you all know that i (gothicpoet) am the main face and talkative artist behind TI.
but you all don't know the people that helped me get it started and keep it alive.
first of is Heather (the creator of ZeeK that sometimes appears in my comic)
back in may of 2005 the idea to get total insanity on the web was struck by her actually. though the site to host it was created and what not. the idea of TI was still very immature and my skills at that time were not exactly up to par as they are today. so that site fell through. and i think to a point i based heather's spaztic impulsions for Chibi Me.
next up is my friend andy and who is the artist of the webcomic skewed reality.
he actually talked me into or basically conned me into getting TI on the web. lol he is actually the person behind the beautiful layout that you see before you. (though i did the banner XP so he can't take credit for that.)
both of these people have played a big part in TI's life span, for without them (and their insane fandom for the comic) it would probably be wasted away somewhere. but yeah these two (besides myself) do play a HUGE part in the existance of Total Insanity.
as for the unseen fans: i thank you very much. hate it or not, that's up to you. (i sitll get pageviews anyway XD) without you lurkers that don't comment TI wouldn't have close to 20,000 pageviews before its frist brithday in march.
and to Cheru: for the person that i have met through andy's comic (ironically) thanks for the linking from your comic to my own. i'm very greatful for that.
as for the people i didn't mention that do comment on the occasion: (there are so many of you that i don't remember you all)THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
without you, the fans, Total Insanity and the side comic Total Insanity The Anfri story. and future projects that i have planned for TI. take a bow! you guys are the fuel that makes me as the TI artist draw week in and week out.

Total Insanity's Blog
people behind Total Insanity
at 9:57PM, Feb. 17, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
at 10:08PM, Feb. 17, 2007
- Enter something witty here. -
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
at 10:36AM, Feb. 18, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
at 2:30PM, March 11, 2007
We have a system! It's a good system. There's an old saying: Don't… change… anything… ever.
Das Macht Mich Krank
Das Macht Mich Krank
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
at 3:55AM, Oct. 18, 2007
Even if just for a little while…I'd like to be Human again.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
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