yep im back AND BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!!!!
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
BB IS BACK?! aw crap here we go again...
at 12:40AM, Sept. 10, 2008
I don't have ADD you're just boring me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:28AM
at 7:13AM, Sept. 10, 2008
Wow, that seems rude… I thought it was getting hot (Renga, can you do something about that please?). WELCOME BACK AND GET A BABY GATE!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:47AM
Steely Gaze
at 7:17AM, Sept. 10, 2008
Uh, I suppose welcome back? Honestly, you seem more than a little TD-ish. You around back then? Well I should point out that, aside from a couple of crusty old TD regulars, we've done away with the Top Drawer.
Otherwise, I'm sorry to say I don't remember you.
Otherwise, I'm sorry to say I don't remember you.
A Roll of the Dice now with full-size pages!
John Clyde now with ten times the tacky Hawaiian shirts!
John Clyde now with ten times the tacky Hawaiian shirts!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:58PM
at 8:50AM, Sept. 10, 2008
Chances of going to hell with no attempt to run: 100%
Chances of going to hell with attempt to run: 98%
Pfffft, I'll take my chances. *runs away*
Chances of going to hell with attempt to run: 98%
Pfffft, I'll take my chances. *runs away*
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:51AM
at 2:53PM, Sept. 10, 2008
I seem to remember you from somewhere. Probably forum games.
Top…. Drawer….? How can you say that!? You don't know TD like I did! I-I never got a chance to say goodbye…
Steely Gaze
Uh, I suppose welcome back? Honestly, you seem more than a little TD-ish. You around back then? Well I should point out that, aside from a couple of crusty old TD regulars, we've done away with the Top Drawer.
Otherwise, I'm sorry to say I don't remember you.
Top…. Drawer….? How can you say that!? You don't know TD like I did! I-I never got a chance to say goodbye…
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:26PM
at 3:13PM, Sept. 10, 2008
I seem to remember you from somewhere. Probably forum games.Steely Gaze
Uh, I suppose welcome back? Honestly, you seem more than a little TD-ish. You around back then? Well I should point out that, aside from a couple of crusty old TD regulars, we've done away with the Top Drawer.
Otherwise, I'm sorry to say I don't remember you.
Top…. Drawer….? How can you say that!? You don't know TD like I did! I-I never got a chance to say goodbye…
i was the one that posted all the time o.o
I don't have ADD you're just boring me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:28AM
at 12:26PM, Sept. 11, 2008
My Drunk Duck Comics:
Nominated for numerous web awards, see more news at My Website
Nominated for numerous web awards, see more news at My Website
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:34PM
Custard Trout
at 12:54PM, Sept. 11, 2008
Holy shit bluebot, you learned how to spell! Although your spelling still leaves something to be desired.
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:01PM
Dark Clown
at 3:45PM, Sept. 11, 2008
This Fluid feels like Pain, This stoic mood is all in vain.
I reach into the dark, I tear this other me apart.
How many years ago, How many deaths I can't let go.
My Flesh Is Temporary, My God Extraordinary.
You… can''t… Kill… My… MIND!!!!!
The War Will continue, Just on a different battle field
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:06PM
Renga Studio
at 6:44PM, Sept. 11, 2008
Hi, bluebot092! Welcome back to–whew! Is it hot in here or is it just me? huh!?
Ha! I'm way ahead of you, Aghammer!
(Renga tries to use his weather machine, but it suddenly stops working.)
Damn it! Wouldn't you know it; my weather machine's on the fritz! :(
Would Anyone Like What Dark Clown Is Giving Out?
Renga, can you do something about that please?
Ha! I'm way ahead of you, Aghammer!
(Renga tries to use his weather machine, but it suddenly stops working.)
Damn it! Wouldn't you know it; my weather machine's on the fritz! :(
Would Anyone Like What Dark Clown Is Giving Out?
Renga: How are you everyone !!
Renga: All your weather are control by me.
Renga: I has a weather machine.
DrunkDuck: What you say !!
Renga: All your weather are control by me.
Renga: I has a weather machine.
DrunkDuck: What you say !!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:04PM
at 7:25PM, Sept. 11, 2008
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:49AM
at 10:18AM, Sept. 12, 2008
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:26PM
at 7:45PM, Sept. 12, 2008
Gee Tee Eff Oh.
You're losing your touch.
Custard Trout4/10.
Holy shit bluebot, you learned how to spell! Although your spelling still leaves something to be desired.
You're losing your touch.
I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:56PM
Custard Trout
at 4:05AM, Sept. 15, 2008
That was meant to say grammar. It's like irony is holding me down and punching me in the face, only it's actually hitting me with a stick.
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:01PM
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