I finished the first script a few weeks ago and i just started the outline for the next story arc. New villains, new heroes and a continuation of the secret. i love planting things in the comics. story arc 1 will have 128 comics to it. i've finished 66 of them so far so about half way done. story arc 2's length is still unknown. i figure somewhere close to the first story arc.
Amazing Superteam
Updates on the Superteam project
at 1:48PM, July 18, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 4:02PM, July 18, 2007
i just finished the outline for superteam #2 and i'm totally stoked about it. it's gunna be awsome. :)
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 9:42AM, July 20, 2007
I've created a bunch of new character models for Superteam 2 and posted them here for your enjoyment.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 8:20PM, July 25, 2007
i actually wrote the first comic's script today. YAY. preproduction.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 1:14PM, July 26, 2007
i've written 7 scripts for superteam 2 now. i think i got a solid start. superteam 2 is going to be so much fun to work on. i hope you guys like it.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 12:44PM, Sept. 4, 2007
i have several designs finished for superteam 2 sets. there will also be a slight update to some of the main characters. new character designs are completed for now and the first 3 comics for superteam 2 are done. i have finished comic 83 for superteam 1. this puts me several weeks ahead of schedule. i don't expect to miss any update days any time soon.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 7:31PM, Jan. 7, 2008
as of jan 7th at 10:16 pm i have finally finished comic 128 which is the end of this storyline. don't worry, there will be plenty more superteam because there are still unanswered questions from this story. questions like who is the mysterious villain in comic #100 and what's his connection to prodigy? what does the M on prodigy's crate mean and what adventures will the amazing superteam face next?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
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