Book 1 cover
Rina_ran on July 9, 2006
Finally made a spiffy cover for my comic. For the longest time I didn't know how I wanted it. But when I got a comment from my sister on how Rale looked on the front cover, I knew I should use that picture. ^-^
Now she wants me to redraw that picture, cept place him under a waterfall in a white T-shirt. *giggle* Bout time she started gving me good feedback.
Welcome all to my manga, Within Shadows. A story that'll follow a boy's journey through a land hidden beyond our shadows, to find his brother. Prepare to meet a variety of charcters, each created by a member of TSL's forum. (Link Above)
Why I decided to create the manga-
TSL was the first forum I really joined and felt apart of. Even though I was new, I wasn't treated differently from the older members (which is something I had experienced). The members are a real community, they're not just a bunch of people who are there “just to chat” or “just to RP”. They're there to give the other members sense that they're not forgotten, that they have a friend, that someone would gladly RP with them, and that people will listen to issues whether they be irl or online.
Even though the forum started dying, a few members still remain to do the above mentioned. To me, they deserved something really special, so I created this comic series using their characters and characters of past members that really impacted the forum.
We grow up, we move on, but no one really seems to actually forget the place. Old members tend to show up every-so-often. It's a small place, but it's kind.
When does this comic update?-
Wednesdays and Fridays, unless noted otherwise.
Who am I- (until I learn to make my own Author page)
I am Marina Guenther. Half Asian, Half German. My birthday is May 8th and my Chinese Zodiac is the snake. The persona I use is a black foxgirl named Rina-ran. I love nearly genre of manga, and am determined to create and publish my own one day.
I don't mind humorous comments or tough critique. But if you flame me without good structure or excuse…I'm gonna laugh at you and talk behind your back.
It's hard to get on my badside.
Talk to me on MSN as
Who's this Yanyan person? -
Yanyan is my black shorthair cat. I like calling her my editor for fun. She's always around and she keeps me busy somehow.
Feel free to e-mail me with questions, personal comments (If you don't want others to see), suggestions for music and I'll LOVE to get fanart one day. (also, feel free to e-mail me if you can help me make html pages to create character, fanart, and “About the Author” pages)
Or on MSN Messenger.
If you ever see a mistake in spelling or grammar. Please tell me!
Also, visit my DeviantART gallery. (Link far below)
Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy Within Shadows.
Rina-ran out` =3
Mikato at 6:16PM, Sept. 30, 2008
oops why does my comp keep posting twice every now and then
Mikato at 8:18PM, Sept. 29, 2008
This looks pretty good i love the artworkd
Mikato at 8:18PM, Sept. 29, 2008
This looks pretty good i love the artworkd
simonitro at 9:42PM, May 6, 2007
This looks interesting!
wave at 5:37PM, Jan. 23, 2007
I've decided to read this comic through from the beginning again, 'cause I just got so far behind. I have a question: HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU MAKE THAT AWESOME TEXT FOR YOUR TITLE? I wanna stop using lame photoshop fonts for my comic's title..... Anyway, AWESOME cover. I have the urge to print it out and make a little book. It looks very..... published? I dunno. Like an actual professional comic cover you'd find in stores. I'll stop ranting now. Great job!
InuyashaChick11624 at 3:15PM, Oct. 11, 2006
wow hes cute and so are your chibis
Jyan at 3:22PM, Aug. 13, 2006
It's beautiful! And your description on the back is very intriguing. I would so buy this instantaneously if it were in a store.
ejworks at 1:13AM, Aug. 5, 2006
Oh, yeah! I'm not great with html, but I love making ID cards for characters so I'd be happy to help with that and some basic web pages till you can find some one more experanced. Send me an e-mail (
ejworks at 1:07AM, Aug. 5, 2006
This is so very awesome! What a great cover, and it includes the side and back! Oh, and the HTML for this account is great too. ^_^ I should go post over at the shadow land again, but I feel so old over there. I just can't keep up like I use to. TTFM- EJ
targento37 at 3:47PM, July 22, 2006
A very cool cover. I'm just about to read this one. I'll let you know if I put it in my favorites.
mimiche at 4:25PM, July 18, 2006
Woo I never got to comment on this before while I was away But it looks so awesome! So professional and pretty ^^ Me lieks the chibis on the back! Cant wait formore. If it was a manga Id totally buy it XD
Shippo_no_Neko at 2:49PM, July 11, 2006
Waaaah! So beautiful! it looks super proffessional! I can't wait to see the storyline unfold ^__^
Radec at 2:15PM, July 11, 2006
What have you been using for the coloring and shading in your comic?
Nigellashade at 11:26PM, July 10, 2006
The Cover of ~Within Shadows~, I'm very impressed of your detail in the drawings & Coloring. Rale's visual concept looks very professional in appearance, the colors bring out a complete vision of his design. Everything to the Weapons & the Backgrounds, is in greatly mastered with your talents. The Cover itself shows a Breathtaking Atmosphere of Mystery.. *The Chibies is very nicely drawn, & the humor behind it's meaning shows a sense of adventure, & findings in a warped reality* A Very lovely Masterpiece Rina! Have yourself a Awesome Week!, you've earned it. ~M~ v~~~~v
Mika_yi at 8:11PM, July 10, 2006
that is one sweet cover no joke! wicked!! you did a great job on it makes it look all athentic. darg it I wish I was that good! *crys in a corner* I swear it looks like i could just walk into a book store and pick up the comic.
random at 6:48PM, July 10, 2006
incognito-mystery-person at 5:54PM, July 10, 2006
Beautiful. Very professional- looking. I love it! ^_^