Hello all you wonderfull people out there.
I'm back!
I havn't been around since the great server crash of 05! Anyone remember that one? I lost everything! EVERYTHNG DAMNIT! (Sobbs bitterly.)
I'm Iain. early 20ties and married. (Scarry no?) I'm in Scotland and infact scottish. (Waves at all the other nations.)
In 04/05 my friend Jonathan an I operated the strip JMB (Jonathan melts your brian.) anyone remeber it? no? quite frankly I've forgotten most of it too. After the crash we escoved he didn't have the files anymore so we scraped it.
Well I'm back now with my lightning fast 56k dial up modem and a new strip! (actualy at the moment its a few things from the OLD strip, but it will get better.) the new strip is called Void_If_Removed. thats not a plug I'm just letting you folks know what I'm up to.
So emmmmm……
Hi! (waves)
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
Returning to the warm boosum of the duck. (Do ducks have biisums?)
at 2:02PM, Sept. 22, 2007
Dot toch me with that wolf! you've no idea were its been.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
Lord Shplane
at 2:04PM, Sept. 22, 2007
Yes I know that this game is retarded. It's also fun for some retarded reason.
This one is less retarded, but it's mostly just fun for the trolling
K.A.L.A-dan! Ecchi (lolpr0n)
Yes I know that this game is retarded. It's also fun for some retarded reason.
This one is less retarded, but it's mostly just fun for the trolling
K.A.L.A-dan! Ecchi (lolpr0n)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:41PM
Dark Clown
at 2:44PM, Sept. 22, 2007
This Fluid feels like Pain, This stoic mood is all in vain.
I reach into the dark, I tear this other me apart.
How many years ago, How many deaths I can't let go.
My Flesh Is Temporary, My God Extraordinary.
You… can''t… Kill… My… MIND!!!!!
The War Will continue, Just on a different battle field
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:06PM
at 3:55PM, Sept. 22, 2007
Welcome back!
When searching all throughout my brain, your comic strikes a cord…
When searching all throughout my brain, your comic strikes a cord…
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:58AM
at 4:04PM, Sept. 22, 2007
I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:54PM
at 5:13PM, Sept. 22, 2007
Updates Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday's (depends).
Offering Project Wonderful Ad space on my website.
Offering Project Wonderful Ad space on my website.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:48PM
at 10:15AM, Sept. 23, 2007
Well, welcome back, Iain.
I wasn't around for the great crash of aught five…But, people are slowly finding their ways back here–so, I've heard of the horrors. Bad Luck, there man.
I'm Lynn. I'm in my early thirites and have no problem admitting it, ‘cause I still get carded for smokes. I’m from the good ‘ole US of A and am a proud Texan to boot. I’ve been married since my early twenties and no, I don't find it scary; and as a wife, am a little miffed on behalf of your wife if you find such a circumstance frightening. You made the choice, Andy Capp. (Oh, yeah…not pluggin' or nothin'—but, my husband and I do a single panel comic strip, called “Marital Bliss.” ) So, I got's to stand-up for fellow wifeys.
Hope you enjoy “The Duck” this time around…Hope this time, she'll treat 'ya right.
I wasn't around for the great crash of aught five…But, people are slowly finding their ways back here–so, I've heard of the horrors. Bad Luck, there man.
I'm Lynn. I'm in my early thirites and have no problem admitting it, ‘cause I still get carded for smokes. I’m from the good ‘ole US of A and am a proud Texan to boot. I’ve been married since my early twenties and no, I don't find it scary; and as a wife, am a little miffed on behalf of your wife if you find such a circumstance frightening. You made the choice, Andy Capp. (Oh, yeah…not pluggin' or nothin'—but, my husband and I do a single panel comic strip, called “Marital Bliss.” ) So, I got's to stand-up for fellow wifeys.
Hope you enjoy “The Duck” this time around…Hope this time, she'll treat 'ya right.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:53PM
at 2:38PM, Sept. 23, 2007
Welcome back!
When searching all throughout my brain, your comic strikes a cord…
Dose that mean you remeber JMB? thats quite astoundinhg becsae nobody except friends of Jonathan red the thing. I'm honnered though. and amazed at your mental capasity. I can't ever remeber yestorday half the time. 05 is like gone man.
and Lynn i asure you that I do love my wife verry much. and i'm not really scared at all. (Except when she thretens to run over my teddybear.)
Dot toch me with that wolf! you've no idea were its been.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
at 1:07AM, Sept. 24, 2007
and Lynn i asure you that I do love my wife verry much. and i'm not really scared at all. (Except when she thretens to run over my teddybear.)
and I assure you, I was joking. You wouldn't have mentioned her if you didn't. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:53PM
at 12:05AM, Sept. 25, 2007
and Lynn i asure you that I do love my wife verry much. and i'm not really scared at all. (Except when she thretens to run over my teddybear.)
and I assure you, I was joking. You wouldn't have mentioned her if you didn't. :)
I Assure you that I have been assured by your assurence. :)
Dot toch me with that wolf! you've no idea were its been.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
at 6:13AM, Sept. 25, 2007
Welcome, welcome, welcome back! :D I wasn't here before the crash, what was it like? Do you like the changes?
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
at 1:38PM, Sept. 25, 2007
Dude I think I remember you. I was around back then too but under a different account name cause I lost my pass and well… it crashed. But either way welcome back mate.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:33PM
at 4:59AM, Sept. 27, 2007
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:57PM
at 10:23PM, Sept. 27, 2007
Welcome, welcome, welcome back! :D I wasn't here before the crash, what was it like? Do you like the changes?
I do like some of the changese but I remember it being easyer to tweek your comic home page to get it just right.
I've forgoton all my HTML and now must re lern it. the most anoying thing is I don't seem to be able to use frames. grr.
I love Scottish people! HIIIIiiiiiiiiiii!
oh my. stalkers already. ;)
Dot toch me with that wolf! you've no idea were its been.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
at 9:56AM, Sept. 28, 2007
“Scottish people stalking?” I think I was going to minor in that, but there were too many gen eds….
My Drunk Duck Comics:
Nominated for numerous web awards, see more news at My Website
Nominated for numerous web awards, see more news at My Website
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:33PM
Poke Alster
at 1:44PM, Sept. 28, 2007
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:46PM
at 3:28PM, Sept. 28, 2007
“Scottish people stalking?” I think I was going to minor in that, but there were too many gen eds….
If your into Scot Stalking, you can have alot of fun with a petrol powered leaf blower and kilted men.
Dot toch me with that wolf! you've no idea were its been.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
at 8:03PM, Sept. 28, 2007
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:48AM
at 8:49PM, Sept. 28, 2007
Welcome, welcome, welcome back! :D I wasn't here before the crash, what was it like? Do you like the changes?
I do like some of the changese but I remember it being easyer to tweek your comic home page to get it just right.
I've forgoton all my HTML and now must re lern it. the most anoying thing is I don't seem to be able to use frames. grr.mechanical_lullaby
I love Scottish people! HIIIIiiiiiiiiiii!
oh my. stalkers already. ;)
OoooooooH!!! I wanna Join!~
Onigiri. I'm a dancing Onigiri.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:48PM
Zippo Prower
at 6:06AM, Sept. 29, 2007
Hmm….Well, I may not remember seeing you before, but welcome back!
last edited on July 14, 2011 5:02PM
at 8:38PM, Sept. 29, 2007
Hello, Iain.
I have a free offering of a camel's insurance/guy-to-break-bones-and-or-glass-on head card. Take?
And yes, I think Ducks can have bosoms. They just need to be a really fat guy, or a chick.
I have a free offering of a camel's insurance/guy-to-break-bones-and-or-glass-on head card. Take?
And yes, I think Ducks can have bosoms. They just need to be a really fat guy, or a chick.
I feel a little bit like Hitler right now, too.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:01PM
at 1:41PM, Oct. 1, 2007
Hello, Iain.
I have a free offering of a camel's insurance/guy-to-break-bones-and-or-glass-on head card. Take?
And yes, I think Ducks can have bosoms. They just need to be a really fat guy, or a chick.
That sounds like a good deal I think you should take it.
Why is it that I atract nutteres? on DD as well as RL
Dot toch me with that wolf! you've no idea were its been.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
Check out Void_If_Removed
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it, then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jesus is love <3.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
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