Comic Talk and General Discussion *

Ozoneocean at 7:17AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
So that thing is over now, right? Well and truly? What did you do for it?
Anything at all?

Dress up… party… costumes… eat stuff… watch scary movies…?

All I did was make a newspost and change the description of General Discussion temporarily. I don't do Halloween. ;)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:32PM
bravo1102 at 7:22AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 6,309
joined: 1-21-2008
I made a sign to keep the kids away while I slept to rest up for the midnight shift.

“Please do not knock or ring doorbell or you will disturb the eternal sleep of the UNDEAD.”

This was after a bitch session about one of the therapists in group therapy. Then we went over the “brand-new” so neat behavioral therapy that I've known how to do for 20 years. lol!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:33AM
HippieVan at 7:43AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
I dressed up and went out trick-or-treating! :D We ran all around the neighbourhood and got tons of candy! It was the warmest Halloween I can remember…I didn't have to winterproof my costume at all!
Then we went over to my friend's house and watched a non-scary movie because I'm a wimp.

I still love Halloween so much.
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:49PM
Steely Gaze at 7:47AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 824
joined: 7-7-2007
I watched the first Halloween since I'd never seen it. It just seemed appropriate.

Dang, what a brilliant movie! Much more than a mere slasher flick. Actually, it gave me some chills, which is what I consider to be a massive success for a horror movie. :)
A Roll of the Dice now with full-size pages!

John Clyde now with ten times the tacky Hawaiian shirts!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:58PM
Dragonizer at 8:04AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 2,675
joined: 8-23-2007
I came home from school and then worked! =D

Yeah, I'd forgotten to ask off. I WOULDA gone trick-or-treating, but baaah. It's for the best, I suppose. Of McDonald's, anyway. Including me, we only had about 6 people working the night shift 'cause everybody had been asking off. And our scheduling manager is stupid.
K.A.L.A.-dan! Morality Pet >:3
The end of time will be the end of guilt.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:16PM
Evil_Snuffkin at 8:54AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 934
joined: 1-6-2006
Myself and a few mates dressed up and went to a flat party. I was a cat burgular (a cat costume and a swag bag… nobody got it T_T). After that we found out the club we were going to had sold out so went and watched a midnight Quantom of Solice instead.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:24PM
Inkmonkey at 10:45AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 2,220
joined: 1-3-2006
Steely Gaze
I watched the first Halloween since I'd never seen it. It just seemed appropriate.

Dang, what a brilliant movie! Much more than a mere slasher flick. Actually, it gave me some chills, which is what I consider to be a massive success for a horror movie. :)

We ended up doing that too, though I was kinda buzzed by that point and for whatever reason it wasn't as scary because of that.

EDIT: A pretty accurate summary of my night can be seen here.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:00PM
amanda at 11:05AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 2,075
joined: 9-19-2007
I went blues dancing. As a My Little Pony. Until 5 in the morning. Oh, and I learned the Thriller dance and did that, too.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:51AM
Vakanai at 11:31AM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 460
joined: 11-20-2007
I made two crappy Halloween comic updates and put up my first page of my new horror comic.
And that was it. I'm too old to trick or treat, I don't know anybody for parties, and I'm not a party guy anyway, and there was no Halloween stuff on my TV.
Seriously, do I have to get basic cable just for one damn Halloween reference?
Screw you local antenna channels!
And that was about it.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:38PM
lba at 1:16PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
I sat around and watched crappy movies with three girls in the commons of my building. I can't even really say I have dirty stories that never really happened. I just got poked a lot.

But I still classify it as a huge improvement over last year when I worked a double shift.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:29PM
Dan at 8:30PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 749
joined: 3-16-2006
Went to the mall, saw how everyone dressed up for Halloween. Got myself some philly cheesesteak and fries and read books until my parents were finished.

I did however, see a person in complete Chewbacca (Maybe even as tall as?) suit, complete with a bow gun. God, I wish I would've taken a picture with him, but my parents took the camera RIGHT before.

Other than that I have my sister a glare of disappointment after I saw what a puny amount of candy she got. 1/2 of the contents were paper. Paper advertisements.
“I like shooting, but I sure as hell don't like being shot at.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:04PM
PIT_FACE at 8:40PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
nothing monumental this year, but unlike a lot of you poor sports i was able to get into at least a little bit. for most of the night i just hung out with my sis and her family and drank a little.
but i DID dress up for work. i'm a busser at a restaurant and i made myself out to be a cannibal , so i guess i was a cannibal busser during the day. i colored my hair black with white spots and bloody red ones and dirtied my face up and smeared blood on it and i bought a plastic skull and bones thing i tied around my wrist that rattled when i shook it and i also have a necklace given to me by a friend of mine who's a shawman and it's made out of actual deer bones and sinew and has like falcon talons hanging off it and all sortsa cool stuff like that, so anyways, i put that on too and the begining of the day was pretty slow. there werent a whole lot of customers getting into it and no one else dressed up but…BUT!….much to my suprise and utter joy, the kids from the local grade school district were having a costume parade, single file, leading right outside my restaurant so i ran out and started acting up like telling kids i was gonna eat em and snarlin and just scaring the shit outa some of these poor kids!haha! a lot of em were getting into it too. some of em would stop and stare and back up the whole line and run into eachother and shit. it was a gas! and i mean there was a TON of these kids! this thing must have gone on for almost an hour..i had to take breaks from this shit! a lot of fun.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:44PM
Aurora Borealis at 8:45PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
I sat down and rescripted the last chapter… and had some icecream and saw Iron Man. Aaand that was it for me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
JoeL_CQB at 11:08PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 546
joined: 4-17-2007
i just dressed up and hung out with friends.

people don't know who the SAS are, so everybody thought I was Hunk from Resident Evil. Although I have never played that series.

Edit: judging from the Google pictures, it seems he has a FM12 respirator instead of the S10.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:10PM
Faliat at 11:17PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 584
joined: 10-17-2006
Rushed together a halloween costume before setting off at 5pm to make an hour long trip to collect a group of friends and take them back home on the bus for a halloween party… I missed all the kids turning up at the door, and I couldn't go trick or treating myself, but with the costume I had on and me being only half an inch under five feet, I could've easily passed as an obese 12 year old…

Mind you, I don't think many people would appreciate my kind of humor.
I was dressed as Osama Bin Liner.

Party was pretty fun despite that. Ate some of the leftovers today for dinner.

Call that jumped up metal rod a knife?
Watch mine go straight through a kevlar table, and if it dunt do the same to a certain gaixan's skull in my immediate vicinity after, I GET A F*****G REFUND! BUKKO, AH?!

- Rekkiy (NerveWire)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:25PM
Chernobog at 1:29AM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 926
joined: 11-3-2007
I bit the bullet and wound up painting/dressing myself up as Baron Samedi after all. And of course, no one really understood it or even the explanation so I dumbed it down for the suburbanites by just saying ‘zombie’. People did compliment the paint job though. I take a lot of pride in that sort of thing.

I walked around a few blocks with my friend's kids and what not. Got a stick of gum too. Seems to me a good portion of the kids out there didn't all get the holiday's concept, like they were doing everyone else a favor by going out and putting a costume on. Maybe it's just the crowd here.

Eh, I've had better.

“You tell yourself to just
enjoy the process,” he added. “That whether you succeed or fail, win or
lose, it will be fine. You pretend to be Zen. You adopt detachment, and
ironic humor, while secretly praying for a miracle.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
Noneko at 1:33AM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 11
joined: 2-1-2008
Since Halloween isn't celebrated that much here where I live, I did almost nothing hallowen related. I just stayed home and gave some candy to random neighbour kids who were trick or treating. It felt weird since when I was kid, No one went trick or treating xD
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:17PM
skoolmunkee at 12:16PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
I forgot that I can't turn off my porch light (when they redid the house they didn't put in a switch) so I was surprised when kids knocked on my door. I'm surprised they do trick or treating at all here, it's not really done in England.

The only thing I had were some reeses mini cups I brought back from america, but they weren't individually wrapped (beyond the foil they come in) so I bet the 5-6 kids that came by all had those thrown away. :[ I feel bad for them if they did.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:41PM
Jules at 12:18PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 272
joined: 8-30-2006
What I did for Halloween?

Absolutely nothing..
Band kept me up till 10:00 pm and I had to sleep because I had SATs the day after.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
Willicus at 2:09PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 136
joined: 9-12-2008
Residence trick-or-treating was awesome!
I dressed up as Boxer Boy, a casual aquaintance of Captain Underpants.
It was pretty chilly out, but I had my awesome Superman cape to keep me warm.
And I got a nice load of candy, too.
It's too bad Res students aren't allowed trick-or-treating around town anymore.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:50PM
Evil_Snuffkin at 7:06AM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 934
joined: 1-6-2006
I'm surprised they do trick or treating at all here, it's not really done in England.

Idon't know about that because no matter where I've lived (except my student flat, that'd just be wierd) we end up getting trick or treaters. Some years we've had over twenty and so always make sure we stock up on sweets a couple of days before hand. It'd be amazing if Halloween was as big as it is over in America though.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:24PM
ipokino at 9:27AM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 161
joined: 2-25-2007
For me, Halloween is both a religous holiday and an Anniversary. As a Wiccan practitioner, the magic circle always calls on the night of the Samhain Sabbat. Last year we actually went and celebrated Samhain in Salem Mass. Hope to do that again soon. Celebrating my connection to Gaia is always a joyous thing.

Also an Anniversary–the Anniversary of the day my Wife and I KNEW we were in it for life. I put myself out of a job to be with her–(she had already filed for divorce from her multi-millionaire husband even before I asked her out–all because she wanted the chance to be with me) anyway. I'm so lucky. Halloween is special to me for all those reasons.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:02PM
Bittenbymonk at 9:51AM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 422
joined: 1-6-2008
I sat at home and drank. although that's not really halloween specific, I just like drinkin. If I time the drinking right, I'll get Jonny Depp's liver when he dies.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:22AM
Willicus at 10:39AM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 136
joined: 9-12-2008
I sat at home and drank. although that's not really halloween specific, I just like drinkin. If I time the drinking right, I'll get Jonny Depp's liver when he dies.
I heard he was donating his body to hungry orphans.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:50PM
Scheiden at 11:55AM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 96
joined: 6-2-2008
There was a fab Halloween Party by our school and the location was a really cool bar. It was so much fun, the outfits, the dance numbers and the groove. Yeahhhh totally feeling the disco~

Oh and I dressed up as that guy who killed in Virginia Tech University, Seung-Hui Cho.

Lol, yeah right. I just borrowed some shirts, toy guns and shit. I wouldn't be bothered to spend money on a halloween costume that I'm going to wear only once.

The party was totally one of the best I've gone to. Srsly. The essence of “Disco Disco Good Good!” was in it. All hail ZohaN! >o< ) \m/
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:24PM
Walrus at 4:53PM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 1,159
joined: 2-18-2007
I made a sign to keep the kids away while I slept to rest up for the midnight shift.

“Please do not knock or ring doorbell or you will disturb the eternal sleep of the UNDEAD.”

This was after a bitch session about one of the therapists in group therapy. Then we went over the “brand-new” so neat behavioral therapy that I've known how to do for 20 years. lol!

I put a sign up that read, “No candy here” and people still rang the doorbell.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:45PM
HippieVan at 5:16PM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
I made a sign to keep the kids away while I slept to rest up for the midnight shift.

“Please do not knock or ring doorbell or you will disturb the eternal sleep of the UNDEAD.”

This was after a bitch session about one of the therapists in group therapy. Then we went over the “brand-new” so neat behavioral therapy that I've known how to do for 20 years. lol!

I put a sign up that read, “No candy here” and people still rang the doorbell.

You both have no hearts. On Halloween, you buy huge amounts of candy and give out as much of it as possible to children dressed up in cute costumes! End of story! It's one night a year and you can't stay even be bothered to put a bowl of candy on your doorstep with a note to not take too much? Come on.
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:49PM
lefarce at 11:00PM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 5,452
joined: 2-9-2006
My costume > everyone else's.

I lost the city costume contest by one place… to my archenemy: MR.T

Imagine if you will, House vs. Mr.T. He kept telling me he pitied me for bein' a fool while I tried to tell him he was dying of heavy metal poisoning

bog damnsit this was the best halloween ever

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:33PM
SeriousQuiche at 6:31PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 604
joined: 3-5-2006
I sat around and watched crappy movies with three girls in the commons of my building. I can't even really say I have dirty stories that never really happened. I just got poked a lot.

But I still classify it as a huge improvement over last year when I worked a double shift.

X3 You pimp!

Ten times better than my Halloween….
Watched Shawn of the Dead and ate 100 Grand bars.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show sold out ; ; so I didn't get to go.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:28PM

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