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RPGination Official
Talk about characters, play games, whatever the hell you like.
DruidJP585 at 8:04PM, Sept. 27, 2007
go to postRules and Regulations
This forum is where the rules of Project RPGination are (or will be) posted.
DruidJP585 at 8:50PM, Aug. 28, 2007
go to postPage Submissions
If you want to submit something right away, and it isn't your turn yet, stick it here. The page can then be judged to see if it is: 1) Worth being put immediately as a storyline strip strip 2)Worth being put up as a Out of Canon/Art strip (and labeled as such) 3) Not worth being put up. …etc
————————————————————————————————— If you want to attempt a strip for the storyline and you are not part of the regular line up. Feel free to submit it here (it may make things interesting). *Rules for Story Attempts by outsiders* Don't add new main characters, don't kill off main characters, try to keep to character personalities. ————————————————————————————————— If you want to submit a Out of Canon Strip, guest strip, or fan art; put it here. ————————————————————————————————— Overall, be sure to include a title for the strip and a description.
DruidJP585 at 1:03PM, Sept. 28, 2007
go to postBLARG! v1.2
Where you vent about stuff that pissed (or pisses) you off.
DruidJP585 at 8:31PM, Aug. 3, 2007
go to postIdeas
Have an idea of what should happen next in the story? Want to see something specific? Do you think something or someone should be changed? Get thinking People!
DruidJP585 at 9:09AM, July 31, 2007
go to post