31st: Happy Halloween!
I haven’t been around much lately, and I certainly haven't been working on the next DR page. I don't know why, but for some reason, this page is giving me fits. I don't like it, but I don't know what else to do. I MUST get it done for Friday or DR will stutter to a halt before it's gotten started. :(
On the other hand, some of my absences can be explained. Namely, FFVII Crisis Core. Work (13 hour days, whee!). And moving.
Yep. Moving back to my house. I hate moving.
Lesson# 5: Make character sheets if it kills you.
10th: Ten-chan needs sleep.
Page 4 is underway, though it's nowhere near being completed. What with my work schedule this past week, I simply haven't had time to work on it.
Lesson #4: It's hard to be uber-creative every single day. How does everyone else do it?
3rd: Gosh, it's October already. Where did the time go?
The first burst of creativeness has definitely cooled. I haven't done this much drawing since high school (and believe me, that was a long time ago). However, the comic is still coming along. Page three is just about done.
… Three pages. *blows kazoo* That sounds so pathetic for all the work I put into it!
DR is set to update weekly on Fridays - until I run out of backlog. Comments help greatly!
Lesson #3: Get a ruler.
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