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Producers On Demand
SkylerVane at 6:18AM, Feb. 2, 2008
posts: 82
joined: 5-31-2007
Want to Produce? Here is hopefully where it might start for you. Just leave your info. and you will be added to the list…
{NOTE: Posters are expected to delete their posts once their info. is up…}

MACRO PRODUCERS($5+, definitely multiple or repetitious productions)

MARGIN PRODUCERS($20+, probably multiple/repetitious produtions)

MIDLING PRODUCERS($50+, possibly multiple productions)

MAJOR PRODUCERS($100+, likely single prodution)

MONUMENT PRODUCERS($200+, likely single production)

MASTER PRODUCERS($500+, likely single production)

SkylerVane Productions Info.
Ratings: E-T+ Fan Fiction, E-M Original
Types: Original Concepts or Innovative Fan Fictions
Style: Clean Anime/Realism/Comic
Feel: Serious, High Emotion, Epic
Genres: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Suspense/Thriller, Sci-fi/Fantasy
Cast: No or all anthro(Poke`mon exception)
Franchises: New Worlds, STAR FOX, POKE`MON, Sonic The Hedgehog(possibly), Dinotopia
Production Schedules: Twice weekly or more often updates
Production Class: Macro/Margin
SUBMISSION CONTENT: The series/issue title(tentative or otherwise), a sampling of the cast list, a Summery(as long as you like) and a categorical rundown of your “submission” crafted after my public Productions preferences above.
Collaborn Visions Fan Fiction Productions :~: BY the Fans, FOR the Fans…

It is easier to think outside the box if you don't even know you're in it.

Are you “On Demand”? Please plague responsibly…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:48PM

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