this is the thread that you can post your fan fiction and fan art for my contest that ents june 23, 2007!
if you make your own thread and post it there in this forum… you will not be entered.
post in this thread please. it will make it easier for me to judge

Total Insanity: Contest Submissions
Total Insanity fan Contest 2007
at 12:08AM, June 10, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:26AM
at 9:53AM, June 18, 2007

Booya! okay so I just like dressing meme in cool things.. she seems like the type who'd wear cool/funky things, cause she's sexilicious like that.
PS: Drunkduck shurnk it, so here's the link to the full-size.
- Enter something witty here. -
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:26AM
at 8:51PM, June 22, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:26AM
at 9:56PM, July 26, 2007

*sigh* Finally, I found a place to put this without account termination, and with allowance of direct linking. |D
Yay! I have a weird thing with angels. Angels and mermaids… I'm weird XD
It's a little small, so… I know, tacky. I just had noplace else that would take it and let me direct link ;_;
We have a system! It's a good system. There's an old saying: Don't… change… anything… ever.
Das Macht Mich Krank
Das Macht Mich Krank
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:26AM
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