The Cast
at 11:09AM, Feb. 5, 2007
heres where ill expand on the past story of all the charicters! weee!! aaand where ill anser any questions/explinations about the comic and its world.!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 11:34AM, Feb. 5, 2007
Grim- alright. we all know that this comic is about grim. and its talking about his story and stuff. he really didint have anything exciting going on with him until now, it was prety boring actually. Just alot of floating around and reaping souls.
Kitty Dude- kitty dude is, as youve already found out is a guardian. guardians are the deities of good in the immortal world. like angels. they live in the guardian realm, (very white clouds and sunny, heaven-like, if you will.) and they live there under their god, Solarius. and they help whatever being chooses to worship them. (the elves and some humans) anyways, a few thousand years back, there was a great war between the immortals and the guardians. cause the immortals wanted to destroy everything and the humans were all like ‘help us!’ so solarius created the 9 celestial warriors (who are named after our 9 planets) anyways, while the new warriors were being brought into existance, the immortls attacked the guardian relm and one un-born warrior (kitty dude) fell to the immortal world, where he lay dormant for a few thousand years until he was found and woken-up (and controlled) by Kharl. so kitty dude knows hes a guardian but he's never been to the guardian relm and dosint actually know of any of his powers or anything. he's also the only guardian currently residing in the immortal world.
Ryusei- ryusei's a dragon immortal. and the dragon class-system goes by color. the red, blue, green, orange, and brown dragons are the normal ones, then the white-black dragons are of royal birth. the pure black dragons serve the royal dragons.(there are also a multitude of mixed breed dragons. different colors and dragons being mixed with different elements, but these are reletivly rare.) Now ryusei, being a black dragon, had to spend his life serving the royal ones. and he hated it. so long story short, he renounced immortal law (the law dictated by ahkun,god of immortals) so he wouldint have to serve the royals anymore. the only preblem with this is in order to renounce the law of your birth, you must follow the law of an individual creator (i.e. a human or elf) so ryusei serched around and found Kharl, and now serves him.
Ahkun- The god of all immortals…well the god of the world actually, ahkun created the humans on his world, the immortals, the elves, and he created Solarius, the god of the guardians. he made solarius so he would have a counterbalance to all his creatures of destruction. solarius is the only one who can create guardians. Ahkun, finding that he liked the design for a guardian soo much, that he made his messengers of death in thier likeness (thus why Grim keeps getting mistaken for a messed up guardian (cause there are no black winged guardians, they all have white wings) )
sooo yea…ill update when i show you more charicters. X3
Kitty Dude- kitty dude is, as youve already found out is a guardian. guardians are the deities of good in the immortal world. like angels. they live in the guardian realm, (very white clouds and sunny, heaven-like, if you will.) and they live there under their god, Solarius. and they help whatever being chooses to worship them. (the elves and some humans) anyways, a few thousand years back, there was a great war between the immortals and the guardians. cause the immortals wanted to destroy everything and the humans were all like ‘help us!’ so solarius created the 9 celestial warriors (who are named after our 9 planets) anyways, while the new warriors were being brought into existance, the immortls attacked the guardian relm and one un-born warrior (kitty dude) fell to the immortal world, where he lay dormant for a few thousand years until he was found and woken-up (and controlled) by Kharl. so kitty dude knows hes a guardian but he's never been to the guardian relm and dosint actually know of any of his powers or anything. he's also the only guardian currently residing in the immortal world.
Ryusei- ryusei's a dragon immortal. and the dragon class-system goes by color. the red, blue, green, orange, and brown dragons are the normal ones, then the white-black dragons are of royal birth. the pure black dragons serve the royal dragons.(there are also a multitude of mixed breed dragons. different colors and dragons being mixed with different elements, but these are reletivly rare.) Now ryusei, being a black dragon, had to spend his life serving the royal ones. and he hated it. so long story short, he renounced immortal law (the law dictated by ahkun,god of immortals) so he wouldint have to serve the royals anymore. the only preblem with this is in order to renounce the law of your birth, you must follow the law of an individual creator (i.e. a human or elf) so ryusei serched around and found Kharl, and now serves him.
Ahkun- The god of all immortals…well the god of the world actually, ahkun created the humans on his world, the immortals, the elves, and he created Solarius, the god of the guardians. he made solarius so he would have a counterbalance to all his creatures of destruction. solarius is the only one who can create guardians. Ahkun, finding that he liked the design for a guardian soo much, that he made his messengers of death in thier likeness (thus why Grim keeps getting mistaken for a messed up guardian (cause there are no black winged guardians, they all have white wings) )
sooo yea…ill update when i show you more charicters. X3
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 3:58AM, Feb. 19, 2007
nice. Your comics great and the characters ROCK! I have some fanart but I dunno how to send it.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 10:29AM, Feb. 19, 2007
Yay for history! If only some of my teachers could hear me say that, oh how they'd rejoice. But then when they found out I was talking about a comic I don't think they'd be to happy…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 2:27PM, Feb. 19, 2007
I enjoyed reading that very much. you did a wonderful job ont he background so fthe characters and now there is al ittle more know about each one. good job there. ^O^
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 6:20PM, Feb. 19, 2007
Thankies so much for writing this out! I personally love reading characters backstory and such.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 12:32PM, Feb. 20, 2007
Kharl- not much is really known about the alchemist kharl. we do know that he had humble begginings, he grew up in a small human town, far away enough from the oppresive immortals that it was rarely attacked by them. perhaps it was because kharl had no first hand knowlage of the destructive nature of the immortals that shocked him so once he was old enough to venture to other places. the towns and cities he visited were ravaged and ransacked by immortals. this, and the compleate grusome anialation of kharl's only family (by immortals, while they forced him to watch) (they left him alive so he could live in torment…yes, very evil i know) but, unlike what most humans would do in his situation, (wallow in depression for the rest of their lives, or most likely, commit suicide) kharl's first thoughts were ones of revenge. they still are, i suppose, but his feelings of loathing and hatred have died down a bit over the years….anyways, kharl then devoted his life to the study of immortals and other creatures of the world. its a well known fact that immortals are very, very hard to kill. and unless you have in deapth knowlage of them and are able to infiltrate their system (at great personal risk to yourself) you most likely wont be able to kill one on your own. kharl isint one for taking personal risks. he's more of the, ‘i’ll have other people take the risks for me, and in the end, everything will comeout according to my plans.' So in kharls many studys abroad and adventuring, he came across the dormant body of a guardian (kitty dude) so kharl and his apprentace (you'll meet him in chapter 5) took the body back to his labratory to be studied. kharl then learned agreat deal about the beings known as guardians. and to his joy, found out that they were the exact element oppsite to the immortals. he now had a secret weapon against them. but first, everything required much more study. it was around this point that kharl's apprentace left him. (and on not very friendly terms i might add. ) (again, you will learn about this in chapter 5) the disappearance of his apprentace and the destructon that he had left in his wake, impeaded on kharls studies greatly. after some time passed, ryusei showed up, pledging his alleigance to kharl, in return for not having to follow immortal law. and kharls studdies started going smoother, now that he had a powerful dragon immortal on his side. and it is around here, when grim comes into the picture.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 12:53PM, Feb. 20, 2007
not much is really known about the alchemist kharl
Right before the longest background of all the charecters lol
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 1:35PM, Feb. 20, 2007
well…i didint actually know what i was gonna write till i wrote it…see ive never done kharl's story i made it up right there and then…but it still fits in nicely with the other charicters who interact with him…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 6:35PM, Feb. 20, 2007
Then good job at coming up with good background on the spot ^_^ It's really nicely done ^_^
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 11:15PM, Feb. 21, 2007
solarius created the 9 celestial warriors (who are named after our 9 planets)
There are only 8 planets, actually. Pluto is out, right?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 6:26AM, Feb. 22, 2007
i dont care what those stupid planatarian people say! i say pluto's a planet!!!! (its my favorite one….) (besides…ive had the pluto celestial warrior drawn up for a very long time now…i cant just get rid of him….)
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 2:51AM, Feb. 23, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 2:56AM, Feb. 23, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 7:02AM, Feb. 23, 2007
i like pluto, and saturn…cause saturn is the only one with the cool rings. X3
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 10:20AM, Feb. 24, 2007
En- En is apart of an eleite group of human theives. They take on jobs to steal/steal back valuables from immortals and other beings. for example, say a dragon pillaged a town and stole their priceless treasure of the mc cain family (or some such nonsense)
the family would then go to the theif village and hire a theif to go into the dragons lair and steal from the dragon. (there have been immortal laws set up in pertaining to theives and immortals. The law pretty much states that if i theif can get in and out of the immortals territory (with their stolen item) while the immortal is there and escape without being caught, the theif gets to keep the item without being pursued by the immortal. If the thief gets caught, he gets punished or hurt in some manner to the immortals liking, but he can't be killed. (since there arn't many thieves now-a-days) this enabels the humans who have been stolen from to earn some retribution. since they cant really do anything to the immortals, at least they might be able to get thier possesions back. … anyway, more about the theif way of life. a young thief who wants to pass the test to becoming a professinal theif (takes on jobs and gets that marking on their face (like En has) ) in order to become a pro, they have to sussesfully steal from a dragon. you can try and get caught as many times as you like. its not like you have a limit on how many times you can try to pass. so for some theives its easy. but for others..its not…(faharis knows what im talking about X3) so yeah…umm i think thats it..i dont really have much to say on En, its just more of what he is…yeah.
the family would then go to the theif village and hire a theif to go into the dragons lair and steal from the dragon. (there have been immortal laws set up in pertaining to theives and immortals. The law pretty much states that if i theif can get in and out of the immortals territory (with their stolen item) while the immortal is there and escape without being caught, the theif gets to keep the item without being pursued by the immortal. If the thief gets caught, he gets punished or hurt in some manner to the immortals liking, but he can't be killed. (since there arn't many thieves now-a-days) this enabels the humans who have been stolen from to earn some retribution. since they cant really do anything to the immortals, at least they might be able to get thier possesions back. … anyway, more about the theif way of life. a young thief who wants to pass the test to becoming a professinal theif (takes on jobs and gets that marking on their face (like En has) ) in order to become a pro, they have to sussesfully steal from a dragon. you can try and get caught as many times as you like. its not like you have a limit on how many times you can try to pass. so for some theives its easy. but for others..its not…(faharis knows what im talking about X3) so yeah…umm i think thats it..i dont really have much to say on En, its just more of what he is…yeah.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 10:06PM, Feb. 24, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 10:11PM, Feb. 24, 2007
Stealing IS the coolest crime. =^^= I watch too much 'Futurama".
“So, Cormac, have you ever had to deal with a pmsing werewolf?”
“Well, it's a real bitch.”
-Kitty and the Midnight Hour
“Well, it's a real bitch.”
-Kitty and the Midnight Hour
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 6:37PM, Feb. 25, 2007
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 8:49PM, March 6, 2007
About Ryusei And En's Rope - see…in after thought, i was having some trouble with this one….cause, in the immortal world, dragons have 4 forms. the first is how you've seen ryusei the most, a kind of split between human and dragon. the other three are different sizes of the same dragon he can be. the smallest is about the size of a cat. the second would have about the body mass of a large horse (but not as tall cause dragons legs are shorter…) and the third form is a riddiculous size that would allow perhaps 3-4 people the ability to hitch a ride on the dragons back (slim chance of that ever happening…) so anyways..i was thinking..couldint ryusei just transform into the smallest dragon form and escape? but then i realized that, like ryuseis necklace, the rope would shrink and grow as he changed forms. (the human-like form is the only one that retains clothing in the transformation) so, anyways, no matter what size dragon ryusei turned into, he would have broken his limbs because the bone structure of a dragon wouldint allow its limbs to become bent in such a fashion because it would..well, break them. so yeah…i figured it out after some thought.
Aaaand what else…if you thought it was strange how En was able to stop an all powerful dragon immortal so easily is because most theives only specialize in dragons, being the fact that its dragons whom they steal from the most…oh another fun fact. if you go back to the page where grim was like ‘you’re coming with me thief' …if you look at En's shoes, you'll see that they have claws on the ends. this is because the primary function of those shoes is to climb the sheer rock cliff-face that leads up to many a dragon's den. (these shoes are standard issue for any aspiring thief) their also very good for climbing trees and other stuff like that…yeaaah…okay im done for now. X3
Aaaand what else…if you thought it was strange how En was able to stop an all powerful dragon immortal so easily is because most theives only specialize in dragons, being the fact that its dragons whom they steal from the most…oh another fun fact. if you go back to the page where grim was like ‘you’re coming with me thief' …if you look at En's shoes, you'll see that they have claws on the ends. this is because the primary function of those shoes is to climb the sheer rock cliff-face that leads up to many a dragon's den. (these shoes are standard issue for any aspiring thief) their also very good for climbing trees and other stuff like that…yeaaah…okay im done for now. X3
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 3:38AM, March 7, 2007
Heh there was some sort of saying about an authors ability to fill in plot holes afterwords but I can't remember it :P
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 10:11PM, April 1, 2007
The Older Grim - okaay what Ahkun basicly did was increase Grims power tenfold, prettymuch to a point where he has no control over it anymore. and of corse when someone gets more powerful they look older and are much more sexier X3 yeaah so grim now has no control over his killing abilities. its kinda like how you cant stop your heart from beating…its uncontrolable…well im sure if grim trained and worked with it, he could probably learn to control it, but hes not to smart that way…hes just all emo and sad right now cause he thinks hes gonna kill kittydude if he stays around him. so yeah. its all sad and stuff. But i have to say, out of all the chapters so far, i looove chapter four the best. you guys will see, you will love it. XD
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 3:12PM, April 6, 2007
Why the lady isint freaked out by Grim's lack of clothing - its not uncommon for some immortals to be garment-less because it is known that a good deal of them can shape-shift. and it requires a whole lot of power to shapeshift while retaining your clothing. so usually ummm lets say we have a wolf immortal. and hes in human form (or as close as he can get to it) and hes wearing pants. a really weak immortal would shapeshift without taking the pants into concideration and the pants would tear off him as he shifted his shape. an intermidiate immortal, (most immortals) would shapeshift and have the pants dissapear entirely,and the wouldint be able to bring them back from wherever they went (lost in the magical vaccum i suppose) . Now, a powerful immortal can shapeshift and shape-back while retaining their same clothing. (they also can change their clothing at will, but not the clothings mass…umm think the laws of alchemy as in fullmetal alchemist when reffering to the shifting of clothes….not that it really matters cause they could just change clothes like a regular person….) another way is to put magic/power into a certian outfit of clothes, so whenever that immortal changes from animal to human form, they already have an outfit to wear. of course it would be the same outfit every time (say hes wearing jeans, and he changes into shorts, then he becomes a wolf, then when he shape-sifts back into a human, hes wearing that same pair of jeans that he put the power into.)…i'd think it would get dirty or something..but hey..i dunno. soooo yeah…theres the long clothing explination. oh and an normal immortal can do the same outfit every time description thingy which is what our new sub-charicter will be doing. (you'll see in a few pages) so yeah, archangel, i hope that ansers your question. (^^)
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at 5:24PM, April 7, 2007
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at 1:46PM, April 9, 2007
Why the tiger beast wants to destroy the village - okay, in the immortal world, (as ahkun has set it up), its all very balanced in a very yin-yang type of way. the humans and the elves create. and the immortal beings, (and sometimes the myths) destroy. because you cant have creation without destruction and vise-versa. So, naturaly, an immortal will have an urge to destory things. just as a human will want to create things. ((though its a good thing that the immortals destroy stuff…cause if they didint, the humans creations would get out of control and the humans would then start wars with themselfs because there HAS to be some destruction..and well basiclly how our world is, all mesed up with global warming and crap. the immortal world is just nicely balanced so that technoloygy has stayed somewhere a bit more advanced then the middle ages.((but theres magic in the world its magicly advanced more then tecnology advanced..)) (with the exception of Kharls labratory…i dont know how ahkun let that one slide…i guess there has to be some exceptions to the rule…but umm yeah.))
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 4:37PM, April 10, 2007
Ah, yes. I can see how they'd need destruction. But you'd think there'd be a limit. =^^=
“So, Cormac, have you ever had to deal with a pmsing werewolf?”
“Well, it's a real bitch.”
-Kitty and the Midnight Hour
“Well, it's a real bitch.”
-Kitty and the Midnight Hour
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 12:52PM, April 12, 2007
I-agree-there-should-be-a-limit.-And-for-me-that-limit-is-rape.-Why?-I have-no-clue,-I-just-always-had-a-special-hatred-for-rape-=/
I-agree-there-should-be-a-limit.-And-for-me-that-limit-is-rape.-Why?-I have-no-clue,-I-just-always-had-a-special-hatred-for-rape-=/
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 9:24PM, April 16, 2007
oh..yeah…sorry about the whole rape thing….i dont think anything like that will happen for a good long while….there will be some visious eating of innocent children in chapter umm…8 i think…but its well justified. the creatures that do it were taken out of a real myth! and its what they do. they eat people…mostly chilren….cause their easier to catch…as grim finds out…umm yeah…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 9:44PM, April 16, 2007
Genrou- even though he really insint important to this comic, genrou is extremly important to the immortal world itself. Genrou is the First Immortal Vampire Lord. heh…that spells FIVL…heh oh! anyways…hes the strongest immortal ever created by Ahkun. his ridiculous power was kindof a mistake though. see Ahkun has created millions and millions of immortals, so he gets kinda bored…so, just for kicks, he wanted to see what would happen if he put part of himself into an immortals body while he was creating it. well…the result was that from time to time, genrou goes out of control and starts killing and destroying things without stopping until something is able to stop him…either he falls asleep after about 2 weeks of strait up destruction, or it takes the other three immortal lords to restrain him/destract him. Genrou also has the power to destroy ahkuns entire universe…to ahkuns ultamite worry (though genrou has no idea that his power could reach THAT kind of limit) Anyway, talking about the more general structure of the immortal. in order to create a being that is immortal, a being that will never naturaly feel death or the passage of time, you have to make it so the immortal will never grow or move forward without the stimulation/urging of a being of creation. so, without humans/elves/some myths, immortals wouldint knw what to do with themselves. you know how humans evolve and create inventions and move forward in our general understanding of our universe? its beacuse were drivin by the desire that we dont have much time to do it all in. its immposable for any human to fully experiance/understand everything in this world. an immortal does have the time, but they dont have the will to pursue it. so. pretty much, you have to have one or the other. immortality, or the will to exist and experance/create things. another thing beings of creation have, they have limits. unseen but felt. everyone has a point where they cant go any furthur. immortals dont. except for the lwas set down by ahkun (terms of conduct between races and such) they dont have..umm oh! immortals dont have morals.
so back to what ahkun wants to do. ahkun wanted to be able to create an omnipotent being, someone that could truly exist in every area. the immortals could be it if they only felt complex emotions and limits and morals. so, ahkun found a world abandond by its god. (our world) ((lets not get into real religion. my comic world, my rules)) so ahkun then paired up a human (to be born) with his immortals, to be a perfect match to the immortal (the two would fit like puzzle peices ) and yes. they would fall in love. the most binding of emotions. this would enable the immortals to truly feel something for someone other than themselves.
anyways, genrou was the first immortal chossen for this experement. later in the story, (chapter 9 i think) grim will visit the human world and see what ahkuns meddling has done to it. umm yeah…i didint really explain genrou too much here…cause before i explain him, theres sooo much i need to say about the immortal world in general…so yeah…perhaos ill make up a bunch of picture diagrams…i dunno…i commend you for reading all of this. great job! X3
so back to what ahkun wants to do. ahkun wanted to be able to create an omnipotent being, someone that could truly exist in every area. the immortals could be it if they only felt complex emotions and limits and morals. so, ahkun found a world abandond by its god. (our world) ((lets not get into real religion. my comic world, my rules)) so ahkun then paired up a human (to be born) with his immortals, to be a perfect match to the immortal (the two would fit like puzzle peices ) and yes. they would fall in love. the most binding of emotions. this would enable the immortals to truly feel something for someone other than themselves.
anyways, genrou was the first immortal chossen for this experement. later in the story, (chapter 9 i think) grim will visit the human world and see what ahkuns meddling has done to it. umm yeah…i didint really explain genrou too much here…cause before i explain him, theres sooo much i need to say about the immortal world in general…so yeah…perhaos ill make up a bunch of picture diagrams…i dunno…i commend you for reading all of this. great job! X3
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
at 9:49PM, April 16, 2007
oh! also, Genrou is the only immortal that cant be killed. he really cant. i mean theres one way…to be killed by his chosen human…but that cant happen cause the human will love genrou and trusts him equally as much as genrou loves/trusts the human. so its pretty immposable…also genrou cant kill himself. his body/soul/i dont know wont let him. some sort of force .(perhaps the part of ahkun) anyway.. its led to genrou being massivly depressed. (before he met his chosen human) he tired to kill himself every single way he could think of…and it didint work..
as youve sen genrou now, (in the comic) hes already met his chosen human and is alot happier/calmer now. he primarily stays in the human world, and is visiting the immortal world now for a short time.
as youve sen genrou now, (in the comic) hes already met his chosen human and is alot happier/calmer now. he primarily stays in the human world, and is visiting the immortal world now for a short time.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:32AM
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