MAFIA... and other forum games

Salsa at 9:50AM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008

Mafia: Wild Wild West Edition
Saddle up pardner, we're goin' in fer a bumpy ride, YEHAW!

Back when the west was untamed, there was a little boom town called Townston. Gold flowed like water and silver cropped up like wildflowers. Too bad those Badland Gang and Musty Bill characters hadn't stayed out.


Mayor(1) elected
Hang 'im high!: The mayor can pick on of the town folk to be strung up like a pinata up to an hour after being elected, be warned though, you could string up an innocent town's person.
As the law allows: The mayor has the full weight of the law behind him.
Two fer one: During the night the mayor can arrange for two people to dance the hangman's jig. Every one votes twice.
Meat sh- I mean My deputies, Defend your Mayor!: cannot be attacked or dueled while a deputy is alive. This also applies to the Pardoner

Pardoner(1) elected
Yeah he ain't swinging today: Can cancel two lynches during the game. If used on a two fer one, only one is canceled.

Librarian(1) The Librarian is told the role of one villager and one villager only.

Detective=> Gossiper(1)
Ya know who's going to be shooting at noon: the gossiper can cancel two duels during the game. If the power is used on a person who isn't going to duel, it is wasted. The gossiper can also cancel the duel for himself.
Do ya see what so and so did: The gossiper can ask if a person is pro- or anti-town twice. They can also ask if a person is connected to a crime. He can do only one a day though.
Do ya know where so and so went:The gossiper can save an abducted townie from the Psycho, if they guess wrong however, it'll be grisly for whoever it was that was really kidnapped.

Paranoid=>ish Crazy old man Higgins(1)
Booby trapped: Crazy old man Higgins was a miner back in the day, but a few too many rocks and concussions to the head has made him a little addled. He still has access to some dynamite though and he intends to use it, He blows up the first person unfortunate enough visit him at night. He is addled though sooooo, he doesn't know who he is.

Veteran=> Tracker(1)
Son, I've fought Bears!: Due to being awesome and tough, the Tracker must be attacked twice before he can die. Lynchings still take only once though.

Paramedic/Vigilante=> Marshalls(3)
cha-chook: Marshalls can protect one person from one attack at night. they cannot protect each other though.
bang: Marshalls can kill one person a night, but not if they're protecting someone

Bodyguard=> deputies(2)These poor saps are your standard MK. I meat shield.

Townie(who ever is left over) After a hard day's lynching, they're easy pickings, but after a good night's sleep, the torches and pitch forks come out.

The Badland Gang
Godfather=> Musty Bill(1)
Shoot out, noon: Musty Bill has a rap sheet as long as the Great Plains are wide. It includes murder, arson, cattle rustling, kidnapping, and spitting, He is also a crack shot. He duels for amusement, and if you don't show up, don't expect to be on the ground much longer, if you catch my drift. Musty Bill can duel someone during the day cycle, but it will take place at the end of the next day cycle. He can only duel twice.
Ain't noone but us chickens senor: Appears as a townie and cannot be attacked while in effect. he can still duel people though
If you wanna do somethin' right: Appears as Musty Bill and now has the ability to kill directly, but must choose whether to duel or kill.
I stole the rope: can cancel on lynch or a two fer one. Spares everyone in the latter case.

Mad Hatter=> Mad Miner(1)
Nitro!: Can be placed on two people at once, but only one person can be targeted a night. They are activated when A ) the Mad miner chooses, or B ) when the Mad Miner dies (yes it is that unstable).

Mafia=> Hired guns(2 or 3)We shoot crap up once a night.

Psycho(1):The psycho is an escapee from the insane asylum. He has a heart as black as pitch and a mind more unhinged than the local saloon's doors. He can kidnap a townie and if they aren't rescued by dawn two days after, then well, you just don't wanna know.

Days and nights alternate. Each day or night last 24 hours in real time. For example, day one begins at 21:00 GMT then night one begins at 21:00 GMT the nest day.
Days and nights will start at 21:00 GMT
I will not accept actions or votes after 20:30 GMT.

If you are not sure about what 21:00 GMT is in your time zone, see the charts below to find out.

If a person has not posted on the thread or voted in a lynching in two days (48 hours real time) they will be taken out of the game at the end of the current cycle. The only exception is if the person lets me know that they will be unable to post or vote ahead of time.

If you can't receive PQ's then you can't play. Sorry to be harsh, but this is to make things easier on everybody. This game runs on PQ's, it makes it really hard to make a strategy if you can't get them.

Clues will come from profiles, avatars, sigs, comic titles, and the first few pages of any comics a person has. Clues can be found in basically anything. The default gender will be male though. Narrations will probably be rather graphic, you have been warned.

Note: I also reserve the right to ban anyone who is acting like a Jackass. Even if you don't know the people playing personally, please show them the same respect you should show you friends. I hate to be a jerk about it, but it isn't as much fun to play when you have a person calling you an idiot all the time.

Oh one last thing, actions and votes are done in the order that they are received. That means that if a Marshall places a hit on the Mad Miner and then the Mad Miner places a Nitro on someone, then the Alchemist is killed and the bomb is not placed. Same thing for a lynch. If there is a tie, it is the person who hit the number of votes first that dies.

I will draw one scene from the narration every day and night cycle, but it'll be later than the narration. =^-^=
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:18PM
Salsa at 10:01AM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
1. Seventy2 Townie Killed Night Seven
2. Rokulily Townie shipped to Iceland Day Five
3. Randomdude Hired Gun Killed Night two
4. D_Dude Townie Lynched Day Four
5. Kroatz Marshall Killed Night two
6. MettaurPardoner Hired Gun Lynched Day Three
7. Product PlacementPyscho Killed night one
8. Anthony Mercer Crazy Old Man Higgins Lynched Day Seven
9. I am the l337 master Tracker Lynched Day Six
10.Niccea Marshall killed Night one
11.Same deputy Killed Night two
12.Harkovast Mad Miner lynched Day One
13.jninjashadow The Gossiper Killed Night Three
14.TheFlyingGreenMonkey Mayor Townie Survived
15.PoorBoyBlues Musty Bill Lynched Day Eight
16.Killerbob Librarian Blown Up Night Six

It was hot as a skillet full of cornbread straight outta the oven. Even the buzzards took one look outside and said, “Screw this, I’m going back to sleep.” Everyone was inside or in the shade. Well, except for two idiots, the sheriff and Musty Bill. Salsa the Bandit Obliviator, the sheriff, looked at Musty Bill like his eyes were going to kill him. Musty Bill stood there, his musty poncho fluttered in the hot wind.
The clocked tolled noon.
Salsa whipped out his gun, which shoot shells the size of heads, and fired at Musty Bill. Musty Bill dodged as he brought his gun to bear. Bullets whizzed by and the men reloaded again and again and again. Until there was a click, and a boom. Musty Bill walked off to the saloon for a drink as Salsa’s hat landed on Rokulily’s head.

Up and at ‘em, Day one’s begun

Votes for Mayor y'all:

Same: 3
Wanted Poster Bonus

Mettaur: 3 Pardoner
Wanted Poster Bonus

Seventy2: 3
Wanted Poster Bonus
1337 Master

Kroatz: 3
Wanted MOVIE Bonus
The Cat with no Name

I Am The 1337 Master: 1
Wanted Poster Bonus

TheFlyingGreenMonkey: 5 Mayor
Wanted Poster Bonus

jninjashadow: 2
Wanted Poster Bonus

Other Narrations:
Day One part1
Day One part2
Night One
Day Two
Night Two
Day Three
Night Three
Day Four
Night Four
Day Five
Night Five
Day Six
Night Six
Day Seven
Night Seven
Final Narrations
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:18PM
Mettaur at 10:27AM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,716
joined: 1-19-2010
Yeehaw! Wake up you softies, morning's here! We better feed the Brahmin then get ourselves some gru- oh, damn. The Sheriff is dead. Well, we better hold a funeral for 'im.
*Few hours later*
We are here on this day to honor Salsa the Sheriff, whose untimely end must be avenged. Salsa was a good man, he defended his town with his life, killing bandits and raiders until his untimely end. Now since the sheriff is dead , we need someone to continue on for him, to end this Musty Bill once and for all. I declare myself to run for the Sheriff and Mayor of this town, seeing as no one else is. Id there anyone else here that wants to run for the office and as the defender?
Been years since I was here. I've been at rehab since. So uh. Yknow, things got interesting.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:59PM
rokulily at 11:00AM, March 12, 2010
posts: 1,109
joined: 2-26-2008
as Salsa’s hat landed on Rokulily’s head.

it's its second home.

and does anyone want some fresh cornbread? 80% off!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:09PM
Niccea at 11:51AM, March 12, 2010
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
I was going to be the first to post, but Salsa wasn't finished making the thread and I had to go.

Also. Salsa, please make a TOC for the narratives. It helps with the comic process.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:14PM
Salsa at 12:33PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
Will do. I'm also going to draw this, but quality WILL take a dive after spring break. (March 22) Also the pic for this narrative will be up after 10:00pm CST
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:18PM
Kroatz at 12:52PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
Let me contribute a little now then.
here's a scene only seconds after the narration:

(this can be used by anyone, maybe even for the amazing mafia comic?)
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
Salsa at 1:12PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
pic of a buzzard eating me.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:18PM
same at 2:46PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,514
joined: 8-3-2008
I would just like to start my electoral speech.


“I would make an awesome mayor because…

Fan art for all of my voters comics, I hired Sammy Stephens and Monday carnivals.”

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:19PM
Kroatz at 3:01PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
So the election has officially started?
do we get points for Obama quotes?

I offer the same as same does.
only plus one!

If people vote for me, I vouch to keep them safe from hark… ehm harm.
I promise to make the Ol' Townston gallows more kid friendly!
I swear to make beef jerkey available for everyone! Everyone!
I'll keep the bandits out and the cornbread in!
I'll repaint the Ol' Saloon!
I'll give everyone one free meal a day!
Look at me, I look trustworthy!
So vote for Kroatz and live a happy life!

Oh, and Moo.
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
Mettaur at 3:20PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,716
joined: 1-19-2010
Vote for Mettaur, even my name is that of one that is impervious. Like the helmet of a Mettaur, I will shield you all from harm.

Beef Jerky? Why beef jerky? If I am voted, steaks are half off! Booze is going to be better too!

Repaint the Saloon? I'll rebuild it! In fact, got the plans right here, planning rooms to rent there so that the town can make more income! That means even more gold for all Townston inhabitants!

And also, that Brahmin that's running against me? He told me himself on the Mafia thread in the general discussions that he is actually a Deathclaw in disguise! Are you going to vote for a deathclaw?

Been years since I was here. I've been at rehab since. So uh. Yknow, things got interesting.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:59PM
seventy2 at 3:22PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
I promise to bring Law abiding gun slinging to the new old west!
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:30PM
Kroatz at 3:27PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
Look at me… LOOK AT ME!

Mettaur is Mafia!
He must be, he doesn't trust me…
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
Mettaur at 3:35PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,716
joined: 1-19-2010
Seventy-two is destroying the environment! The smoke is ruining the atmosphere! I promise as Mayor to eliminate smoking, and will have health programs to help ease smokers off cold turkey! And help them get out of smoking as well!

And think about Kroatz, he just shot up a man saying he would vote for him, why would you vote for a person if it gets you killed? In fact, I'm voting for myself, seeing as the other two don't really care about this town!

Plus, I risked my life to bring to you innocent and easily persuaded (By the evil of Kroatz!) Townies, this evidence!

What is this you might ask? This is Kroatz, before he put on his Brahmin disguise! Seriously, are you going to vote for the Deathclaw? There is a reason they are called DEATHclaws!
Been years since I was here. I've been at rehab since. So uh. Yknow, things got interesting.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:59PM
Kroatz at 3:38PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
Mettaur has a beard, what's he trying to hide huh?
So far only me and same have drawn sumthin themselves!
And mine moves!
just wait for it.
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
Mettaur at 3:43PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,716
joined: 1-19-2010
Well, I don't have time to make a pretty picture, I'm too busy trying to help this town! I could have spent that money getting a animation program, but I donated it all to the second chance pet adoptions in North Carolina! Well over a hundred, and the second chance pet adoptions organization is against euthanasian of animals! Would a mafia care that much about puppies? Huh? Look that puppy in the eyes, and say you won't vote for Mettaur so it can get more medicine! You would have to be cold to try so! And Kroatz doesn't like beards? Chuck Norris has a beard, you hate him as well? And there is a reason Sheriffs and heros have beards like that, its to hid a secret weapon from you evil guys, sp we can catch you by surprise! In fact, here is why western heros have beards!

Now you know why!

Because of Kroatz lawyers, I cannot show you incriminating evidence that he is mafia, but I will still keep trying to protect this town!
Been years since I was here. I've been at rehab since. So uh. Yknow, things got interesting.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:59PM
rokulily at 5:11PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 1,109
joined: 2-26-2008
Mettaur has a beard, what's he trying to hide huh?
know what else has beards? european unicorns. sorry that really has nothing to do with anything except that unicorns are pretty badass.

I'll keep the bandits out and the cornbread in!
and i control the cornbread trade in this town! at very reasonable prices i might add.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:09PM
Kroatz at 5:23PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
We'll have to be a team then, you ride the cornbread in on your badass unicorns and I'll ration it to all non-bandits!
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
rokulily at 5:27PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 1,109
joined: 2-26-2008
We'll have to be a team then, you ride the cornbread in on your badass unicorns and I'll ration it to all non-bandits!
i believe we can work something out. i don't want to deprive the good people freshly baked goods. that would be beyond horrible.

also, this is now on my list of things to draw…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:09PM
Kroatz at 5:34PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
The unicorns you mean?
I have a pic of a man-eating unicorn covered in blood somewhere… It's part of my legend as god of blue pitchforks and checkered toenails, and I drew it later-on. Is that your kind of unicorn?
behind all the cuteness seems to be a dark mind…
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
The cat with no name at 5:35PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 4
joined: 3-12-2010
A stranger has ridden into town.
A two fisted, six shooting, son of a gun.
He's going to clean up this two-bit one horse town, what ever it takes!
Hes the rootingist, tootingist gunslinger this side of the pacos (well okay, maybe the tooting could be improved, but the rooting is solid A+ stuff!)

No one knows who this stranger is.
Folks round these here parts just call him….


*The good, the bad and the ugly theme kicks in!*
I'll do anything for a fist full of fan art, or a few pieces of fan art more!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
Kroatz at 5:50PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
Some townie with a blue pitchfork and black/white checkered toenails walks along the path, barely noticing the corpse of the old sheriff that's being eaten on the side of the road. Suddenly he looks up and sees H******S* riding into town all mysterious like…

With a sigh he ignores him. Every time people acknowledge “THE CAT WITH NO NAME” he starts whining about reading some furry comic and if he could please have some fish.

Suddenly Kroatz the townie hears the good the bad and the ugly theme in the back of his head…
He whips out his harmonica and starts playin' along with the fictions of his imagination.

***All together now!***
(Insert harmonica sounds)
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
I Am The 1337 Master at 5:56PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 3,785
joined: 1-16-2009
Yes!!! Didn't miss the ekection this game! Vote for the 1337 Master because…

I will be your mayor and you will love me. Got it?

Is that a fake Harkovast or a Hark alias above my post?
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:54PM
rokulily at 6:05PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 1,109
joined: 2-26-2008
I Am The 1337 Master
Is that a fake Harkovast or a Hark alias above my post?
it is obviously anti-harkovast. it is everything hark is not. the great self premoter vs the cat with no name. while hark could be bribed and was wild and unpredictable this guy is straight and narrow and unfinching! unfinching!

would the universe implode if these two souls met? possibly

i think we should all now read harkovast as it will tip the scale in harkovasts favor allowing the universe to still exist.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:09PM
harkovast at 6:06PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 5,200
joined: 10-12-2008
I just got here, and I noticed a post from some devilishly handsome but mysterious character called “the cat with no name”.
I wonder who he could be?
It sure is a mystery.

For more Harkovast related goings on, go to the Harkovast Forum
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:44PM
I Am The 1337 Master at 6:16PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 3,785
joined: 1-16-2009
it is obviously anti-harkovast. it is everything hark is not. the great self premoter vs the cat with no name. while hark could be bribed and was wild and unpredictable this guy is straight and narrow and unfinching! unfinching!
would the universe implode if these two souls met? possibly

Isn't harkovast the anti of himself? …oh shit…

i think we should all now read harkovast as it will tip the scale in harkovasts favor allowing the universe to still exist.

Maybe he's made you insane. Reading Harkovast is for sensible people. (contradictory)

I just got here, and I noticed a post from some devilishly handsome but mysterious character called “the cat with no name”.

You lie. devilishly handsome? PHHFT!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:54PM
Niccea at 8:00PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
When do we get our roles?
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:14PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 8:06PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
Well salsa forgot to give me my role. But thankfully the librarian told me. Thanks librarian.

I am running for Mayor. I'm calling in that vote you owe me Hark. And I am forcing killerbob to vote for me. Plus myself and thats three right there. So who else whats another TFGM mayorship? I mean it would bring back good times. Remember last time Salsa was GM :D

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:18PM
Salsa at 8:13PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
If you did not receive a role, then PQ me and let me know. Drunk Duck has been acting up on me for some reason for the past couple of days and has been giving me headaches non-stop until now.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:18PM
Randomdudeperson at 8:17PM, March 12, 2010
posts: 611
joined: 9-20-2009
I Am The 1337 Master
You lie. devilishly handsome? PHHFT!

Be you bad mouthin that thar fella, fella? *hmph* Your funeral city slicker. Jya got knows how things is here in the west of wild. Saying the wrongs things, looking at the wrong wench, or even stepping in the wrong pile of dung will get you killed faster an you can say,…GOREADHARKOVAST!!! Thar be legends of the nameless one. We dar not even speak his name. Ta THINK of his name is a deathwish!

I'm loving this role playing bid! lol
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:01PM

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