In some ways they can be said to be "organic" in the way we know the concept, though it is possible to install enhancements and tune up in various ways. Their "windows" are actually a combination of anti-glare panels and organs of sound reception/reflection so they can locate the source of a noise very accurately. This would be very important on busy roads. The "sideviews" are also for reflecting sound and light, and also mood indicators, like the ears of a horse.
lothar at 10:44AM, Jan. 23, 2022
Skullbie at 9:33PM, Dec. 10, 2009
Need moar! This is great!
Coydog at 10:52AM, Sept. 21, 2009
In some ways they can be said to be "organic" in the way we know the concept, though it is possible to install enhancements and tune up in various ways. Their "windows" are actually a combination of anti-glare panels and organs of sound reception/reflection so they can locate the source of a noise very accurately. This would be very important on busy roads. The "sideviews" are also for reflecting sound and light, and also mood indicators, like the ears of a horse.
magicalmisfits at 5:27AM, Sept. 21, 2009
My company commander in boot camp said that all the time. I didn't believe him either.
Lemniskate at 5:01AM, Sept. 21, 2009
So they're really organic (well, the eyes kinda implied it already, but...)! Because else he'd simply need a stronger underside installed.