Coyote and I created a comic called Avaste Ye and submitted it to fully expecting to get a form letter saying sorry but your comic was not chosen. well, we were surprised when i got an email confirmation from Kwanza Johnson of DC comics saying that we were selected for the December contest. i called Coyote as soon as i could to let him know. we were both excited. this was really cool to be able to compete in a DC comics contest. I had no idea what comics we would be competing against so i had no idea if we even stood a chance of winning. once the new comics were up i was shocked by the variety. i started looking through them while Coyote and I talked on the phone. he was reading them and i was looking at the art. The art on some of the entries is down right impressive. the art on frankie is stunning. but after checking out the competition i realized that our comic was the only one that had a very different style. most of the rest looked like or close to print comic type art. i didn't think we stood a chance but was happy to just be selected from probablly hundreds of comics.
then the backlash started. people started bashing the comic almost right away. they started bashing zuda for selecting it to compete and calling the comic a slap in the face to the other competitors. none of the other competitors had this kind of reaction. some people did post harsh criticisms on the others but nothing to the degree that we got. then the first ranking update happened and we were #2. that was so weird. then people got ticked off that we were ranked higher than their comic or the one they liked the most. we were even told that our comic didn't belong on zuda and that it would be fine for drunkduck which made me laugh cause both sites are webcomic sites. we ended up getting several threads started up about our comic on the message boards and people started defending us. it's like a total crazy circus. it's a little frustrating at times because people think the comic shouldn't be part of the competition because DC would never print such a thing. it's like people can't seperate zuda from DC. this has spawned some excellent conversations in the comments and on the messageboards. the whole experience has been very interesting and exciting. we've turned into the biggest Zuda story so far. i can't wait to see what happens.
Amazing Superteam
Zuda comics and Avaste Ye
at 5:28PM, Dec. 7, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 7:26PM, Jan. 7, 2008
we came in 4th place in the contestso we moved the comic to DD. being on zudacomics has been a boon to superteam. my traffic has increased. also my superteam readers have started reading avast ye as well. it's doing better than superteam did at the beginning.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
at 7:13AM, Jan. 10, 2008
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM
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