basicly a dbz rpg
rules:no cybering
no crying to me if you die
no one shot kills
no god mod
no auto calling shenron
no swearing
rpg faq:how to get a dragon ball
to get one you either kill someone that has one, win a tournement, do a quest for me.
who is shenron?
i will be shenron
what can i wish for?
a pwr level increase
to be a diff race
to get a wep
to unlock new quests from me
how can i be a main charecter?
pm me ^.^
how to fuse?
for fusion you must rp this and also the other one
fusion only lasts 3 posts
what about potatra earings?
hm well you can use those but you msut stay that char untill you die and think hard about it
asorbing like majin buu?
NOPE! thats considerd god mode
asorbing their energy?
not all of it but some
ok now to enter pm me your form
pwr level:1
image of your charecter:
MAFIA... and other forum games
dbz rpg
at 1:23PM, July 5, 2008
I don't have ADD you're just boring me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:28AM
at 1:25PM, July 5, 2008
*goes to program coding*
*Enters ‘God_mode_1’*
Any game can be hacked if it's on an electronic ;)
*Enters ‘God_mode_1’*
Any game can be hacked if it's on an electronic ;)
I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:55PM
at 1:49PM, July 5, 2008
I don't have ADD you're just boring me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:28AM
at 1:55PM, July 5, 2008
So this is baseball now.
lol time to leave before the ban hammers come!
lol time to leave before the ban hammers come!
I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:55PM
at 11:30PM, July 5, 2008
lol time to leave before the ban hammers come!
yea thats a pretty good idea
lol time to leave before the ban hammers come!
yea thats a pretty good idea
I don't have ADD you're just boring me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:28AM
at 5:37PM, July 6, 2008
pwr level:1
wepons:Kuro Kitsune(Katana) and various small cutting objects.
image of your charecter:Avatar
/Seishou Kousen (Spirit,energy beam)A basic energy beam.Color varies on the user(Blue in this case.)./
-Sheishu Kousen Slash:Not really a separate attack but rather a varion on Seishu Kousen,using a sword.
/Seishou Akusen (Spirit Hard Fighting(Like in a sport or game,not battle,but used here in that purpose.)The user dash at the oppenent and delivers a storm of punch and kicks but falls to the ground because of energy loss./
-Sheishu Akusen Slash:Not really a separate attack but rather a varion on Seishu Kousen,using a sword.
/Blade Fury.The user takes several daggers and dashes next to the opponent.Cause sever damage on anyone but drains a lot of energy from the user./
/Somersault Kick.The user jumps and kicks a wall,then flips and kicks the opponent./
/Kuro Kitsune Style(Black Fox style).Diana fights with her light and slim Katana,Kuro Kitsune./
/Urufu no Kiba Style(Fang Wolf Style)The user fights using Urufu no Kiba martial arts that focuses on kicks and energy manipulation./
/Double Seishu Slash.(Double spirit,energy Slash)The user,using a sword concentrates his\hers\its energy on a sword and slashs the opponent twice./
/Appocalipse Cannon:The most deadly attack.The user draws a 6-point star on the air using both arms,creating a neon glow as the arms moves.The neon star floats in the air and when the user shouts “Cannon!” it send a massive star-shaped beam,Color varies on the user(Blue in this case.) to the opponent.It drains so much energy the user might faint./
Cocky,rebellious,bitchy,wise-ass,sarcastic,brave except on high places(afraid of heights),strong sense of justice,believes in dreams,never gives up,always smiles while fighting.
Am I in?
pwr level:1
wepons:Kuro Kitsune(Katana) and various small cutting objects.
image of your charecter:Avatar
/Seishou Kousen (Spirit,energy beam)A basic energy beam.Color varies on the user(Blue in this case.)./
-Sheishu Kousen Slash:Not really a separate attack but rather a varion on Seishu Kousen,using a sword.
/Seishou Akusen (Spirit Hard Fighting(Like in a sport or game,not battle,but used here in that purpose.)The user dash at the oppenent and delivers a storm of punch and kicks but falls to the ground because of energy loss./
-Sheishu Akusen Slash:Not really a separate attack but rather a varion on Seishu Kousen,using a sword.
/Blade Fury.The user takes several daggers and dashes next to the opponent.Cause sever damage on anyone but drains a lot of energy from the user./
/Somersault Kick.The user jumps and kicks a wall,then flips and kicks the opponent./
/Kuro Kitsune Style(Black Fox style).Diana fights with her light and slim Katana,Kuro Kitsune./
/Urufu no Kiba Style(Fang Wolf Style)The user fights using Urufu no Kiba martial arts that focuses on kicks and energy manipulation./
/Double Seishu Slash.(Double spirit,energy Slash)The user,using a sword concentrates his\hers\its energy on a sword and slashs the opponent twice./
/Appocalipse Cannon:The most deadly attack.The user draws a 6-point star on the air using both arms,creating a neon glow as the arms moves.The neon star floats in the air and when the user shouts “Cannon!” it send a massive star-shaped beam,Color varies on the user(Blue in this case.) to the opponent.It drains so much energy the user might faint./
Cocky,rebellious,bitchy,wise-ass,sarcastic,brave except on high places(afraid of heights),strong sense of justice,believes in dreams,never gives up,always smiles while fighting.
Am I in?
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:10PM
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