Okay, so I'm going on the assumption that a crappy update is better than no update.
So WTH happened? I don't know.
Page 004 is a Work in Progress. It has been through more revisions than I usually suffer for my doodlings - major parts of it have been scrapped and redone multiple times, and it will go through more revisions before I call it done. Especially the lack of real backgrounds. I slapped those in there to keep the page from being bare-assed. However, I just couldn't bear the thought of missing a second update in a row, so I hope moving the story along will make up for the iffy-ness of the artwork.
I have no idea what it has been about this page that has given me such fits. My hope is that it won't make anyone else feel nauseous the way it does to me. XD Hey, any hope is good at this point!
Life news, I work too much. Okay, maybe that's not news. I've got a packed weekend booked. Concerts Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night (OMG, what do I think I am, eighteen?!), and I'm starting to move, and I'll be doing major home improvements while I move. Long story.
Here's hoping everyone had a good holiday and will have a great week!
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