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Need to vent about work (some strong language)
Masq at 1:24PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 123
joined: 8-20-2007
I work at Raley's, a supermarket chain that runs through California and Las Vegas. I've been promoted from a bagger to a checker, which is a huge leap in position and pay. It's fun to be able to do something new after two years to get me out of my depression, and it's easy to say I love my job…

However, if I say “I love my job” I'm actually saying “I love my job… more than my old one.” I knew there would be more hard work and responcibility as a checker, and I've handled it so far. The huge downside is that now I'm staring directly in the face of human stupidity. And it's a hideous face that I can barely describe in words.

So, if there's the remote chance you just so happen to come into my line, here's some tips:

-You could ignore me as a bagger, but you won't ignore me as a checker. Trust me, you won't.

-I don't know all the prices for every item, and I don't know every piece of fruit in produce. Don't get mad at ME if the computer rings up the wrong price (I do try to keep an eye on what's on sale every week, so it's not like I don't care), and don't treat me like a retard if I ask you what something is. Example: “May I ask you what this is?” “That's anise.” “Okay, thank you. *picks up a bag of kiwi* ^^” “And that's a kiwi.” “@@ *picks up a pineapple*” “And that's a pineapple.” “>< I am!” “Me: $#$R^*&Y^RT^Y^%T &IU TIUTGY N Y^T &N OI< G LI&B &I!!!!!!!!!!”

*WIC = Woman, Infants and Children. A goverment initiative for low wage families to afford food for pregnant mothers and/or small children. The customers are given checks every year with specific dates to use them and specific things to buy. While it's a great program, it's a hair-pulling abomination when used by newbies or by theiving morons trying to get “free food.”

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
Tantz_Aerine at 2:08PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 2,029
joined: 10-11-2006
This is a great rant. You should make a comic out of it. Then every frustration you have will be material for creativity, and it won't be so bad.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:07PM
bongotezz at 2:15PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 448
joined: 2-13-2007
i used to work in a convience store and can totally relate to this. you do end up seeing the worlds dumbest people when you work retail. one time there was a sale where if you bought 3 items 2 of them were free. the register would add the price for 1 if you scanned it. it would add the price for 2 if you scanned a second one and it would add the price for the third and then subtracted the price of 2 of them if you scanned a third one. the net result is you paid for 1 of them unless you were a dumbass and couldn't add and subtract. there were so many people claiming to be over charged on this sale that i told all my cashieers to ring these items up seperatly so people saw the final total for these items only. no more problems after that.

WIC and food stamp people ended up trading their WIC and food stamps for cash in the parking lot so they could buy 40s.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:32AM
subcultured at 2:38PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
i wish people wouldn't rant here…
i know it says it in the description, but that was before we had our own private forums.

it's just gonna cause more ranting topics that will take over gen discuss
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:02PM
Ozoneocean at 2:49PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 29,088
joined: 1-2-2004
It's ok when people just rant in the one thread though. If people all post more rants in here it could be fun! :)

I agree that MORE rant threads would be a drag.
The thing that gets me now though are all the “?” threads… SO many “Do you?”, “Have you ever?” “What is?”. Overload o_O
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
mapaghimagsik at 3:38PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 709
joined: 9-8-2006
It's ok when people just rant in the one thread though. If people all post more rants in here it could be fun! :)

I agree that MORE rant threads would be a drag.
The thing that gets me now though are all the “?” threads… SO many “Do you?”, “Have you ever?” “What is?”. Overload o_O

So Do you?
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:51PM
Ozoneocean at 3:41PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 29,088
joined: 1-2-2004
So Do you?
Ghaaaaaaaaaa!!! :P

Only when nobody's watching >_>
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
subcultured at 4:05PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
i created a topic just to rant, hopefully this will decrease one topic rants
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:02PM
marine at 5:39PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
This rant was very by the book and unfunny. I just wished there was more anger to it. I give it a 2 out of 5 for having some outragous comments (speak English for one) and for making judgments about people talking on cell phones.

If you're in my line at the store, I'll spit water in your face and discuss how Star Wars was stupid.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
Neilsama at 6:14PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 437
joined: 1-2-2006
-Speak English! I'm not being racist, I just don't remember how to speak Spanish, and I can't really help you if you speak anything other than English!
I don't think this is racist. Personally, I have a very literalistic definition of racism, which is that one believes that the color of one's skin determines one's place in society. Speaking a different language has nothing to do with race.

Personally, I get annoyed when people accuse other people of racism over stuff that has nothing to do with race. Somehow, spoken language and country of origin has gotten wrapped up in the whole concept of race, which I find bizarre. For example, if I say something about imported products from China, such as toys that have lead paint, I'm not bashing the Chinese race. A nation of origin is not a race, nor is the spoken language.

On the other hand, your comment might be construed as being xenophobic, which is the fear or intollerance of other cultures, and that's almost as bad as racism. However, I don't think your rant is xenophobic, so I'm only mentioning it as a matter of distinction. I know I've been in uncomfortable situations of people who speak other languages around me, even though I can't understand them. We're so used to ease of communication. It's kind of a rough speed bump to hit when we suddenly can't.

It doesn't really bother me when people speak another language, unless they actually intend to communicate with me. I mean, society in America is becoming increasingly bilingual, but we're nowhere near that state yet. In the present, it is kind of bizarre when people try talking in Spanish in a largely English-speaking community. Seriously, sometimes it's like, “Why would you think I know Spanish?”.

Otherwise, if they want to talk to each other in a different language, it's no skin off my back. They might even be talking about me. Wouldn't be the first time. To me, it's no different than people who whisper to each other or talk behind my back. Whatever. Doesn't bother me. They're entitled to their private conversation.

Although, if you really want revenge, all you have to do is smile knowingly as they talk to each other in Spanish, as if you know EXACTLY what they're talking about. Kind of fun to watch them clam up, actually.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:10PM
Masq at 11:34PM, Aug. 27, 2007
posts: 123
joined: 8-20-2007
i wish people wouldn't rant here…
i know it says it in the description, but that was before we had our own private forums.

it's just gonna cause more ranting topics that will take over gen discuss
Oh, my bad. Forgive the newbie. I'll remember that in the future, cause after tonight I've got a couple more.

Tantz Aerine
This is a great rant. You should make a comic out of it. Then every frustration you have will be material for creativity, and it won't be so bad.

This rant was very by the book and unfunny. I just wished there was more anger to it. I give it a 2 out of 5 for having some outragous comments (speak English for one) and for making judgments about people talking on cell phones.

If you're in my line at the store, I'll spit water in your face and discuss how Star Wars was stupid.
Sheesh, watch some Kid From Brooklyn if you want a funnier and angrier rant. Wow… constructive criticsm on a rant… remind me to pay for two hundred dollars in groceries in quarters next time I come through your line, THEN you can spit water in my face and tell me how much Attack of the Clones sucked…

On the other hand, your comment might be construed as being xenophobic, which is the fear or intollerance of other cultures, and that's almost as bad as racism. However, I don't think your rant is xenophobic, so I'm only mentioning it as a matter of distinction. I know I've been in uncomfortable situations of people who speak other languages around me, even though I can't understand them. We're so used to ease of communication. It's kind of a rough speed bump to hit when we suddenly can't.

It doesn't really bother me when people speak another language, unless they actually intend to communicate with me. I mean, society in America is becoming increasingly bilingual, but we're nowhere near that state yet. In the present, it is kind of bizarre when people try talking in Spanish in a largely English-speaking community. Seriously, sometimes it's like, “Why would you think I know Spanish?”.

Otherwise, if they want to talk to each other in a different language, it's no skin off my back. They might even be talking about me. Wouldn't be the first time. To me, it's no different than people who whisper to each other or talk behind my back. Whatever. Doesn't bother me. They're entitled to their private conversation.

I am the exact opposite of xenophobic… er, that is to mean I love other cultures! I find them fascinating in every aspect. I'm just peeved that anyone coming into this country, legal or not, should learn some English if they want to get anywhere in this country. Let's say I wanna visit France, well I'm going to learn a little French before I get there otherwise I'm going to be very very lost. A French guy might even yell at me “LEARN SOME GODDAMN FRENCH, YOU DUMB AMERICAN!” (which wouldn't surprise me if that has ever happened). It's just common sense; if you're going to a foreign country, learn some of its language.

And I could care less if a Mexican family talks to each other in Mexian. More power to them. But one lady I tried to help didn't speak one word of English, and she'd just give me a confused look and squeak “eh?”. She was by herself, and had no fucking idea what she was doing. I just rang up her order, helped her pay for the order by pointing at the buttons, and as politely as I could shooed her away. I mean, how am I supposed to help someone with their basic needs if we can't fucking communicate?

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
skoolmunkee at 2:48AM, Aug. 28, 2007
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
I am the exact opposite of xenophobic… er, that is to mean I love other cultures! I find them fascinating in every aspect. I'm just peeved that anyone coming into this country, legal or not, should learn some English if they want to get anywhere in this country.

I understand the sentiment, but the reality is, where's a poor Mexican immigrant (who seem to be the main target of this type of argument) going to learn English? For all of the reasons they come to the US (escape poverty, get an education, better their quality of life, etc), those are all reasons they can't just up and take some English night class in Mexico before they get here. They have to learn it once they arrive, and I would bet most of them don't have the time or money to take a structured course right away, either. They'll have to learn it by immersion, or through the network of friends they make. For someone who says they love other cultures you don't seem very understanding of that.

I'm sure they realize that they're limiting their opportunities and prejudicing people against them by not being able to speak English. But I'm also sure that learning a language is low on their list of priorities when compared to things like ‘having enough money for groceries’ and ‘trying to find a doctor who will treat us when we’re uninsured'.

And I could care less if a Mexican family talks to each other in Mexian.

I think you mean Spanish.

But one lady I tried to help didn't speak one word of English, and she'd just give me a confused look and squeak “eh?”. She was by herself, and had no fucking idea what she was doing. I just rang up her order, helped her pay for the order by pointing at the buttons, and as politely as I could shooed her away. I mean, how am I supposed to help someone with their basic needs if we can't fucking communicate?

Sounds like you communicated fine. :) Certainly it was an inconvenience for you, but I bet she probably felt pretty embarrassed and ignorant as well. She likely had never done that by herself before. I've been in that situation myself and it helps immensely if the person who has to help me is understanding or has good humor, rather than acting annoyed or bored. I feel like less of an ignorant asshole.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:40PM
marine at 4:38AM, Aug. 28, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
Sheesh, watch some Kid From Brooklyn if you want a funnier and angrier rant. Wow… constructive criticsm on a rant… remind me to pay for two hundred dollars in groceries in quarters next time I come through your line, THEN you can spit water in my face and tell me how much Attack of the Clones sucked…

No, I meant more along the lines of how the “heroes” in Star Wars were a bunch of crazy space nuts trying to overthrow what they saw as a corrupt government. I'd also discuss how the so called “heroes” of star wars inadvertently killed a bunch of independent contrasters working on the incomplete Death Star in Return of the Jedi.

You know which customers I really hate? All of them.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
bongotezz at 10:21AM, Aug. 28, 2007
posts: 448
joined: 2-13-2007
Sheesh, watch some Kid From Brooklyn if you want a funnier and angrier rant. Wow… constructive criticsm on a rant… remind me to pay for two hundred dollars in groceries in quarters next time I come through your line, THEN you can spit water in my face and tell me how much Attack of the Clones sucked…

No, I meant more along the lines of how the “heroes” in Star Wars were a bunch of crazy space nuts trying to overthrow what they saw as a corrupt government. I'd also discuss how the so called “heroes” of star wars inadvertently killed a bunch of independent contrasters working on the incomplete Death Star in Return of the Jedi.

You know which customers I really hate? All of them.

i hate the milk maids
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:32AM
Masq at 2:11PM, Aug. 28, 2007
posts: 123
joined: 8-20-2007
Sheesh, watch some Kid From Brooklyn if you want a funnier and angrier rant. Wow… constructive criticsm on a rant… remind me to pay for two hundred dollars in groceries in quarters next time I come through your line, THEN you can spit water in my face and tell me how much Attack of the Clones sucked…

No, I meant more along the lines of how the “heroes” in Star Wars were a bunch of crazy space nuts trying to overthrow what they saw as a corrupt government. I'd also discuss how the so called “heroes” of star wars inadvertently killed a bunch of independent contrasters working on the incomplete Death Star in Return of the Jedi.

You know which customers I really hate? All of them.

i hate the milk maids

…well, since I get asked a certain question a lot, I'm very tempted to by a posterboard and black shoe polish and make a “YES, I can assure you, I'M OPEN!!!!!!!” on my checkstand.

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:54PM
marine at 6:01PM, Aug. 28, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006

Took you long enough to get in on the joke.

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM

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