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Writers Block! HELP!
josif at 6:06AM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 156
joined: 1-7-2006
I currently have writers block and cant think of something to make a comic about. Can someone tell me how to cure myself from this horrible disease? Or even better think of a comic idea for me?
Your Reading Skills Have Increased By Two Points.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
Mark at 6:32AM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 286
joined: 8-29-2006
Curing writers block? Drugs and Alcohol give good insights.
Also starving yourself and sleep depravation helps too.
As would food poisoning and other illnesses that make you feel like crap.
I'm sure intense physical pain could help inspire as well.

Seriously, somebody once told me that if one can take in everything around him from every aspect of life, and churn out his interpretations/influences in his medium of choice, he could potentially reach a state where he'll never run out of ideas.

If that fails, I'm sure my bogus advice would make an interesting strip
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
Aurora Moon at 7:39AM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 2,630
joined: 1-7-2006
Just don't think too hard. just type randomly what comes to mind.. that often sparks some very intersting ideas and some results.
I'm on hitatus while I redo one of my webcomics. Be sure to check it out when I'n done! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:09AM
OutofLine at 8:08AM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 67
joined: 9-9-2006
Take some ideas from your dreams.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:23PM
Peipei at 8:10AM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 535
joined: 7-18-2006
I keep a little pink journal of ideas for my webcomic. It's my brainstorming book :3 I take it everywhere I go, because I could get some kind of idea when i'm out at my job or sitting and eating lunch. Just a suggestion but it's helped me out alot ^~^

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:41PM
ProfessorF at 9:48AM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 48
joined: 11-21-2006
Do a comic about writers block.

An alien comes to your strip, demanding one of your characters write a funny story, or else he'll blow up the Earth. Sadly, your guy gets hit with writers block, and starts pleading with all of his friends for ideas. They all get writers block too, and the Earth is destroyed.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:53PM
josif at 12:24PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 156
joined: 1-7-2006
Curing writers block? Drugs and Alcohol give good insights.
Also starving yourself and sleep depravation helps too.
As would food poisoning and other illnesses that make you feel like crap.
I'm sure intense physical pain could help inspire as well.

Seriously, somebody once told me that if one can take in everything around him from every aspect of life, and churn out his interpretations/influences in his medium of choice, he could potentially reach a state where he'll never run out of ideas.

If that fails, I'm sure my bogus advice would make an interesting strip

Thats the best advice anyones ever given me! :)
Your Reading Skills Have Increased By Two Points.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
MiniMyth at 12:37PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 71
joined: 11-18-2006
Go take a shower. I don't know why, but this almost always works for me. It's most bizarre. Something to do with the hot water, I think.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:02PM
herio at 1:10PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 702
joined: 1-7-2006
i normally start makeing something

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:47PM
Zac at 1:28PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 1,311
joined: 10-14-2006
i normally start makeing something

Someone has an obsession with making hats! I think he's trying to start some sort of hat uprising.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:53PM
CommonSense at 1:56PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 32
joined: 11-1-2006
Writer's block is pretty common. The thing is, people try too hard to think of something good. Usually, good ideas are ideas that come to you when you are not focusing on it. It's like when you are trying to find something, you might not find it, but you might find it later when you aren't trying to look for it. So just live life like you normally would and use situations in your life. I am not a great writer myself, but I hope my advice helps man. I am not a great writer because I follow my advice. It doesn't help that my life is hell of boring. I hope you have a good life man. :D
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:44AM
Juliechan at 2:30PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 51
joined: 10-24-2006

Just relax and don't worry about it for a while. It's kind of like when you study really hard for a big test and than when the text roles around you're so stressed abou remembering the answers that you know you studied that you seem to forget them all.
Just relax and breath. An idea will hit sooner or later and than you'll be back into the comic making zone.

Don't try and rush writers block…it seems to only make things worse.

Good luck~ :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
AQua_ng at 3:15PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
Here's the science about it. Your mind can be split up into two bits: conscious and subconscious. You've got lots of things running around your subconscious part, it's crazy I tells you, crazy! The conscious bit is the one that rationalises all these mad thoughts.

A problem with a writer's block is that you can't get anything out i.e. think of anything. The conscious part is blocking all the non-sense of the sub. You need to let to seperate them. Without sleeping.

These can be done by a number of things. Three really.

- Phone a friend: while your consciousness is focusing on the meaningless chat (“And then they had to get some dogs to pull her out”) the mind wanders and the crazy thoughts pop up from time to time.

- A shower: this personally works for me. When I'm not singing. Ahem. It's the same theory as there's nothing to push the consciousness to work. The subconsciousness arrives again and like lightning, a spark of brilliance freezes you. Wait…

- Long ride home: boredom can be your friend you know. It woun't stand you up when your adrift on a Saturday night. The mind again wanders and thoughts strike in. It's handy keep a pen a pad during that train journey.

Another problem, solved by SCIENCE!

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:55AM
Tantz_Aerine at 3:46PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 2,028
joined: 10-11-2006
Do a comic about writers block.

An alien comes to your strip, demanding one of your characters write a funny story, or else he'll blow up the Earth. Sadly, your guy gets hit with writers block, and starts pleading with all of his friends for ideas. They all get writers block too, and the Earth is destroyed.

I think this is a brilliant idea, ProfessorF :) Someone should definitely do this comic!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:06PM
ProfessorF at 4:56PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 48
joined: 11-21-2006
Tantz Aerine
Do a comic about writers block.

An alien comes to your strip, demanding one of your characters write a funny story, or else he'll blow up the Earth. Sadly, your guy gets hit with writers block, and starts pleading with all of his friends for ideas. They all get writers block too, and the Earth is destroyed.

I think this is a brilliant idea, ProfessorF :) Someone should definitely do this comic!

Thanks, Tantz Aerine!

It's out there for anyone who wants it (just let me know so I can enjoy the finished product!)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:53PM
Glarg at 5:59PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
iÃ? normally start makeing something

Someone has an obsession with making hats! I think he's trying to start some sort of hat uprising.
Viva La Hat Reveloution!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:36PM
WingNut at 6:17PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 746
joined: 10-13-2006
Yay Verily! All must wear hats in our glorious new world!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:50PM
marine at 8:43PM, Jan. 5, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
Steal jokes. Do a google for “jokes” and take the first result. Saved me a few times.

My favorite thing to do is to go to forums where people whine about their problems and take their stories as the foundation for a story arc. Just look for a teen help or teenchat forum. Comedy gold.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
Mark at 2:16AM, Jan. 6, 2007
posts: 286
joined: 8-29-2006
make fun of Emos. Everyone loves insulting an emo
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
marine at 3:13AM, Jan. 6, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
make fun of Emos. Everyone loves insulting an emo

Been done to death. I did it two years ago, and emos still suck. I swear, the goth kids were better then the god damned emos are.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
josif at 4:06AM, Jan. 6, 2007
posts: 156
joined: 1-7-2006
Wow people are actually commenting on a thread I made.
Your Reading Skills Have Increased By Two Points.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
shaneronzio at 10:45AM, Jan. 6, 2007
posts: 496
joined: 12-4-2006
I currently have writers block and cant think of something to make a comic about. Can someone tell me how to cure myself from this horrible disease? Or even better think of a comic idea for me?

It is all in the mind…
just take a walk outside and look at things from a Different perspective.

set something on fire.

watch it burn.

do something you normally wouldn't do.

If you always do what you have always done than you will always be what you have always been.
Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
jgib99 at 8:46PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 558
joined: 2-8-2006
My favorite thing to do is to go to forums where people whine about their problems and take their stories as the foundation for a story arc. Just look for a teen help or teenchat forum. Comedy gold.

I think that's how Degrassi gets most of their story ideas. lol!

Anyway. Back to the topic.

Whenever I get writer's block. I just take a couple of days off from thinking about the story. Sometimes your mind just needs a break. Spend the time going out. Have fun with friends and enjoy life. Works for me all the time.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM
Gregory at 10:43PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 86
joined: 1-3-2006
Try some mind altering drugs. Everybody does it.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:39PM
Mark at 5:42AM, Jan. 8, 2007
posts: 286
joined: 8-29-2006
so is that how you've been cosistently writting awesome telenarious scripts?

I know your seeeecreet
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
Crazy Dutchman at 7:33AM, Jan. 11, 2007
posts: 558
joined: 2-6-2006
You can't run out of ideas. Yeah, maybe for one comic series, but then put it away for a while, make another series, make a few extra comics (of another subject), or introduce a new character. Ideas WILL come eventually. Also it doesn't have to be funny. You can make a comic about everything and it doesn't even have to contain a joke. If that's not good enough and you especially want to make a joke and not change your comic, then stop for a while and wait for ideas.
I tought I've had trouble of a writers block lots of times, but that was just that I wanted to try something new, I have a book where I write all of my ideas and I haven't even used the half of it, it's more that I want something fresh most of the time and when I really want that it will just happen. The only time I had a REAL writers block was during the 24 Hour Comic Day, but that was because of the short amount of time and even than I got an idea and finished my 24-paged comic and still had time left. Be patient, or stop being to critical is my advice.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:48AM
shaneronzio at 7:56AM, Jan. 11, 2007
posts: 496
joined: 12-4-2006
Just Freak Out.
Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
carrollhach at 8:55AM, Jan. 11, 2007
posts: 102
joined: 9-29-2006
Sometimes we get the Block because of a particular storyline. maybe it was under- or over-thought. Maybe the characters are acting in a way that differs from their consistent behavior (think Calvin and Hobbes). Maybe the idea is really good but needs to rest.

Whatever it is, the big question remains: is it better to plow ahead and suck or take a breather? I sometimes find when I'm stuck that drawing characters helps me out (the current Clench and Cheese took a big sweep once I drew the bugeyed gentleman who is in today's strip, for example, and the resulting punchline made me laugh out loud because I was surprised by it). If all else fails, try this:

First, make sure you have no interruptions for at least an hour. Go somewhere unusual if you can. Bring a legal pad and a pen and/or pencil. Have a drink or a cup of coffee. Maybe smoke a bowl if that's your thing. Whatever… get out of your rigid mindset however you can.

Then, make a list of random words. Write down the left side of the page until you reach the bottom. Take another piece of paper and cover up what you've just written. Write another list of words down the other side. Look at the lists side by side. Draw random lines between pairs of words. Take a pair and try to think of everything that relates them. Write it down. Make some sketches.

This is kind of a jumpstart method, you know? Like: potted plant—washing machine. Why would you put a potted plant in a washing machine? Washing machines shake. Potted plants would quiver if set on one. What would a plant say? Where would the soil go? What would your wife say when she saw you washing a plant in the washing machine? Make a sketch of it…

This is an extremely effective way to bring the fun back into your work. It's like taking a vacation.
Josh Carrollhach
For profile inormation, other comics and general blog stuff, please check out
The Clench and Cheese Blog
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:36AM
kimikoluvskakashi at 9:47AM, Jan. 11, 2007
posts: 4
joined: 11-30-2006
ummmmmm….im not really good about writers block but i do have a story idea…i made a short story called the villians win. it origially started out w/ darth vader but ended up with buzz lightyear…the whole point is that villians actually take over the world. heroes cheat i tell you! villians monologue, and heroes don't! damn cheaters…
kakashi is my whore damnit… don't u take him away…*pulls out shotgun*
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:15PM
kimikoluvskakashi at 9:48AM, Jan. 11, 2007
posts: 4
joined: 11-30-2006
sorry i like to rant sometimes…the story is also where i got my name kimiko…
kakashi is my whore damnit… don't u take him away…*pulls out shotgun*
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:15PM

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