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We need YOUR stuff for Quackcast 19 and 20!
Ozoneocean at 3:33AM, March 13, 2011
posts: 29,092
joined: 1-2-2004
Quackcast 19 is being recorded on Thursday this week (the 17th).
The theme is techniques and materials , there'll also be a bit about Digital art VS Traditional art.

All we need are short scripts or a short recording about two minutes in length on the subject of what materials you prefer to use for your comics and WHY?
-Whether that's pen and inks on bristleboard, pens on lined paper, sprites in MS paint, or Photoshop with a tablet or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Please submit it Via PQ to either Skoolmunkee or myself before Thursday the 17th!

Quackcast 20 is being recorded on Thursday next week (the 24th).
The theme is What You've Learned - by making comics!

All we need are short scripts or a short recording about two minutes in length on the subject of, well, what you've learned by making comics.
- Something about your improvement in art or writing? Technical or software skills? Lessons learned about yourself, your process, etc? Something about ‘the business’ or the world at large? Etc.

Please submit it Via PQ to either Skoolmunkee or myself before Thursday the 24th!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:37PM
I Am The 1337 Master at 5:46AM, March 13, 2011
posts: 3,785
joined: 1-16-2009
Then where did quackcast #18 go?

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
skoolmunkee at 8:24AM, March 13, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
1337, there's a 5-day delay between recording and posting. We recorded 18 on Thursday, it will get posted Tuesday. It's in the limbo-zone.

Three minutes might actually be a bit long, depending on how many we get- five 3-minute clips adds up to 15 minutes after all. :]

Audio clips should be in mp3 format (192 kbps if possible), and can be uploaded to yousentit or something and then give the download link to us.

(Actually if you have a little blurb you could just as well post it here!)

Oz, I had to edit your post, sorry. :] You got the week wrong!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
Ozoneocean at 8:51AM, March 13, 2011
posts: 29,092
joined: 1-2-2004
Oz, I had to edit your post, sorry. :] We agreed to is “what you learned” not what you posted! (that's the next week)
You're right. Now I have to PQ the people I PQed and tell them they have 3 weeks and not two to come up with something :)
I changed the description to 2 minutes.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:37PM
kyupol at 8:09AM, March 14, 2011
posts: 3,739
joined: 1-12-2006
awww. Only 2 minutes? Ill try to talk as fast as I can. Like a rapper. :D
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:27PM
Genejoke at 9:00AM, March 14, 2011
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
I would love to hear you rap it. DO IT!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:34PM
itsjustaar at 2:55AM, March 15, 2011
posts: 409
joined: 12-2-2010
This sounds like it could be neat. Sadly, I have plans with family coming up. :/ I wouldn't have the time. Maybe on the next one, though.

So I just gotta record me discussing something for two minutes? And I PQ the admin the recording off of Audacity on mp3 or something? Seems fair enough.
“Keeping Up with Thursday” - Updated Every 3 Days!
“ZombieToons Must Die” - hiatus. D:
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:05PM
Ozoneocean at 3:25AM, March 15, 2011
posts: 29,092
joined: 1-2-2004
Write us a script then ^_^
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:37PM
skoolmunkee at 8:07AM, March 15, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
Yeah, it could even be just a couple sentences of advice or something. It doesn't have to be a big ol Thing.

Man, people were telling us they want to hear from more people, then no one contributes, haha. :] If no one wants to participate we'll eventually just stop asking…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
Genejoke at 8:14AM, March 15, 2011
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
It's because they want to hear from OTHER people:)

Where is the new one any way?

And yeah i will be sending you some stuff soon ish.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:34PM
skoolmunkee at 4:01PM, March 15, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
You guys ARE other people! :]

It was late getting up but it's there now.

We've got something from elektro already! That's right, elektro is better than all of you.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
ayesinback at 4:08PM, March 15, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
That's right, elektro is better than all of you.
He Does have an awesome voice.

So I have a microphone on order and thanks to Genejoke, I will also have audacity. So in just days, I'll be audacious and perhaps make an audacious recording. :whistling:

Could you post a reminder of where you want it uploaded.
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
demontales at 7:48PM, March 15, 2011
posts: 308
joined: 7-18-2009
I'll probably write one small script for one of those podcast, depending on if I have the time to do it for the 17th or more likely the 24th.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:10PM
PIT_FACE at 9:19PM, March 15, 2011
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
i'll give it a go. i'd love to give ya a soundbite if that' what yer lookin for with the MP3's or whatever. but i cant do that without sending a vid file i dont think, so ill work on a script. whatever's better for you guys.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:45PM
Ozoneocean at 9:46PM, March 15, 2011
posts: 29,092
joined: 1-2-2004
Thanks guys!
Pit- we might be able to grab the sound from your vid so give it a go! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:37PM
skoolmunkee at 11:50PM, March 15, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
That's right, elektro is better than all of you.
He Does have an awesome voice.

So I have a microphone on order and thanks to Genejoke, I will also have audacity. So in just days, I'll be audacious and perhaps make an audacious recording. :whistling:

Could you post a reminder of where you want it uploaded.

The easiest place is probably yousendit. :] Then PQ one of us with the link.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
elektro at 10:02AM, March 16, 2011
posts: 865
joined: 6-18-2009
i'll give it a go. i'd love to give ya a soundbite if that' what yer lookin for with the MP3's or whatever. but i cant do that without sending a vid file i dont think, so ill work on a script. whatever's better for you guys.

You could try downloading Audacity. It's completely free.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:21PM
skoolmunkee at 1:15PM, March 17, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
Quackcast 20 is being recorded on Thursday next week (the 24th).
The theme is What You've Learned - by making comics!

All we need are short scripts or a short recording about two minutes in length on the subject of, well, what you've learned by making comics.
- Something about your improvement in art or writing? Technical or software skills? Lessons learned about yourself, your process, etc? Something about ‘the business’ or the world at large? Etc.

Please submit it Via PQ to either skoolmunkee or ozoneocean before Thursday the 24th!


Quackcast 21 is being recorded on Thursday the 31st.
The theme is Speeding Up The Process!

All we need are short scripts or a short recording no more than two minutes in length on the subject of how to make comics faster!

Planning, writing, drawing, processing, webpage, etc is all game. Most especially we'd like tips or advice from people who've had some stuff work for them!

Please submit it Via PQ to either Skoolmunkee or ozoneocean before Thursday the 30th!


- It can be very short, even just one or two sentences or short bullet list, if you don't feel like doing something formal
- Two minutes at most, but feel free to introduce yourself and your comic (it should still fit in the 2 minutes though)
- mp3s preferred (but not necessary, converting is easy)
- please don't send us a file you think should be edited. It takes 15 minutes for us to edit ums and mistakes out, but only 2 more for you to try again! Having a script first helps. :]

For quackcast 19, we got 1 script, 3 recordings about the topic, and 1 recording promoting a good resource thread! We'd like to have around that many every time because it's great to include other voices and knowledge!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
skoolmunkee at 12:20PM, March 19, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
We've got two recordings for QC 20 so far, it would be great to have a bit more to play (or read)!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
itsjustaar at 2:18AM, March 21, 2011
posts: 409
joined: 12-2-2010
I should have something ready for #21 for Speeding Up the Process. :) I haven't used my mic since… like… xD ….. *blows it off* …Ah, what the heck. :D I'll send it soon.
“Keeping Up with Thursday” - Updated Every 3 Days!
“ZombieToons Must Die” - hiatus. D:
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:05PM
skoolmunkee at 11:09AM, March 22, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
We've got your files Aaron, brilliant! Thanks! :D

Edit: Nevermind this bit.

OK! We have 3 recordings (and another promised) for this week, and 1 script. I'm glad this is getting a good response! About this many is a managable number to have regularly. :]
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM

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