Comic Talk and General Discussion *

josif at 11:22AM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 156
joined: 1-7-2006
How comes according to my Drunkduck alerter I have 37 people that have added my comics to there favourites, yet on my comic Messed Up I only get about 10 comments per page? Is there a team of silent ninjas that read my comics but dont comment or someone trying to confuse me?
Your Reading Skills Have Increased By Two Points.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
Aurora Moon at 11:29AM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 2,630
joined: 1-7-2006
dude, you're not the only one.

according to my alerter, a lot of people have added my comics but they don't actually comment that much. I usually only get like 2 comments or if i'm lucky, 3 or 4.

some people just like to read and not post.
I'm on hitatus while I redo one of my webcomics. Be sure to check it out when I'n done! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:09AM
Terminal at 11:30AM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
Alot of people have favorites, yet never comment on them. For example, Culture Shock is on my favorites list, yet I never comment on it. Why? It's a popular comic, I always read it, I'm a fan of it, yet never have anything to comment about. One example is that some people prefer to read comics without adding comments, that could be for a variety of reasons depending on each and every single person.

(Say LAX has about 21 favorites, only 5 people comment on a regular basis. That's okay.)
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:10PM
Aurora Moon at 11:45AM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 2,630
joined: 1-7-2006
what terminal said.

How many people faved my comics:
Magical Mania–14 faves
Aurorean Tales–1 (proably due to the fact this one is one of my least updated.. really should work on that)
and my latest one–
Endless Dream– 3 faves.

Magical Mania's the ones with 2 to 3 comments, and some pages doesn't even have any comments at all!

Aurorean tales had some pretty good amount of comments, despite only having one person faving that.

Endless Dreams gets nearly zero comments, as seeing it's relatively new.

not that I care. lol the comments are pretty nice but that's not the only reason why I do it.
I'm on hitatus while I redo one of my webcomics. Be sure to check it out when I'n done! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:09AM
Zac at 12:08PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 1,311
joined: 10-14-2006
How comes according to my Drunkduck alerter I have 37 people that have added my comics to there favourites, yet on my comic Messed Up I only get about 10 comments per page? Is there a team of silent ninjas that read my comics but dont comment or someone trying to confuse me?

Just be happy you have readers.

For me, I'm just glad I get page views. Any reader be it one or two, makes me feel like my work is appreciated.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:53PM
Terminal at 12:29PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
How comes according to my Drunkduck alerter I have 37 people that have added my comics to there favourites, yet on my comic Messed Up I only get about 10 comments per page? Is there a team of silent ninjas that read my comics but dont comment or someone trying to confuse me?

Just be happy you have readers.

For me, I'm just glad I get page views. Any reader be it one or two, makes me feel like my work is appreciated.

Well, in the end, neither pageviews, nor comments, nor favorites matter. It's all about the comic and how much you like to do it.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:10PM
Ozoneocean at 12:34PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 29,082
joined: 1-2-2004
Well, in the end, neither pageviews, nor comments, nor favorites matter. It's all about the comic and how much you like to do it.
That's so true… Nothing matters except for that.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:25PM
hat at 12:48PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 449
joined: 8-27-2006
How do you view how many favorites your comic has on the alerter?
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:45PM
BigFishComic at 3:15PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 970
joined: 7-27-2006
you have to download that crazy DD alerter thing and it'll tell you…

it's in parenthesis in one of those tabs…just read carefully
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:22AM
LIZARD_B1TE at 3:15PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 3,307
joined: 6-22-2006
HVH has 12 people who have faved it and I only get one (or two if I'm lucky) comments on average. I think you should feel pretty good.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:36PM
marine at 4:06PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
I get around 400 daily average hits, and maybe two comments.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
hat at 4:10PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 449
joined: 8-27-2006
Still don't know how. I already downloaded it, all it says is Favorites, and Your Comics.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:45PM
Terminal at 4:15PM, Jan. 7, 2007
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
Rollover to “Your Comics”, it will display your comic name and the number of favorites. (ex: My Comic )
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:10PM
Mark at 6:00AM, Jan. 8, 2007
posts: 286
joined: 8-29-2006
I dunno, when I read stuff, I try to atleast put up a blank comment if I have nothing to say. Maybe it's something to do with content, eg for some reason most readers of Wolf and Dreams in Synergy feel obliged to make long rolling comments about stuff.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
Tantz_Aerine at 6:46AM, Jan. 8, 2007
posts: 2,028
joined: 10-11-2006
I love those long comments. I update partly to get those comments- they offer a lot to an artist, I think. That's why I take time to answer each one. Heheh! It's a blast. ;)

*feels all wuved being in people's favourites* heh. I love the long comments!!!

Maybe that's why I get them ;)
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:06PM
DarthJJB at 1:54PM, Jan. 8, 2007
posts: 79
joined: 11-5-2006
Tants Aerine
I love those long comments. I update partly to get those comments- they offer a lot to an artist, I think. That's why I take time to answer each one. Heheh! It's a blast.

*feels all wuved being in people's favourites* heh. I love the long comments!!!

Maybe that's why I get them
Long comments are the best type of comments! :)
Fred and Mike
If you're 555 then I'm 666.
Let me fall, fuck you all.
People=shit {what you gonna do?}
People=shit {cuz I'm not afraid of you!}
People=shit {I'm everything you'll never be!}
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:08PM
mapaghimagsik at 2:17PM, Jan. 8, 2007
posts: 709
joined: 9-8-2006
Rollover to “Your Comics”, it will display your comic name and the number of favorites. (ex: My Comic )

I must be slow. I cannot get this to work. :(
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:51PM
MagickLorelai at 7:11PM, Jan. 8, 2007
posts: 338
joined: 1-20-2006
I have about 33 people who have Ialus faved on their accounts, and of those 33 I get maybe 3-6 comments per page, 6 being, like, the maximum. It's interesting to know, I suppose, but I don't do Ialus for the comments OR the favorites.

I have fun planning out the story, and seeing that my artwork actually is getting better, if very slowly. It's nice to get a little recognition once in a while, but I'm not a professional, and I'm not getting paid, so NUMBER of readers isn't that important to me. It's still a nice boost of ego to know that I have 33 people or so who said, “Hey, this is a nice enough comic that I want to keep track of it”. ^^;

Mapaghimagsik, it's confusing at first. You need to, obviously, download the DD alerter. After that, you open it by double clicking on the icon, and RIGHT clicking when the little taskbar icon appears in the righthand side(This is assuming you're using a Windows program, so apologies if this doesn't work). That will bring up the favorites, and YOUR comics pop-up. After that, just roll your mouse over the different sections to check on the status. ^^; At least, this is how it all works for me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
Eviltwinpixie at 11:18PM, Jan. 8, 2007
posts: 426
joined: 3-6-2006
The more favourites you get, too, the worse your favourite:comment ratio gets. ^_^ My alerter tells me that, currently, 239 people have Grog favourited, my last two strips have gotten 15 and 10 comments respectively.

Not that 10-15 comments is anything to complain about. ^_^ I love getting that many. Just that you're always going to have less commenters than readers.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:23PM
Adariel at 12:17AM, Jan. 9, 2007
posts: 913
joined: 1-1-2006
people who have a lot of favorite comics dont usually comment much, (such as me and my laziness) specially if they dont have something in mind to say or comment on, its either they give a blank 5 or dont comment at all then go on to the next comic on their list.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:45AM
Mark at 6:59PM, Jan. 10, 2007
posts: 286
joined: 8-29-2006
yeah' it's definately a pain commenting when you're going through 10 or more comics. Also, you can't expect everyone on your fav list to be online all the time, people have lives two you know *glances around with shifty eyes*
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
Terminal at 7:02PM, Jan. 10, 2007
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
yeah' it's definately a pain commenting when you're going through 10 or more comics. Also, you can't expect everyone on your fav list to be online all the time, people have lives two you know *glances around with shifty eyes*

I don't. I'm always on.

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:10PM
Black_Kitty at 7:03PM, Jan. 10, 2007
posts: 1,485
joined: 1-1-2006
I actually don't comment a lot but I do have a good chunky favourites list. Every so often I may make my presence known but after that, I wouldn't be able to think of anything else to say so I don't say anything at all.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:24AM
carrollhach at 9:14AM, Jan. 11, 2007
posts: 102
joined: 9-29-2006
I try to visit all my favorites every time they update and leave at least a one-word comment. I generally get between 5-10 comments a day from 25 favorites and anywhere between 80-400 pageviews. I am really appreciative of every one of my readers whether they comment or not… I feel a duty to give ‘em the very best strip possible every day. And one hand washes the other, right?

Ultimately, I’d like to have Onstad's high-five figure pageviews, but for that you really need to be hitting an audience that's way outside the normal webcomic community. It is possible to make a living from comic, but it's really hard and way more work than having a regular job.
Josh Carrollhach
For profile inormation, other comics and general blog stuff, please check out
The Clench and Cheese Blog
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:36AM
shadowmagi at 10:39AM, Jan. 12, 2007
posts: 99
joined: 12-13-2006
It's just a simple matter of a lot of people reading but not commenting. Like on Deviantart. Lots of people may watch/fave/look at art, but less than half will comment. (unless its something really thought-provoking)

Happens to even the most popular writers/artists. :)

I've kinda ended up with the opposite right now xD
4 people have fave'd Angels of the Fallen, and there's 6 comments on it :P
(im not well known yet on Drunk Duck.. lol)

(i like feedback~!)
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
Evil_Snuffkin at 2:32PM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 934
joined: 1-6-2006
If you want more comments I find it helps to be an active commenter yourself. If someone sees that your reading a comic they like they might end up checking out yours too ^_^
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:24PM
shaneronzio at 3:21PM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 496
joined: 12-4-2006
I didn't know comments were a mandatory thing.
I just read, and if I like it, I comment.

or I like it and I Don't Comment.

or if I don't like it…
WHY bother commenting?

just do what makes you happy…at the end of the day…it is your batch o stuff.
Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
Tundra at 6:17PM, Jan. 15, 2007
posts: 198
joined: 6-29-2006
I think that's just what happens. Forum for artists, writers, and other creative types. Get positive news here! Improve your day. Share your links.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:35PM
Aussie_kid at 5:35AM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 591
joined: 1-1-2006
GG has 19 fans and I get five different people commenting in one week

EtD2 has 15, that usually gets three

WotN has 10, I'm lucky if I get one

However, my pageviews are usually around 380 (GG), 310 (EtD) and 270 (WotN) so I know people do read these, they just don't comment.

Hell, I barely ever leave comments, unless I feel I have something worthwhile to add
Insanity Complex: We may not be insane, but we like to think we are
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:11AM
Wolfer at 8:01AM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 284
joined: 1-6-2007
I like your comics, though that doesn't mean I'm going to post a reply to all of them, if I got something worthwhile to say, I'll say it, but I don't see the point in posting something like ‘hahaha, I liked that’ I will post if I got something to say or if I REALLy don't like your comic (i.e. find it offensive, which I don't do).
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM

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