MAFIA... and other forum games

Guess what the person above you was thinking when they choose their avatar? (v 4.1)
I Am The 1337 Master at 9:24AM, July 13, 2010
posts: 3,785
joined: 1-16-2009
I is a vampire furry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:54PM
Salsa at 10:06AM, July 13, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
Autobats, transfigure and fly out!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:18PM
seventy2 at 1:13PM, July 13, 2010
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
really? you think that, about me?
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:30PM
I Am The 1337 Master at 4:49PM, July 13, 2010
posts: 3,785
joined: 1-16-2009

or you might have thought this.

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:54PM
Niccea at 5:41PM, July 13, 2010
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
I am Hark's evil twin brother. Krah!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:14PM
Wordweaver_three at 12:14AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 458
joined: 8-1-2008
Canary? What canary?
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
Salsa at 1:19AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
Why does my hair fan out like that?
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:18PM
Wordweaver_three at 1:32AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 458
joined: 8-1-2008
Every time I raise my eyebrow like so…

…a signature shoots out my ear.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 2:20AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
I've had work done.

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:19PM
Wordweaver_three at 2:56AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 458
joined: 8-1-2008
I iz made of lol catz!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 3:43AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
My mouth isn't sewwed shut. Its just full of hugs.

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:19PM
Niccea at 5:30AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
(I thought X's were Kisses and O's were hugs.)

Oh no. The cat is plotting.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:14PM
I Am The 1337 Master at 6:37AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 3,785
joined: 1-16-2009
Furry vampire?!

Jacob Cullen?
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:54PM
Mondenkind at 11:45AM, July 14, 2010
posts: 91
joined: 7-14-2010
Maybe if I put this floating number by my head, Rudolph won't notice that I jacked his nose!
Run along with Captian Jack!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:07PM
Kroatz at 12:19PM, July 14, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
Now in technicolor.
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:24PM
seventy2 at 3:54PM, July 14, 2010
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
i thought be there or be square was just an expression.
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:30PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 4:01PM, July 14, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
Graduate of PP Look a like University.

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:19PM
Mondenkind at 5:33PM, July 14, 2010
posts: 91
joined: 7-14-2010
Well…never saw this coming.
Run along with Captian Jack!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:07PM
Product Placement at 5:40PM, July 14, 2010
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
I wonder how many colors my hair can hold?
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:53PM
Zeph at 6:34PM, July 14, 2010
posts: 1,973
joined: 12-22-2006
“Whats that monkey? your rolled a 21 saving throw? Let me just have a look at this dice here… says here in the rule book, that I can roll until I beat you.”-product Placement.
“Oh come on PP, thats not even fair.”-The flying green monkey,

“Fair? I don't have to e fair, I'm a moderator.”-PP
Comic The Mutha Flippin God of Airsoft

Rockin the WTF face.
wait what?
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:56PM
Rengishi at 4:46AM, July 15, 2010
posts: 437
joined: 4-3-2009
If i stare hard enough the screen will burst into flames
PSN account: OrangeDJ1
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:05PM
Niccea at 3:09PM, July 15, 2010
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
My robes look like a dress, don't they? …damn.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:14PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 5:11PM, July 15, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
My plot is to kill off PP and Hak then there will only be one! Mahahaha!

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:19PM
seventy2 at 5:54PM, July 15, 2010
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
duhhh which way did he go george? which way did he go?
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:30PM
Product Placement at 6:25PM, July 15, 2010
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Politicians at their finest.
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:53PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 8:05PM, July 15, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
Yeah my monk, wizard, ninja, cleric, paladin, assassin, ranger character has become epic!

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:19PM
Product Placement at 8:54PM, July 15, 2010
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
(you fool. It was a Paladin/sorcerer/spellsword. Don't you know anything?)

This disguise is perfect! Nobody will suspect us now!
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:53PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 9:07PM, July 15, 2010
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
The rule book says the penalty for fail is to shove this dice…

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:19PM
Niccea at 6:57AM, July 16, 2010
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Why is there a cat under the hat of my man suit?
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:14PM
Rengishi at 8:55AM, July 16, 2010
posts: 437
joined: 4-3-2009
i look like yoruchi's sister
PSN account: OrangeDJ1
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:05PM

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