time when your not sweeping beautiful young flowers off thier roots?
Twiggy: Well, being of a coniferous personality, I try to keep myself busy throughout the day-light hours. I hand out instructional pamphlets regarding how to prevent the unnecessary death of trees to create paper based leaflets-
Max: So what are your pamphlets made of?
Twiggy: Cheese. I also act as Super Maths Beaver's care assistant and parole officer. It's a demanding job, but with great rewards. Like when he tried to dry himself out in a microwave.
Pete: “We sent that into ”Funniest videos“ and got ã100 out of it!”
Twiggy: Like I said, rewarding.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 6:06PM, Feb. 6, 2008
Interesting Evil Twig.
Pete, a question for you. Did you ever get those peanuts that you asked Confused Soul for back in June of 2006 on the page titled ‘PHUT"? What did you need them for? (I’m guessing they were for sling shot ammo.)
Pete, a question for you. Did you ever get those peanuts that you asked Confused Soul for back in June of 2006 on the page titled ‘PHUT"? What did you need them for? (I’m guessing they were for sling shot ammo.)
Ya know that tough material they make the “black box” on airplanes?
Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:19PM, Feb. 7, 2008
Interesting Evil Twig.
Pete, a question for you. Did you ever get those peanuts that you asked Confused Soul for back in June of 2006 on the page titled ‘PHUT"? What did you need them for? (I’m guessing they were for sling shot ammo.)
Pete: “No, I never did. It wasn't that I needed them for a particular purpose per say, more to understand the mental process the mind goes through when having achieved the material possession one desires. That, and I like peanuts.”
Max: He said it to wind CS up. Here's a question for you, Toshubi. How could Pete use a sling shot? His….tail thing is prehensile, but he'd have to simultaneously hold the handle of the slingshot while drawing back the elastic to fire. It's incomprehensible!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 3:48PM, Feb. 7, 2008
In responce to Max…
He could hold the sling shot with his tail, and pull back the elastic using his eye lids. Quite simple really.
Ok, another question. This time it's for Max.
Aren't you even just a little worried about that little ginger haired girl may come looking for you to finish you off, or even worse… pay for damages to her home? I mean sure, Evil Twig saved you bacon that time… but he won't always be there.
He could hold the sling shot with his tail, and pull back the elastic using his eye lids. Quite simple really.
Ok, another question. This time it's for Max.
Aren't you even just a little worried about that little ginger haired girl may come looking for you to finish you off, or even worse… pay for damages to her home? I mean sure, Evil Twig saved you bacon that time… but he won't always be there.
Ya know that tough material they make the “black box” on airplanes?
Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 4:29AM, Feb. 10, 2008
In responce to Max…
He could hold the sling shot with his tail, and pull back the elastic using his eye lids. Quite simple really.
Ok, another question. This time it's for Max.
Aren't you even just a little worried about that little ginger haired girl may come looking for you to finish you off, or even worse… pay for damages to her home? I mean sure, Evil Twig saved you bacon that time… but he won't always be there.
Max: I'm normally quite careful when it comes to trespassing but being faced with a seven year old certainly threw me. I don't know, vampire hunters in this city are generally lazy as a rule, they don't like exploring beyond their assigned “territory” but you get exceptions. Mmmm…
Twig: You've got him worried now.
Cs: You will speak no more about this topic! (That would be spoiling things!) CONFUSEDSOUL HAS SPOKEN!
*A great thunderclap sounds and paper flies everywhere*
Pete: “Moody cow.”
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
at 7:57AM, July 5, 2008
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:24AM
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