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iphone- why I'd never get one.
Ozoneocean at 2:28AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Heh, the hype about this up and coming product is still going on. I love to watch the sheep braying for a hyped consumer item that isn't even on sale yet and has no track record etc…

Personally, the spectacle, the gullibility, the unquestioning love for these sorts of things is a little disturbing, even faintly disgusting. It might turn out to be a reasonably useful item, about as useful as any other mobile phone these days, but that's all it is.

When such mass demand for a product like this exists, and you find yourself succumbing to the same mass attraction, then it's time for a bit of self analysis: Are you that much of a mindless zombie? That much of a follower of the heard? Are most of your desires, wants and needs not your's at all but those created for you by a marketing machine? If so it's time to wake up, think for yourself, and try and work out what you really want.

As it is, the iPhone to me, will be nothing more than a badge of the zombie. No need to worry about “brain Tumours' when there's no brain to affect. ;)

-thought it was about time we had another rant in general… Too many ”are you this?“ and ”look at this" Threads about :P
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
marine at 2:34AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
The only “gadget” I've bought is an xbox 360. I hate music and movies, so why would I want an ipod? I refuse to buy new games for it too. I just think 60 bucks is too fucking much. 40 I'm fine with, but 60? Thats nucking futs. Especially for a game I already have on the OLD xbox that isn't compatible. Just for a skin of the incredible hulk, Hawkeye, and other fictional characters I worship.

I personally just travel with a knife, pistol, and my big penis. I don't use phones. Its like watches. If I want to know what time it is, chances are someone else has one ANYwhere you go. It doesn't matter if you're on mars, someone has a watch or a phone. And if iphone has something like Gears of War or Dead Rising, I'd be more interested in it. Even then, I'd just rent the software, possibly even buying a used copy.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
AQua_ng at 3:20AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
It's not like you can leave your penis at home marine.

But I myself do not see the reason for phones to have all these extras nowadays. I just want a phone that will let me call other people, which I do. I have no need for one that you can watch television and blare out annoying Rap at the back of buses. It just makes it an easier and better target for thieves to steal.

For the mindless zombie part, for teenagers (who I assume will be the targeted audience for this), they're going to be a split in this. One set will buy it, to be ‘cool’, the other won't, in order to non-conform and be ‘cool’. It's a vicious circle. Or another two dimensonal shape.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:56AM
lothar at 3:58AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 1,800
joined: 1-3-2006
i dunno wtf an iphone is , i've been in Japan for 2 years and EVERYBODY has cellphones, you can do Anything with your cell, sometimes i forget that it's realy sposed to be a phone !
i can already go online with the phone i have and i only paid 1yen for it, this just looks like the added a touch-screen and youtube!
i wonder how they're gunna handle the bandwidth issues with this thing , if it's similar to opera mini . you would have to have some kind of monthly subscription for unlimited BW, otherwise you would get some kind of nightmarish bill for all those youtube videos!!!
as lame as this apple product looks i still think that mobile web has a big potential ! i know that over here more people use cells than PCs to access the net ! and that goes double for developing countries where the infrastructure to support the traditional internet is nonexistant in some places.

i think something like this ,but not THIS (i wouldn't buy it simply because its a MAC) would be pretty cool , i spend a lot of time on the train and it would be nice to be able to check out DD and other stuff in that time !
that said , i still think DD needs to develope a mobile site !
like i posted here last month !!!!
i don't care how advanced that iphone is , NOBODY is gunna be able to cruise around this site on their phone with the all out Anarchy in relation to file sizes that is going on here ! Go read my original post in the ideas forum , i still think it's a good idea , and a Timely one
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
silentkitty at 8:07AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
I have no desire for an iPhone. o_O Hell, I still don't even have a regular cell phone (although I have been considering getting one lately just to put and leave in the car). Gadgets like the iPhone don't really interest me. If I'm going somewhere that I'll need to entertain myself for a while, I'll just bring a sketchpad or a book or my trusty gameboy. =p I don't really see any point in paying god only knows how much for a phone with a hundred extras that I'll never use.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:37PM
Lonnehart at 8:46AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 2,931
joined: 3-16-2006
Ahh… gone are the days when a cell phone was just that. Nowadays they've got tons of features stuffed into them. But what about those of us who just want a simple cell phone and nothing else?
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM
AQua_ng at 9:06AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
Well, since everyone would want the new phones, the old phone, which do the simple things, become really cheap. There's some in good media stores which sell them for £10 ($5). Hurrah. We (secretly) win.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:56AM
Locoma at 9:14AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 457
joined: 1-2-2006
I don't quite understand what's new with this iphone… a friend of mine has a palm-phone with cellphone, internet access, mp3, video, etc etc… and he bought it a year and a half ago
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM
AQua_ng at 9:41AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
The same thing happened with the iPod. So, I expect a lot of sales with this product.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:56AM
Terminal at 10:05AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
…having YouTube on a phone is considered a feature?

If there's one thing Apple is good at, it's advertising. They should just give up this whole hardware business and go into the advertising realm.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:11PM
Vindibudd at 10:47AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 420
joined: 1-29-2006
The iPhone does everything that the older phones do, but better. It has a bigger screen. It has more memory. Basically what the big deal is is that it combines your iPod with a phone and a real browser, not some stripped down browser.

Would I buy one? Not yet, but I am not going to insult those that are field testing it for me. I just can't justify spending that much on the device when I already have a phone and an iPod and I just have to go ghetto and carry them both at the same time.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:42PM
Ozoneocean at 11:18AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Hahahaha, browser, big screen, memory, touchsreen… all been done :(
The main thing is, it's the new "MUST HAVE" device from Apple.

Sort of reminds me of the four wheel drive Porsche I saw driving down my street the other day (that's an SUV in the current parlance). I thought to myself ‘the whole point of owning or wanting a Porsche is that they’re sleek, sexy and fast…' Why would you get a 4x4 Porsche? That's like going to buy an Arabian horse and stipulating that you want it to look like a pig!
But the current tide of consumerism dictates that 4x4s are a must-have item, so Porsche provides one and Zombies buy them, or at lease lust for them.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
Vindibudd at 11:36AM, June 23, 2007
posts: 420
joined: 1-29-2006
Hahahaha, browser, big screen, memory, touchsreen… all been done :(

Yes, we covered that. Of course it has been done, but not better. I don't know of a phone that has come before that had 4 gigs of internal memory, much less 8.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:42PM
LIZARD_B1TE at 1:38PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 3,307
joined: 6-22-2006
…I don't have a cellphone or an iPod. 0_o
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:37PM
EHJones at 1:44PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 55
joined: 5-15-2007
Of course it's all been done… blackjacks, blackberries, treos, pocket pc phones… it's all been done. The thing that intrigues me about the iphone is the combination of all these features in a smaller footprint, and the supposedly no-brainer ease of use. I've been wanting something I can use, like an ipod, to store music and video (like episodes of Smallville… what a geek I am!), but the ipod is too small a screen for my taste. So having the larger screen of the iphone, with plenty of memory to store a few epis of my favorite shows, would be great. Having it combined with a phone, organizer, e-mail device, and web browser so I don't have to carry around a phone, MP3 player, pocket PC, pager from work, etc. all on my belt… it sounds appealing to me. Yeah, pocket PC's have done this, so have treos and blackberries… but they're all bulky and ugly, and you feel like you're holding a brick up to your ear. The iphone actually looks like a phone.

No, I'm not going to go buy one. I don't exactly have the money, and I also don't buy new products on release day… ever. And I'm not buying into the hype… I've researched the features, and some of them are things that I've been looking for. It's not like the RAZR and SLVR… they looked cool, but the hype turned me off, and it turned out that they're really not all that great. Despite being turned off by the hype, and what I can only imagine will be an immense price tag, the things the iphone has that are things I've specifically been wanting in a pocket device have me hoping they turn out to live up to the hype.

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:19PM
strong414bad at 2:41PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 1,113
joined: 9-29-2006
Cell phones are useful. Items which rip you from the rest of the world and make you spend more and more time on a little box are not.
Why hello there.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:59PM
StaceyMontgomery at 2:48PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 520
joined: 4-7-2007
Ha. i predicted the iPod will would flop.

I'll avoid making predictions this time.

As for the iPhone - I hate phones. I hate cellphones. But Im pretty jealous of japanese cell phone service. They offer amazing services and much better deals. The “multi year lock in contract” is a scam, and everyone knows it - except us Americans.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:55PM
D0m at 3:36PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 656
joined: 5-26-2007
All I have to say is:

“Five hundred dollars?”

I'm gonna make a twenty-minute long groan if this thing sells as well as iPods.

Nadya- a tale about what happens to SOME of us when we die.

Currently: Nadya is awake and asking more relevant questions.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:02PM
ceb_dyson at 6:51PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 80
joined: 1-24-2006
Hahahah I agree with the “gone are the days…” ‘cause of the fact that I only got a cell phone because the payphones were being taken away. My parents decided that I was mature enough to have a phone and so they got me one. Sure enough, I am mature. I don’t do a whole lot of txting, and I go out of me way ta ask my friends not to txt me. Nor does my phone have games on it. I just get one so I can call, that's it.

As for music, I have my CD player (haha). I make me own cd's so I've no need ta carry around an ipod or an mp3 player. Sure, it's bulky but I don't mind. It didn't cost me nor my family that much and that's economic fer me.

As for the whole zombie thing, Oz, maybe we should have the zombies do that if we ever actually do the DD Zombie thing. Have them go after consumer products instead of brains. It'd be a neat twist, neh?
I've too many mottos ta say here, so be glad I'm not saying any of them.

Tale of Two Kitties is Soon to Come…weheheheh!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:39AM
Ozoneocean at 8:08PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
As for the whole zombie thing, Oz, maybe we should have the zombies do that if we ever actually do the DD Zombie thing. Have them go after consumer products instead of brains. It'd be a neat twist, neh?
Brilliance! Yep! :)

Oh, I don't think it'll fail, I think it will succeed! Because of the hype… I mean it's “Revolutionary” and there will be “no other comparable or better product around”, It'll be “the most user friendly phone ever!”… Yep, that's the idea that people will have so it'll sell and sell. lol!

In reality, the technology is out there already, for a nice price, and during the first few days of the iphone's release and through its service life it will be easily exceeded by cheaper and better devices that do it all and more; that's just how the industry works, but the hype and mythos surrounding the product imagines that there will be nothing else. It will be like the ipod (as people have said); mp3 payers existed before the ipod and there were plenty of much better ones after, but the very term “mp3 player” has become synonymous with ipod. ;)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
marine at 9:32PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
The iPhone does everything that the older phones do, but better. It has a bigger screen. It has more memory. Basically what the big deal is is that it combines your iPod with a phone and a real browser, not some stripped down browser.

Would I buy one? Not yet, but I am not going to insult those that are field testing it for me. I just can't justify spending that much on the device when I already have a phone and an iPod and I just have to go ghetto and carry them both at the same time.

But if you have a laptop with skype, you've basicly got yourself an ultra gameboy (My favorite thing is super nintendo and sega games, tons of nes games, etc, etc) and I can take that anywhere. I can also have all my music right there, and my videos too. If you get into someones wi fi, you can practically do anything.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
Mazoo at 9:39PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 599
joined: 1-2-2006
I'm sort of indifferent about this thing. I don't really see the allure of owning a cell phone that can play music and surf the web and play videos and all of that junk when I've got a few-years-old cell phone that works perfectly fine, on which I don't even use half the features. I declined getting internet access with it because I don't really care to get a “hip, awesome new ringtone!” every other week and I thought it would've been a waste of money. I admit I do have an iPod, but I'm not going to pay the money to get one of those compatible devices so it'll play in your car. I can use CDs just fine for that, thank you. And when my old iPod broke? I went back to using my CD player for a while (man, I must've looked SO OLD SCHOOL because of it).

There is a girl in my school who has been blathering on about this stupid thing for about 6 months now. And since her dad works for Apple, she believes she's entitled to everything on the Apple market… and let us know how inferior we are to that.

The way I see is that people have gotten extremely lazy. Are we really so dead-minded that we can't even entertain ourselves for 5 minutes without whining for something digital or technologically fancy?

In conclusion… bah. whatever. If people want to go waste their money on it, I'm not stopping them. I'm, for one, keeping my dignity, thank you.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:56PM
SteveMyers22 at 10:36PM, June 23, 2007
posts: 298
joined: 6-17-2007
I don't quite understand what's new with this iphone

The hype is pretty simple to get:

It's a gadget that combines everything in one easy to use product. It's not as klunky or big as the current “do it all” phones. And its got the new feature that lets you touch the screen to call up whatever you want, be it a numberpad or a keyboard, your contact list or your email.

I want one.

But good lord they're overpriced.

Right now I just use my cellphone for phone calls. I don't text. I don't take pics. I don't check my email or my voice mail for that matter. The iPhone is the first phone that caught my attention and made me think, hey, with everything that easy, even an idiot like me could catch up.

But good lord they're overpriced.

Since we all here do web comics, I'm kind of surprised everyone would be so down on this phone. I mean new tech, new avenues to show off our art right?


– Steve Myers, Creator of The Adventures of Superchum on Drunk Duck, and at
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:58PM
subcultured at 12:46AM, June 24, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
iphones are cool!
i use it ^_-
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:02PM
Will at 12:53AM, June 24, 2007
posts: 383
joined: 2-10-2007
eh, you make a good point, but im still going to buy one…

ive held off buying an ipod ever since they came out, because i eneded the money for a pda or a smartphone, or even just a new phone, to me buying an iphone just kills 2 birds with one stone

(i'm obviously going to wait for it to go down in price though, im not that mindless)
putting your own quote into your sig is the post pretentious and pathetic thing anyone could ever do.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:49PM
Ozoneocean at 2:15AM, June 24, 2007
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
It's a gadget that combines everything in one easy to use product. It's not as klunky or big as the current “do it all” phones. And its got the new feature that lets you touch the screen to call up whatever you want, be it a numberpad or a keyboard, your contact list or your email.
That's the hype, not a reason for it. So far it does exactly none of those things; because it's not even available yet, but you want it for the promise of them (as if they're really uber-desirable features), that's what hype is. ;)

And there's the whole point. The product is a smash success before they've even made a sale. What a dream situation for the fat mandarins who produce this sort of tech junk. lol!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
marine at 2:25AM, June 24, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
iphones are cool!
i use it ^_-

Just when I think I'm doing really well with extra content on my page, you completely top me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
lothar at 3:50AM, June 24, 2007
posts: 1,800
joined: 1-3-2006

that's cool Sub !

although i have no plan to buy the iphone, it is prolly the start of a new phase of the internet , other products will follow , many people will buy cheaper less stylish versions . the point is - in the future , you will be able to access the internet from your celll , and Everybody will have cells – so why not adapt online comics to fit this new area ??? who cares if you want to use it or not ! a lot of other people Will be using it!
and IMO - DrunkDuck , being the #1 free comics site on the nets , should get in on the action !!!
We need DD-mobile !!!
that's what we should be talking about !
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
Locoma at 7:52AM, June 24, 2007
posts: 457
joined: 1-2-2006
The hype is pretty simple to get:

It's a gadget that combines everything in one easy to use product. It's not as klunky or big as the current “do it all” phones. And its got the new feature that lets you touch the screen to call up whatever you want, be it a numberpad or a keyboard, your contact list or your email.

that was exactly the point of my post, I said my friend's palm does exactly that and he bought it a year and a half ago. From what I've read of this topic the important points are
1) it's better
2) it's cool

hahaha, that sounds like an AD to me
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM
Mr Chappers at 11:32AM, June 24, 2007
posts: 140
joined: 3-27-2007
Are there going to be

“ Hi im a I phone” “and im a Motorola”


Read the Author, its good i promise.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:07PM

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