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Anyone else beginning to hate their life as of now? ( not that you don't hae any hope for the future..)
bravo1102 at 11:41PM, July 9, 2009
posts: 6,306
joined: 1-21-2008
Real time Strategy games (which tend to have little to do with real world war-fighting
Eh, that's because they're about resource management. They're like a bastard mix of a management and hostile colonisation scenario using a pseudo war theme. The best way to do well is good management, not clever strategy. Usually.

Amateurs think tactics, professionals think logistics. However the way most RTS games bastardize logistics you're rewarded for using 17th-18th century military management not 19th-20th century. It's more like a series of magazines and siege trains and baggage wagons wallowing in the van of Marlborough's army than the Red Army at any point of its existence. lol!

Lonnehart, the best way to deal with marines is to remember what USMC stands for: Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. ;)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:33AM
Ozoneocean at 6:48AM, July 10, 2009
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
That's true Bravo, which is one of the reasons I don't play them anymore… They're not “war” game enough, nor even that great at being about colonisation… The best computer war games for strategy were those old turn based ones, but they were so fricken slow. >_<
We got military moving in from Japan; things are going be lively with all those marines here (and my job will be harder if my experience with the Marines is any indication)…
It always used to be annoying here when a U.S. battlegroup was in port. The guys were usually so immature, like a bunch of highschool kids away on holiday camp.

It seems fewer and fewer battlegroups have stopped off here over the years though. So I was shocked to the core to see American sailors and officers all over Fremantle the other day, not because they were here again, but because of how sober, mature and freaking well behaved they were. It was a whole WTF experience… o_O
I suppose actual battle experience settles people down? I have no other explanation for it. I've never, ever seen military personal as well behaved as that, ever (In such a large group).

The Stepford Sailors… *Dun, Dun, Duuuuunnnn!*

So maybe you'll be in for a better time of it now?
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:34PM
Warpedwenger at 7:23PM, July 10, 2009
posts: 1,778
joined: 4-3-2007
I don't know half the time I'm uber happy to the point that people around me find it totally annoying and half the time I'm completely suicidal. If only I could find a nice middle ground I guess it would be best for everybody.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:47PM
Orin J Master at 5:32PM, July 11, 2009
posts: 437
joined: 12-16-2007
I don't know half the time I'm uber happy to the point that people around me find it totally annoying and half the time I'm completely suicidal. If only I could find a nice middle ground I guess it would be best for everybody.

bi-polar disorder? they've got meds for that. of course, they've also got meds for “restless leg syndrome” which is a fancy way of saying “you twitched as you fell asleep and woke back up” so it's a matter of consideration.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:22PM
Warpedwenger at 6:13PM, July 11, 2009
posts: 1,778
joined: 4-3-2007
No way I don't trust that stuff. They put my friend on meds and he hasn't been the same since… Um well he also “found Jesus” which makes people act differently but IDK…
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:47PM

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