Okay, first real blog posting.
This week has been hell. I haven't been sleeping a whole lot and I'm stressed beyond belief. But it's all because of work. Suffice it to say, in my world, September hasn't ended yet and it's killing me.
I've been trying to stockpile pages for DR, but I'm slooooow. It takes me about a week to finish off one page, and my posting schedule is one week. I hope I can get that production time to step up a bit as I get more comfortable with this, but I honestly don't know how it's going to go. Still, I'm hopeful.
Japan is looming ever nearer. That will be at least ten days where I won't have my computer (hereafter known as the Voot) and probably not internet access, either. Those ten days will be travel and out-of-country - I'm so nervous and excited and friggin' NERVOUS (spousal unit doesn't speak Japanese at ALL), and with all the stress at work, that's not helping with my sleep. LOL.
So, I have up to page three uploaded to automatically update on Fridays, including the one I'll be gone. No prob. But that knocks me back with my tiny “overdraft” funds. I would really love to be able to belt out pages five and six before I go.
Page one is up and posted and SQUEE! I'm having so much fun with this project. My very first comic, ever. I can feel my slight artistic ability really stretching as I work on it - not sure if that translates into “improving,” but I don't think I'd be a good judge of that. ^_^;; Kyu has been introduced, but at the moment, no one knows what the hell he's doing - or who Risse is. hehehehe. That's okay. I'll keep the pace brisk, and try to keep it entertaining. Risse will be introduced on page two.
I guess that's it for now. I may not have total character-design consistency down yet (I know I should really make character sheets, but darnit, I'm just not that good!), but I will say this:
ZZ Top knew a thing or two about sharp-dressed men. Yum!
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