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How old is your computer?
Terminal at 7:32AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
With good enough care, any computer can last for a long time. Sure it's parts with start to break, and you'll have to replace things, but whatever.

My computer is a Sony Vaio that is now eight years old, sure the graphics card sucks ( can run Flight Simulator, but it's very slow.) the screen is broken, the speakers have this terrible habit of creating this static noise or shutting down, I've gone through one keyboard and three mouses. All around, it's a pretty good computer that can take a solid beating and still work. This coming from the girl that downloads so much crap off the internet that it's amazing how I don't have a virus. Not to mention it's pretty powerful. It just needs more space. I'm thinking of this year buying a new moniter, some new speakers, a hard drive, a graphic card and I'll be set for another three years.

I've only had to reboot the thing once, and that was only because the computer didn't want to start. I'm thinking of doing it again, just to get some free space and delete all that crap I don't need.

What about you guys, your computer, how old is it? any problems with it?
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:10PM
Aurora Moon at 8:02AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 2,630
joined: 1-7-2006
my comptuer's 11 years old now…. it's an black dell comptuer. it's been usually good to me so far but now it's starting to have memory issues, and not the harddrive kind but the vitural memory kind… in terms of ram or whatever.

I've been upgrading it now though. I got a second harddrive, and now I have a new graphics card that I ordered that I have to yet to install.
I'm on hitatus while I redo one of my webcomics. Be sure to check it out when I'n done! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:09AM
hat at 8:09AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 449
joined: 8-27-2006
1996 man!!
Only 512 ram and still runs like a pro.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:45PM
Wolfer at 8:16AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 284
joined: 1-6-2007
I bought mine last fall. I hate it. Can't run anything. Gonna buy a new CPU and Graphics card when Vista is released.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
sandy at 8:29AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 478
joined: 1-5-2006
Wow, I thought mine was getting on in years. I purchased my Dell Dimension Desktop 8250 in the year of 2002 and it's a little slow but no viruses and nothing has really broken yet. Except the screen may be wearing out. I've upgraded the internal memory a few years ago, and when I started with the computer I had only about one gig of useable memory. I shelled out six hundred beans to give it another gig, plus I now have an external drive which gives me a whole other hard drive besides the one I got. So I'm trying real hard to extend the life of this computer. And hopefully my screen will die out faster than my mother board. Then I can get that nice flat lcd screen I've always wanted.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:22PM
carrollhach at 9:10AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 102
joined: 9-29-2006
I splurged in 2004 and bought a Mac G5.It's still the best computer I have. I was always a windows guy prior… built my own computers for years.
Macintosh rules, simple as that.
Josh Carrollhach
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The Clench and Cheese Blog
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:36AM
WingNut at 9:17AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 746
joined: 10-13-2006
I revamped mine in may, but my baby hates me because its a rocking gaming rig, and all I do is draw anymore. ;)

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:50PM
AQua_ng at 11:00AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
December '06.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:55AM
CommonSense at 11:50AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 32
joined: 11-1-2006
Summer '06, hard core gaming rig ftw!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:44AM
BigFishComic at 11:52AM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 970
joined: 7-27-2006
heeey mine is a sony vaio too ‘cept I bought it…something like 4 or 5 years ago. It has crashed many times and is generally rather slow and useless but what can I say? It’s mine.

The glowing blue vaio logo which matches the glowing blue line on the tablet and the glowing blue buttons on the external HD make it all worth it.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:22AM
skoolmunkee at 2:02PM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
My Satellite laptop is about 3 years old now. I don't have any real problems with it, but that's because I know how to take care of the things. :) Plus I am smart about software, virus/spyware, installation… etc.

My work laptop though, another Satellite… that thing's only 1 year old and it's a hunk of junk. I think I'm going to ask them to wipe it out and re-install everything because I'm seriously having problems with it that have no logical answer and really hinder my ability to work on it.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:39PM
Ozoneocean at 3:04PM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 29,082
joined: 1-2-2004
I dunno when I got my main machine… mid 2003 maybe? Either that or early 2004. I've upgrades a few things… Extra montor, nice video card, new processor fan, new much bigger power pack, two extra internal hardrives and a nice big 400gig external drive in a lovely aluminium case. Ooo, it did have to get a new motherboard too a while ago, seems it got spiked or something.

Anyway, it's always run well. I keep it in very good shape. And I have a back-up PC as well that's only about a year and a half old.

There's no way I'd get a Mac even though I did consider it when the backup needed replacing: if something goes seriously wrong with your comp it's most likely to be hardware and Mac's are at a severe price disadvantage there.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:25PM
shaneronzio at 3:10PM, Jan. 14, 2007
posts: 496
joined: 12-4-2006
I run an Apple II e.

and a Commodore 64.

and an abacus.

Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
Wolfer at 1:49AM, Jan. 15, 2007
posts: 284
joined: 1-6-2007
Who else is gonna upgrade when Vista is released? I know I will.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
Ozoneocean at 2:07AM, Jan. 15, 2007
posts: 29,082
joined: 1-2-2004
If I could be bothered getting Vista… Maybe in a year or so. Maybe a year and a half? I didn't even get XP untill I got this machine in 2003-04.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:25PM
Cope at 3:29AM, Jan. 15, 2007
posts: 32
joined: 10-27-2006
I've had mine since circa 2001. The RAM was upgraded to meet the minimum requirements for Windows XP in December '05, but other than that it is old and decrepit.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:45AM
josif at 8:52AM, Jan. 15, 2007
posts: 156
joined: 1-7-2006
My pc is from good old 2004…
Your Reading Skills Have Increased By Two Points.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
mishi_hime at 2:00PM, Jan. 15, 2007
posts: 1,806
joined: 7-17-2006
mac book pro (yay laptop :D)
OS X (tiger kitty)
1 gb RAM
70gb hardrive
i bought it fer skool.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:02PM
skoolmunkee at 8:39AM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
i bought it fer skool.

Aww, thanks! So when can I expect it?
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:39PM
sandy at 11:54AM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 478
joined: 1-5-2006
Windows Vista? EEP! Oh my god, my computer is that old? I'm still running on XP. I hope my next version of Norton Antivirus runs on that. Well, I suppose this is trying to tell me something and maybe not. I'm gonna keep my old computer for as long as I can because buying a new one can get awfully pricey. Does anyone know if it's cheap enough to upgrade through the same computer company from which you bought your computer from?
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:22PM
Ozoneocean at 12:13PM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 29,082
joined: 1-2-2004
No, they can gouge you just like anybody else… Building your own is cheapest, but the cheapest easy thing to do is to buy from small specialist computer shops that have good webites for buying computer parts. You can usually pick what bits you want and they'll build the whole thing pretty cheaply. They're also the best people to go to for upgrades, just make sure they have a shop front near you and not on the other side of the country!

…The worst people to buy computers from are big department stores, electronics and entertaiment specialists, and IBM. Big mark-ups for ordinary crap… Plus, the people they employ are morons who don't know anything about computers what-so-ever!'
-not that computer techs anywhere are that bright, but if they specialise in computers they tend to pick up a little bit of knowledge eventually at least. lol!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:25PM
OutofLine at 12:31PM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 67
joined: 9-9-2006
I got my computer in spring 06, it's very good for games - 3.06GHz, 1gig RAM and a Geforce6200 graphics card. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:23PM
marine at 12:34PM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
I've got a network of four computers that I use. Most are less then a year old.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
LunarYouko at 12:40PM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 102
joined: 12-11-2006
Hmm….. I think my computer is something like 2-3 years old now. Seems like its been longer though.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:49PM
sandy at 6:31PM, Jan. 16, 2007
posts: 478
joined: 1-5-2006
No, they can gouge you just like anybody else… Building your own is cheapest, but the cheapest easy thing to do is to buy from small specialist computer shops that have good webites for buying computer parts. You can usually pick what bits you want and they'll build the whole thing pretty cheaply. They're also the best people to go to for upgrades, just make sure they have a shop front near you and not on the other side of the country!

…The worst people to buy computers from are big department stores, electronics and entertaiment specialists, and IBM. Big mark-ups for ordinary crap… Plus, the people they employ are morons who don't know anything about computers what-so-ever!'
-not that computer techs anywhere are that bright, but if they specialise in computers they tend to pick up a little bit of knowledge eventually at least. lol!

Hmm, you're right, building them by hand is cheapest but I'm just an artist not a computer engineer. Ahh well, I think what I'll do is keep an eye out for those free shipping and handling offers that Dell's been shelling out lately. That's how I got my computer for a really good price. I watched the sales…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:22PM
NotBob at 9:25AM, March 3, 2007
posts: 11
joined: 12-5-2006
Bought myself a laptop on the Thursday after last Christmas ‘coz I knew Santa wouldn’t get me one! It's wireless enabled which means I can do all my internet stuff for free down at the pub! WAAHAY!!! And some of the graphics packages I've loaded onto it are fantastic! Now if only I can learn how to use my pen and tablet properly…
Where does reason stop and killing just take over?
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:17PM
silentkitty at 10:52AM, March 3, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
Mine's pushing about six years now, I believe. It still works fairly well until I try to open a giant art file in Photoshop. It starts showing its age right around 150MB and it only gets worse from there, lol. =P

I also have one from a while back that still has Windows ME on it, but I don't use it for anything anymore aside from playing music.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:37PM
TheTopHat at 12:01PM, March 3, 2007
posts: 172
joined: 2-22-2007
3 years or so. bought with my 1st paycheck…and it hates me.

Well maby not but is a querky bugger, full of little prombles i figer out how to go round but not fix.
One good thing about this is that no one but me can figer out how to get the thing to work. It a pain in the ass but i love it.

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:28PM
FAL at 9:31AM, March 5, 2007
posts: 138
joined: 2-21-2007
I use an iMac G5 for drawing my comic. It's about 2 years old now.

It's great except It doesn't have the power to handle some of my backgrounds. Sometimes I have to draw without seeing what I'm doing since it takes a few seconds to update… (I draw everything in Flash, although it doesn't look like it)

Of course this is all program related since in Illustrator it can handle anything I draw, but I dont like the look of it's strokes…
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:25PM
Freux at 12:50AM, March 8, 2007
posts: 136
joined: 2-15-2007
I totally souped mine up a few months ago for WoW.. then I quit playing. Boo!

Mine has the weirdest/neatest model name ever. It's called an ‘ABS Awesome’.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:31PM

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