Other news: Angel has gotten the comic drawn up for this week, next week and the week after that. Expect no breaks from me! Hopefully the installment of Artemis' POV (or comic 10) will be going through Febuary and perhaps some of march, having a little bit of an issue with choosing the next POV…If anyone wants to mention who they'd like to see next comic, I'm open to a suggestion.
Another idea I've been playing with: last year I did a special song comic and I know you folks here on DD haven't seen it yet, would anyone like to see it or view it? If you do send me a PQ and I'll reserve a month to have it as a special side/filler comic, but if you guys don't care and just want the regular story you can tell me that too.
What else is there? Well, I've got another side comic idea that I want to try and get done for next Christmas, a WYDS parody called “The Nutcracker: An Unwanted Trip to the Land of Snow and Sweets”. It's still just in my brain hence why I don't know if it'll officially be created or not. Let me know if its worth pursuing.
That's it! *wink wink* For now anyway.
Happy Reading!
Reality Isn't What You See…
Reality Is…