I'm not expecting to get lucky here, as there are far too many writers and not nearly enough artists, but I'll give it a try. I'm looking for an artist to help work on a comic. It's an idea that I've had for several years and have been refining it. I've been trying to draw it myself, but it's not going very well. I lack anything even resembling artistic talent it seems. I'm working on my own art, but I have to accept that if the comic is going to happen anytime in the near future, I'm going to have to find some assistance.
The comic is a look at mythology and some of the legends of the world we live in, looking at where they are now that the world has moved on from them. Feel free to send a PQ or contact me in another way if you want more details: MrNelson07 on AIM, MrNelson007@hotmail.com on MSN, or MrNelson007@gmail.com if you're looking to e-mail.
I understand that making a comic is 90-95% art, so I don't expect someone to do this for free. I'm not exactly rich, so I can't offer loads of money, but I am more than willing to pay on a per-comic basis, and/or most of any profits the comic might make, if it has the fortune of succeeding.
Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I hope to be fortunate enough to hear from someone soon.

Networking & Community Projects*
Artist Wanted for Serial Comic
at 10:24AM, Sept. 11, 2007
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:08PM
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