I'm posting an idea for a comic called Fractions. For the next few days it will post 5 pages that is essentially a prequel to the main story followed by few concept drawings and a introduction to the storyline.
It's a sci-fi comic that's more serious than funny. Lots of conflict, politics and warfare. Non the less, funny bits will be seen from time to time but only when appropriate.
The pages are drawn using MS.Paint which only enhances the awesomeness if you get my drift. If an artist, who is not busy or is willing to take on more projects sees this, then by all means take a look. Please give comments and let me know if you're interested in putting your name on this tale.
My responsibilities will be writing the story and making the storyboard. I need an artist and maybe a colorist as well.
Networking & Community Projects*
Writer with no drawing skill is looking for an artist. Check out these consept drawings....
Product Placement
at 12:47AM, Feb. 2, 2008
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:49PM
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