In case you all don't know, there is an Official Zorphbert and Fred website. It has more details on the thought process behind the creation of Z&F, character sketches and probably more than you care to read about our alien friends. There's also a guestbook to sign! Go see, go see:
And if you really wanna kiss my ass, also check out my portfolio site I do plan on updating this site soon- graphics and content… it's probably 5 years old now and I'm sick of it!
Okay, bragging hour is over.
at 2:24PM, April 26, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
at 10:58AM, April 27, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
at 4:52PM, April 28, 2007
Great page as always. I'm also going to check out your website. Sounds very cool!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
at 12:44AM, April 30, 2007
Hiya, Dawn! Just visited your Z&F site again, and realised that last time I didn't take a look at the original sketches, they're great fun! I've also had a thorough look through your portfolio. I love the photography of Greece and Rome, think I recognise the odd one from my (few and far between) travels. Had another quick shufty round your store too, quite tempted to buy something else but I'm very skint right now, maybe after payday?
Keep the good stuff coming!
Rich….. I mean Ersatz.
P.S. Love the little sketch of you on the Z&F site, very cute!
Keep the good stuff coming!
Rich….. I mean Ersatz.
P.S. Love the little sketch of you on the Z&F site, very cute!
The Unitary Authority of Ersatz: Not so much a place as a waste of time.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
at 4:21PM, May 1, 2007
ah yes, the issues- is it time to vote again?
Ha! Love the “Zorphbert and Fred” Dog T-Shirt!
Ha! Love the “Zorphbert and Fred” Dog T-Shirt!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:27AM
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