Networking & Community Projects*

Seeking Jay Naylor's "New Worlds" fans for a fan fiction project
SkylerVane at 3:57PM, Jan. 25, 2008
posts: 82
joined: 5-31-2007

Interested? Say so. I am not going to bother elaborating; I have often found it is not worth the effort and I cannot be to the point to sae my life anyway.

Any interest is welcome…

“The Vision Fleet is coming…”
Collaborn Visions Fan Fiction Productions :~: BY the Fans, FOR the Fans…

It is easier to think outside the box if you don't even know you're in it.

Are you “On Demand”? Please plague responsibly…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:48PM
SkylerVane at 8:17AM, Jan. 29, 2008
posts: 82
joined: 5-31-2007
SAMPLES: Up in the "Arts sailors, tradesmen, inventors, soldiers, frontiersmen. Restless natives, head hunters, priests and chiefs.

NEEDED: Script, plot, outline, lyrical, short, rough and polish writers; sketch, layout, comic, concept, reference, design and historical artists.
Collaborn Visions Fan Fiction Productions :~: BY the Fans, FOR the Fans…

It is easier to think outside the box if you don't even know you're in it.

Are you “On Demand”? Please plague responsibly…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:48PM

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