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Beauty Contest Rant... read at your own risk
Rusty Knight at 7:28PM, May 15, 2007
posts: 214
joined: 4-29-2007
(._. ) I wanted to submit one of my characters for the beauty Contest! But by the time I found out about it, the submissions were closed. Grr…

Now every time I go to read that comic I'm gonna be pissed. Grrr…

Rant over.
I'm Jon. You can call me Dr. Jon… but I prefer Jon since I'm not really a Doctor.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:12PM
Ozoneocean at 7:46PM, May 15, 2007
posts: 29,086
joined: 1-2-2004
There was a submission date? o_O
I'm with you Rusty, I didn't even know that'd been and gone. I saw the topic here and people were just asking about it, I didn't realise it was actually on and now over!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:27PM
Inkmonkey at 8:14PM, May 15, 2007
posts: 2,220
joined: 1-3-2006
Well, there was an announcement on the front page that submissions were being accepted, and a thread that clearly stated a deadline.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:59PM
Lonnehart at 8:20PM, May 15, 2007
posts: 2,931
joined: 3-16-2006
Yep. It definitely was there. I'm sure another contest would be held if the comic was popular enough. Personally I'm looking forward to the contestants dealing with one another (all the cheating, the lying, the schemes to take out the rest of the competition, etc…)

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM
Rusty Knight at 3:29AM, May 16, 2007
posts: 214
joined: 4-29-2007
Yea, I know there was a deadline and it was on the Front page. But still.

I'm Jon. You can call me Dr. Jon… but I prefer Jon since I'm not really a Doctor.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:12PM
reidavidson at 5:32AM, May 16, 2007
posts: 177
joined: 1-29-2007
I don't understand… Why are you mad?

Course wasn't I like… the first one to sign up? XD

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:04PM
marine at 10:46AM, May 16, 2007
posts: 2,417
joined: 1-6-2006
Just be sure and see Tranny appear in all their glory in the contest, that will cheer you up!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:52PM
djcoffman at 12:13PM, May 16, 2007
posts: 100
joined: 8-23-2006
I dont know about all this… but according to the monopoly game I won 2nd place and 10 bucks in a beauty contest last weekend!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:12PM

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