*peeks in*
Hello, DD. Remember me?
I'm back! Tonight I have begun reintegrating (and making up words again) myself into the DD community. I have had a hell of a time these last few weeks, and my creativity really suffered for it.
I think it all boils down to these things:
1. DR is not dead. And to prove it, my very first full-color page - and from here on out, this is VERY RARE - will update December 14th. I hope everyone enjoys! It's a bit of an apology to everyone who has favorited me, and been stuck with DR004 WIP since October.
2. DR004 WIP. I'm tackling this sucker next. Before I get any further on this comic or on Omake Theater skits, I am going to fix the page and move the story forward once more. You have my promise.
3. My update schedule of “weekly Friday” has officially gone out the window. It is now “Friday whenever I have something.” I hope no one minds . . .
Wanna know how “The Christmas Card” came about? XD I'm mostly settled back into my house. It's a sty, really, and half the boxes are still sprawled all over the upper living room, but I have my computer and tablet up and running, so here I am once more. “The Christmas Card” came out of nowhere. I was sitting here one night thinking I'd love to be able to show people Kyu's pretty eyes in color (at least, I think they're pretty!) and it hit me: Why can't I? Thus began the journey.
Kyu is an attention whore. Anyone dare to take that mistletoe from him?
Risse, poor kid, hates cameras and didn't even think to put his champagne down long enough for me to take the picture. He's shy!
These two were a must to pose, as they're the only characters officially introduced. If I ever do another Omake (oh-MAH-kay, btw) Theater, it will include all introduced characters to point.
And Soucy? Well, aside from his wrapping paper fetish (I wonder when Kyu's gonna notice the little bugger is EATING those ribbons), he is very important to the story. He hasn't been introduced yet, so this is a bit of a teaser!
And with that, I thank all of you once again for taking a chance on my little story. I will return soon with the next update!
(Oh yeah - IRL, I bought a new car, my job is busy, I'm still sick, and somehow through it all, I'm feeling pretty happy. 'Tis the Season!)
~ Ten-chan
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