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Anyone else CRAZY for spicy food?
Bittenbymonk at 8:22AM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 422
joined: 1-6-2008
yeah, in the past couple of years, I've developed a taste for spicy food, which I suppose isn't bad. HOWEVER! one thing lead to another and now I'm trying to up the ante. I started off by buying a bottle of tabasco,that's now like water to me. So I got the habanero version, which has a kick to it, but I soon got tired of that too… anyways cutting the crap I'm now on Magma hot sauce which has a 1 million scoville rating (thats about half the strength of police pepper spray). I LOVE hot sauce and testing my limits with spicier concoctions, anyone else a fool for the pepper sauce?
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:22AM
lefarce at 10:11AM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 5,452
joined: 2-9-2006
I like how whenever general discussion is slow the majority of you decide it's time for either:

A rant thread on Platinum
An ass kiss thread for Drunkduck
or a thread about food

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:33PM
Puff_Of_Smoke at 10:24AM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 3,510
joined: 5-28-2007
Well, it is general discussion.


Up until my 14th birthday I was.
I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:56PM
Bittenbymonk at 11:59AM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 422
joined: 1-6-2008
food is just about as general as it gets!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:22AM
SarahN at 12:24PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 1,580
joined: 1-1-2006
I LOVE spicy food, give me a bag of Fritos and Jalapeno cheese dip and I can down it all in one sitting. So what if my gut explodes?
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:23PM
Ironscarfs Ghost at 3:19PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 577
joined: 9-12-2008
A rant thread on Platinum
An ass kiss thread for Drunkduck
or a thread about food

Wow; this guy comes up with the mostest kick assest threads!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:03PM
lefarce at 4:17PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 5,452
joined: 2-9-2006
Ironscarfs Ghost
A rant thread on Platinum
An ass kiss thread for Drunkduck
or a thread about food

Wow; this guy comes up with the mostest kick assest threads!

EDIT: Y'know what, ignore this. I'm not trying to start an arguement. But my original point still stands, we need a foods & cooking section or something, as too many topics fit the theme.

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:33PM
Ironscarfs Ghost at 4:40PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 577
joined: 9-12-2008
I find that better than being a moron who makes a thread going over the same bullshit the 20 threads before it did.
(hey -stop changin' yer rant!)

True, but this is our lot. We are all morons, going over the same bullshit the last 20 generations did before us.

I'll be there for the cookery thread though. My rich fruit cake is legendary: are you a sweet or savoury man?
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:03PM
Hawk at 9:17PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 2,791
joined: 1-2-2006
I love “wasabi” spicy, but not “mexican” spicy. I don't know why. But it feels like those two different types of spicy burn you in different ways.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:46PM
Eirikr at 9:45PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 1,634
joined: 2-7-2006
I regularly consume spicy carbon matter. It is quite enjoyable to digest.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:20PM
Chernobog at 9:59PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 926
joined: 11-3-2007
I enjoy mexican cuisine regularly! I like spicy with flavor, not ‘spicy look how hardcore I am’, though. I used to get wasabi rice crackers from the supermarket.

“You tell yourself to just
enjoy the process,” he added. “That whether you succeed or fail, win or
lose, it will be fine. You pretend to be Zen. You adopt detachment, and
ironic humor, while secretly praying for a miracle.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
Ozoneocean at 10:52PM, Oct. 5, 2008
posts: 29,086
joined: 1-2-2004
Spicy… It's a silly description lol!
Cinnamon buns are “spicy” ;)

I generally say “peppery”, because that's the taste that these things come from… But that's just me. :P

The peppery flavours are quite nice, but anything can be over done, especially when people forget that it's just one flavour element and treat it as the ONLY one. That's horrible. I've had chilli pizza where the only flavour was pain. Literally. After tasting it, it felt like glass had sliced into my tongue.
-And I know what that feels like because I've had that happen… although it wasn't glass.

Strong mustard, like wasabi can be too much as well. Especially when you realise that at the end of the spectrum of these things (mustard, chilli), are chemical weapons that are banned in warfare. Strong mustard and Wasabi have fumes that affect the mucus membrane of your nose and sinus in a bad way. Chilli can have deleterious effects on your taste bud nerves… Which is fine if that's all you like to eat, but as I say; there are more flavours out there, and I think it's best to be able to enjoy a variety.

But yes, the peppery range of flavours (from mild to extreme), can really add a wonderful dimension to food :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:32PM
kingofsnake at 8:38AM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 1,374
joined: 9-27-2006
Every couple years I make my own habenero sauce… The last batch came out pretty good, it's sweet at first, and has this fruity zest to it, and then you swallow it and it's like “Oh hey this is really burning me now.”

I don't use it much because none of my friends like hot foods but me, so I can usually take it or leave it.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:16PM
KingRidley at 2:07PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 151
joined: 9-28-2008
I am such a wuss about spicy food. Alot of it tastes very good in that split second before it attacks your tongue. I think alot of it has to do with the fact that I have never experienced that rush you get after eating something really spicy. You know, the whole endorphin release thing. I can handle sour. I love sour. But I don't like spicy.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:16PM
SpANG at 2:33PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 3,103
joined: 1-1-2006
Anyone try the “Volcano Taco” at Taco Bell recently? I'm a lightweight when it comes to spicy food, but that's tame even for me. What a disappointment. :(

The reason certain foods are spicy is mostly do to a compound called capsaicin found in chile peppers. It gives them spice and is found in many hot sauces as well. Capsaicin is an irritant, which is what causes the burning feeling.

Anyway, yeah, I like a little spicy. I have been more adventurous in my recent years, but not going anywhere near them habeneros yet. Though I have had ‘firey habenero’ Doritos. They aren't bad. I assume they are nothing like the real thing

Huh, Firefox doesn't know the word habenero. Or capsaicin :P

I love hot wings too. Basically, I'll usually eat anything as long as it has a cool dipping sauce like sour cream, blue cheese, or guacamole. Hot sauce on scrambled eggs pretty much rocks, too.

I loooove sushi with wasabi and picked ginger too. Different spicy, but good.

So what do you guys use to ‘put out the fire’? Milk? Beer? Buttered toast?

“To a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:53PM
dueeast at 2:43PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 1,104
joined: 5-6-2007
About the spiciest I'll go is Thai food (I once had a wonderful seafood meal at a Thai restaurant called the “Tiger Cry” that made my eyes literally water, while still wanting more of it). If curry didn't upset my stomach (which irks me to no end), I could eat it all day long, at least the moderate variety. I can still eat a great variety of Asian and South Asian cuisines. My wife makes Japanese food and spoils me tremendously on occasion. I love Moroccan and Ethiopian food, too, some of which is on the spicy side.

I grew up strictly bland…meat and potatoes and the occasional vegetable. But my wife, bless her, was raised with spicy food and by gum, she was gonna expand my palate if it killed me! Fortunately, it didn't and I've learned to enjoy some wonderful food as a result.

Now that I love to cook, I've been known to kick it up some on my own dishes, especially homemade seafood or chicken and sausage gumbo and a spicy Mexican chicken soup.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:18PM
Chernobog at 2:58PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 926
joined: 11-3-2007
Spang: Typically breads rolls work for me. It's like dabbing your tongue with an edible paper towel.

“You tell yourself to just
enjoy the process,” he added. “That whether you succeed or fail, win or
lose, it will be fine. You pretend to be Zen. You adopt detachment, and
ironic humor, while secretly praying for a miracle.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
Aurora Borealis at 3:34PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
I don't like it TOO spicy, but I tend t stuff hot ketchup on my food… and some hungarian mustard… and then some black and red pepper too :D

That mix goes into anything refried :)

Overall I like strong tastes… Salty (not too salty of course), sweet or spicy. Don't like bitter or sour much though.

My cooking is pretty limited. Like my dad used to say about his cooking abilities, I can do “hard boiled eggs and soft boiled water” (not sure if it translates that well :).
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
KingRidley at 6:29PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 151
joined: 9-28-2008
So what do you guys use to ‘put out the fire’? Milk? Beer? Buttered toast?

Actually milk chemically bonds with the painful shit in spicy foods, calming it faster.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:16PM
Ozoneocean at 7:07PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 29,086
joined: 1-2-2004
Nutmeg is my favourite spice. ;)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:32PM
lba at 8:00PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
I gave up spicy stuff when I got to the point that eating Habaneros didn't really bother me any more. As Oz said, there's too much variety in the world to want to kill off my taste buds with just one thing. It probably didn't help that living in Iowa, it was really hard to get spicy foods. They're the kind of wimps who can't take spicy Cheetos.

It's probably really bad for you, but I've found a spoonful of sugar will cut almost any spicy pain in your mouth.

And despite his rather abrasive method of pointing it out, I kind of agree with 'farce. Maybe we should think about a food and cooking forum or something.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:29PM
Aurora Borealis at 8:52PM, Oct. 6, 2008
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
So what do you guys use to ‘put out the fire’? Milk? Beer? Buttered toast?

Actually milk chemically bonds with the painful shit in spicy foods, calming it faster.

What's the point of eating spicy food then? :)

Also, at the cooking forum idea.

How about someone starts a cooking webcomic? :D
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
JoeL_CQB at 1:42AM, Oct. 7, 2008
posts: 546
joined: 4-17-2007
i'm the only one in my family who can eat spicy food for some odd reason.

although its usually mild or medium spicy.

oddly, i can handle garlic spicy, if you call that spicy. like raw status. although my breath stinks badly after.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:10PM
Ozoneocean at 3:35AM, Oct. 7, 2008
posts: 29,086
joined: 1-2-2004
What are your favourite spices?

I like simple pepper.. But saffron, cardamom, cloves, ginger, paprika, curry, vanilla…
Can't STAND coriander! EWWW! >.<
Chillie's ok for a pepper spice, but too often used poorly: overdone. Like putting too much salt in something. That's bad cooking.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:32PM
Ironscarfs Ghost at 4:46PM, Oct. 7, 2008
posts: 577
joined: 9-12-2008
oddly, i can handle garlic spicy, if you call that spicy. like raw status. although my breath stinks badly after.

That's no reason to discard your underwear.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:03PM
Mushroomcomix at 5:05PM, Oct. 11, 2008
posts: 527
joined: 8-16-2008
I love spicy food and garlic, unfortunately my body started revenge tactics on me and I can't consume as much peppery food as I once was able to.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:08PM
herio at 3:58PM, Oct. 16, 2008
posts: 702
joined: 1-7-2006
its not that bad

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:47PM
Jellomix at 7:39PM, Oct. 17, 2008
posts: 112
joined: 7-27-2008
I was brought up eating a lot of spicy food… but as I grew up, I stopped.
It's not that I can't stand spicy food, I don't really like it much anyway. Then again, I've only used chili sauce.

Sig? Yeah, I'll get to it. >_<
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM

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