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What do you do during blackouts?
Aurora Moon at 5:14PM, Aug. 21, 2008
posts: 2,630
joined: 1-7-2006
So just two hour ago, I was stuck in the middle of an hour-long Blackout.

During that time period, I fond myself being bored as seeing I had already read most of my books that I had purchased and so on forth. It's amazing how many forms of entertainment you have and take for granted that requires electricity.

I also found myself being hungry. As seeing my stove only worked with electricity, I had to go outside and light up my grill and pretty much just grilled everything I could have in my fridge.

So what do you do during an blackout? Do you have any emergency plans for it should it go on for more than an hour? and so on forth.
I'm on hitatus while I redo one of my webcomics. Be sure to check it out when I'n done! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:10AM
HippieVan at 5:22PM, Aug. 21, 2008
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
My laptop's battery is usually charged, so I don't have too much trouble finding something to do.
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:49PM
kyupol at 6:09PM, Aug. 21, 2008
posts: 3,739
joined: 1-12-2006
sleep. If its too warm, improvise a fan with a thin book or a piece of cardboard.

And next time get a pile of candles.

it should it go on for more than an hour? and so on forth.

You havent seen a blackout that went on for a week (Philippines… a typhoon damaged the electrical posts).

The 1st 2 days were the most difficult. But on the 3rd day and succeeding days, I was already getting accustomed to a life without electricity. People mostly were outside talking to each other, the kids playing ball games, etc.

On the positive note, a blackout is a good time to have some social interaction with your neighbors. Get to know them. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:26PM
Skullbie at 6:34PM, Aug. 21, 2008
posts: 4,805
joined: 12-9-2007
I continue my internet and art on my laptop and taunt my mom (jokingly) that i have ‘THE POWA!’ while she rolls her eyes and reads her book. Once my laptop battery runs our i go ‘:<’ and ask mom if she wants to go get ice cream.
It usually comes back on when we get back, the powa.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:46PM
SarahN at 6:39PM, Aug. 21, 2008
posts: 1,580
joined: 1-1-2006
The last blackout I had lasted about 2-3 hours. Mostly we just sat. And waited. Eventually played card games a little. Listened to crappy radio. Sat and waited some more.

I'd definitely have to do better than that if I ever get a day to couple of day-long blackout. o.o;
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:23PM
crazyninny at 6:47PM, Aug. 21, 2008
posts: 1,457
joined: 7-20-2006
I either sit and caplaim about the blackout, read a book, or watch a DVD on the DVD player.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:49AM
Bocaj at 7:41PM, Aug. 21, 2008
posts: 3,280
joined: 4-3-2007
Card Games, grill everything in sight (for food), read books, reread old comic books (Calvin and Hobbes anyone??).

Yeah a few years ago I had a blackout that lasted for weeks. Interesting, especially because our plumbing (so toilets and showers and all water) we electrically enhanced. Yeah. VERY interesting. After that fiasco my parents decided we needed a backup generator, so during a power outage I just can't use too many electronics at once.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:32AM
Custard Trout at 12:22AM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 4,566
joined: 2-22-2007
I either wait it out, or I play my ukulele. Although not very well, I'm not even that good when I can actually see what I'm doing.
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:01PM
SeriousQuiche at 5:28AM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 604
joined: 3-5-2006
Play my DS till the battery dies.

During Katrina, we were trying to save food, so we made cookies on the grill outside…very smoky flavor.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:28PM
lothar at 5:45AM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 1,786
joined: 1-3-2006
Blackout ? what the hell is that ? seriously , when i lived in California there were blackouts all the time . but i have yet to experience one since i moved to Japan . i think it may be time the US upgraded their power grid . oh wait , they blew all that money on Wars !
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
Aioazech at 9:49AM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 25
joined: 8-18-2008
Depends on whether the blackout is lightening related or not. D:

Either way, the first place I go to is the freezer to eat up whatever ice cream is in it. :] You know, before it melts.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:48AM
Jellomix at 10:29AM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 112
joined: 7-27-2008
The last blackout I remember is that big blackout 5 years ago that hit all around North America. Other than that, there were a few short power failures that only lasted a couple of seconds. =\

I don't think it'd be too hard to entertain myself without electricity. First of all, I don't get bored easily (a.k.a I'm easily amused) and second of all, I'm sort of used to it. I visit China sometimes during my summers and where I stay, I don't use the Internet or even the TV since I'm not fluent in Chinese.
Solutions to blackouts (if they're in the middle of the day): practice piano, draw, bond with family, play cards, clean, exercise, enjoy fresh air, or use the DS… I'd probably get my comic done if there were more blackouts! @_@
Sig? Yeah, I'll get to it. >_<
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM
bravo1102 at 11:12AM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 6,280
joined: 1-21-2008
I set up some candles and my emergency light and built models and then did some reading. I didn't mind at all.

I also have a landline phone so I can call and find out what's going on. The cell towers can go out too you know.

As for updating the power grid: that is not the job of the Federal or state government, that is the job of the power companies. However to update anything they need permits, but the enviornmentalists won't let them update the grid and no one wants any new power plants in their backyard. But when their power goes out…

California is one of the worst offenders in not allowing any plants or power infrastructure to be built. Blame your local government and the Sierra Club not the DoD.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:33AM
imshard at 11:28AM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 2,961
joined: 7-26-2007
I Don't have blackouts. I use solar panels and battery backup.
If they run out I have a gas generator.
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last edited on July 14, 2011 12:58PM
amanda at 12:10PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 2,075
joined: 9-19-2007
They're pretty infrequent around here, and if they *do* occur, the power is typically back on within 10-15 minutes. However, when I was a po' college kid and got my power shut off for not paying my bills (this was years ago, mind) - I found that I really didn't use much electricity anyway.
Play outside! Unless it's raining/carrying on. Then play inside!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:51AM
spiritmonkey at 3:18PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 501
joined: 8-11-2007
I've never know a “blackout” occur anywhere near where I live
We do very occasionally (maybe once every two years) get powercuts but they'll barely last twenty minutes…

If the power was out for a long time I'd probably just play my guitar and read books :)
Timmy And the Bleach

There are many things in this world that are uncertain
I'd say I'm one of them
But I'm not sure
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:54PM
Drasnus at 3:51PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 173
joined: 12-20-2007
Sit in the corner and wait for god to come back.

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:16PM
GiantPinkWalrus at 4:33PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 46
joined: 1-5-2008
I sit in a corner and pet Drasnus.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
Puff_Of_Smoke at 5:02PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 3,510
joined: 5-28-2007
I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:55PM
lothar at 5:46PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 1,786
joined: 1-3-2006
anyway if there was a blackout i would prolly start getting drunk right away. if it was at night i would go outside and ride my bike and do some fireworks . i actually miss the ocasional blackout .

As for updating the power grid: that is not the job of the Federal or state government, that is the job of the power companies. However to update anything they need permits, but the enviornmentalists won't let them update the grid and no one wants any new power plants in their backyard. But when their power goes out…

California is one of the worst offenders in not allowing any plants or power infrastructure to be built. Blame your local government and the Sierra Club not the DoD.

yea i guess you're right about that. i forgot that they deregulated in california , thats when all the problems started, wasn't it ?
but the DoD still gets way too much money and is a drain on society!

anyway , i wont turn this into a political discussion . everybody go on talking about what you do when the grid hiccups, and don't see it as the symptom of a much bigger problem.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
crazyninny at 8:49PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 1,457
joined: 7-20-2006
During Katrina, we were trying to save food, so we made cookies on the grill outside…very smoky flavor.

… How do you, and who's idea was to even try that?
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:49AM
Disgruntledrm at 11:20PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 298
joined: 6-24-2006
From 12 to 14, we had a lot of financial problems…so it wasn't unusual to lose our electricity for a few days because the bill couldn't be paid. Reading was an option, then there was talking to each other…board games…sleep. Then writing and drawing comics are a good choice too. Sure, a lot of recreational activities depend on electricity, but there's always something to do when you're really bored.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:12PM
Red Slayer at 11:52PM, Aug. 22, 2008
posts: 1,872
joined: 3-1-2006
I turn on a back up generator powered by my massive hatred and despair.

Or i read a book.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:03PM
imshard at 12:06AM, Aug. 23, 2008
posts: 2,961
joined: 7-26-2007
During Katrina, we were trying to save food, so we made cookies on the grill outside…very smoky flavor.

… How do you, and who's idea was to even try that?

Simple really just lay them on a small cooking pan (cookie tray) like normal, and tent some tin foil over it. If the grill has a lid just pop the tray on and close the lid. I make cookies when I go camping all the time. Works better on a gas (propane) grill though, less smoky that way.
Don't be a stick in the mud traditionalist! Support global warming!

Tech Support: The Comic!! Updates Somedays!!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:58PM
Ozoneocean at 12:35AM, Aug. 23, 2008
posts: 29,046
joined: 1-2-2004
We almost never get any here, but we did have one or two durig some strike ation by the power workers many years ago.

If it's night; light candles, eat dinner as usual (the stove is gas), have a shower as usual (water heated by gas), read a book and go to bed.
If it's day and I'm home; read and draw, maybe build something in the shed that needs to be made, or some hand sewing to fix some clothes. But I'd probably just go out and do some shopping or go to a cafe or something if I didn't have anything to do at home that didn't involved electricity left to do.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:32PM
Lonnehart at 4:13AM, Aug. 23, 2008
posts: 2,931
joined: 3-16-2006
If I have a blackout, I retire to my car. Inside, stuffed in the dashboard is a 350 watt power inverter. As long as I keep my battery charged (by starting the engine) I can keep playing my PSP/DS… or rent and watch DVDs in my car… :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM
GiantPinkWalrus at 10:18AM, Aug. 23, 2008
posts: 46
joined: 1-5-2008
If I have a blackout, I retire to my car. Inside, stuffed in the dashboard is a 350 watt power inverter. As long as I keep my battery charged (by starting the engine) I can keep playing my PSP/DS… or rent and watch DVDs in my car… :)
Lucky bastard. D<

But what happens when you run out of gas?
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
Eirikr at 2:26PM, Aug. 23, 2008
posts: 1,634
joined: 2-7-2006
I grab a hand-crank flashlight/radio, a normal flaslight, and a book, and alternate reading and listening to music.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:20PM
SeriousQuiche at 3:37AM, Aug. 24, 2008
posts: 604
joined: 3-5-2006
During Katrina, we were trying to save food, so we made cookies on the grill outside…very smoky flavor.

… How do you, and who's idea was to even try that?

Simple really just lay them on a small cooking pan (cookie tray) like normal, and tent some tin foil over it. If the grill has a lid just pop the tray on and close the lid. I make cookies when I go camping all the time. Works better on a gas (propane) grill though, less smoky that way.

thanks for the advice. XD If I ever go camping I will be sure to remember that…although I never want to use it in a situation like a one week blackout ever again…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:28PM
LIZARD_B1TE at 6:50AM, Aug. 24, 2008
posts: 3,307
joined: 6-22-2006
Light candles and play board games with my sister.

During Katrina, we lost power for a week, so my dad got generator and hooked it up to the house. He connected it to the lights, the fridge, the freezer, and the TV.

…I think I was the last kid at my school to get power back.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM

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