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Who is your service provider
roma at 12:37PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 62
joined: 4-5-2006
I am in a difficult situation right now. didn't pay the Cable. You see, I have broadband internet that i get through the cable company(Time Warner, their logo looks like the evil eye). The speed is awesome but the bills have gotten higher for some mysterious reason. customer service is just giving me the run around and I refuse to pay for something that is completely unexplainable. But I'll be off line. I'm a college student who is on a budget, I don't live on campus so I have to pay for everything out of my pocket.

I thought broadband would be good due to the fact that VOIP (Vonage) phone bills were so cheap. It would be nice to know what everyone uses.

What do people have on Drunk Duck. DSL, Dialup, Broadband? How much does it cost?
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:10PM
legendkiller13 at 12:56PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 155
joined: 1-1-2007
cable…i have no choice…the evil monopoly has me in the sith death grip
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:34PM
Ozoneocean at 12:59PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 29,085
joined: 1-2-2004
What do people have on Drunk Duck. DSL, Dialup, Broadband? How much does it cost?
$60.95 Australian dollars a month… broadband cable.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:26PM
Tantz_Aerine at 1:49PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 2,028
joined: 10-11-2006
DSL. That's the speediest available connection in Greece so far. 50-60 euro per month, I think. I can never recall.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:06PM
flaak_monkey at 2:30PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 120
joined: 2-7-2006
i have At&t DSL.

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:29PM
skoolmunkee at 3:33PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
I want to move this thread but I don't know where…. :|
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:40PM
Ozoneocean at 3:40PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 29,085
joined: 1-2-2004
Anything can go in the Top Drawer ;)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:26PM
roma at 3:52PM, April 28, 2007
posts: 62
joined: 4-5-2006
I just put the numbers in a currency converter and I realized that the price is close to what I am paying now. I say its a conspiracy

I want to move this thread but I don't know where…. :|

Opps, I didn't know that I posted it in the wrong forum. Sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:10PM
SpANG at 7:53AM, April 29, 2007
posts: 3,103
joined: 1-1-2006
DSL is cheaper. It may be a little slower, but it has never let me down.

There has to be a reason your bill got higher though.

Threatening helps, unfortunately. Usually you have to threaten to disconnect before any company lowers your bill, or at least explains the charges to you. That's what I'd do. I would go all the way to a disconnect order, so they don't think you are bluffing. Worse comes to worse, you can always call back in and cancel the disconnect.

Just make sure you tell them you are leaving and gong to a competitor because of their high prices.

If you just feel the increase hasn't been explained to your satisfaction, demand a supervisor. If you do not get a supervisor, threaten to report them to the Public Utilities Commission. If you still get no satisfaction, actually report them to the PUC.
“To a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:52PM
reconjsh at 8:07AM, April 29, 2007
posts: 663
joined: 12-18-2006
A lot of times cable providers will put you on extended discount plans. Like, when you sign up you get 6-12 months of a particular rate. But, as they probably only briefly mentioned to you… that's a promotional rate that ends at the end of the term.

And/or - they may have snuck a rate increase notice on one of your bills just because they were raising it for everyone. I rarely read bills since I pay everything online… so I miss stuff like that all the time.

Anyways - I'd call them and tell them you want a cheaper bill. If they can't offer anything, then tell them you are going to search for another provider. They often have discounts that they can offer to anyone in order to maintain business. Once every 6 months I have to call my cable company and negotiate my rate because I've been on the introductory discount since I started service with them 4 years ago. How? Every 6 months I tell them I'm going to the Direct TV and DSL unless they keep my rate low… and they always agree.

Seriously. Give it a try. This works for almost all service providers assuming there is actually competition for them in your area. I recently canceled my phone service and switched to Vonage. When I told them that, they spent about 10 minutes telling me how much money they could save me with these miraculous promotions that they only mentioned once I said I was leaving. All it did was piss me off because they were over-charging me all that time and more or less admitted it… but yeah, the point is they offered it.

And they will for you too if you show them you understand how the “system” works and that you're serious.

Good luck.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:02PM
reidavidson at 9:25AM, April 29, 2007
posts: 177
joined: 1-29-2007
Depends on who's wireless I'm picking up on and stealing at the time. ;) I have the most sensitive wireless equipment evah and three or four open networks near my house.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:04PM
Phantom Penguin at 9:30AM, April 29, 2007
posts: 1,074
joined: 1-6-2006
Cable. But I hate this provider.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:42PM
Ozoneocean at 9:34AM, April 29, 2007
posts: 29,085
joined: 1-2-2004
I've had my Cable internet since about 2001 and since then it's gotten faster and slightly cheaper.

You do have to check on your bills though. At one stage my rate had gone down to about $8 cheaper and they didn't tell me so for two month I was still paying the older higher rate. Sneaky bastards! I notices the cheaper rate in some advertising and sorted it out with them.- always check on the current deals.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:26PM
Red Slayer at 10:39AM, April 29, 2007
posts: 1,872
joined: 3-1-2006
I used dial up until i found out that one of my local cable companies offered cheap DSL.
I pay 600 in local currency, $17.14 US dollars.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:02PM
Thirdperiodlunch at 12:51PM, April 29, 2007
posts: 73
joined: 5-4-2006
I have Verizon DSL. It's cheap, fast, and amazing.
Maybe a little faulty in my area when there is bad weather, but it works.
I can't remember the exact price… Around $17 I think.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:29PM
Phantom Penguin at 1:01PM, April 29, 2007
posts: 1,074
joined: 1-6-2006
I used to have comcast in Michigan. But in Kentucky I have this pile of provider called Insight. Its overpriced and slow as a cripped person climbing a hill.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:42PM
reconjsh at 3:01PM, April 29, 2007
posts: 663
joined: 12-18-2006
Phantom Penguin
I used to have comcast in Michigan. But in Kentucky I have this pile of provider called Insight. Its overpriced and slow as a cripped person climbing a hill.
What are gangsters doing out climbing hills??
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:02PM
Red Slayer at 3:42PM, April 29, 2007
posts: 1,872
joined: 3-1-2006
Lookin' for them hoes.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:02PM
Jimeth at 3:58PM, April 29, 2007
posts: 128
joined: 3-13-2006
Broadband. And my parents pay for it as well.

Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhh.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM

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