What A Life manga is going to be revise
What A Life on May 31, 2006
i bet i made some spelling mistakes in there
im not good at spelling & editing
so, forgive me XP
i was gonna update this sooner
but i was waiting to finish 10 pgs 1st
but that's not going to happen very soon
cus i have exams
sorry ]:-[
i hope you guys will read the revise one when i upload it
it's a little different, tho
anyway, thank you for reading!
xXshadeXx at 6:06PM, Nov. 28, 2010
Hallo ween at 12:14AM, Sept. 29, 2008
but you never did..... -.-
jxknight at 8:58PM, Jan. 2, 2008
heh, revising too huh? yeah, im in the middle of the same thingamajigg on my comic as well. Look forward on the new story then!
Emma_Clare at 1:53AM, July 8, 2007
ooo i can't wait to read more ^-^
bubublacz at 7:14AM, April 12, 2007
awwww... too bad you finished it, im still wondering what would happen next, but im wondering will u still continue? i hope so!
ZoeStead at 7:26AM, Dec. 4, 2006
Very good looking artwork on the previous pages so hope you are back soon :D
herio at 12:20AM, Oct. 27, 2006
Rubygem at 5:57PM, Oct. 2, 2006
kikia8661 at 1:32PM, Sept. 21, 2006
i love your comic so far
xkyuketsuki at 10:29PM, Sept. 20, 2006
I love your art and the usage of screentones ^_^
gaia at 1:57AM, Sept. 12, 2006
XD I love the story so far and the characters are funny too *-*
carly_mizzou at 9:14PM, Aug. 30, 2006
Wow your storytelling skills and art are some of the most professional and exciting "indie manga" work I've seen! I can't wait to see what level you take this to. Please don't let this drop! experience and practice are the best teachers.
shany at 10:00AM, Aug. 30, 2006
You're gonna revise this manga? It's pretty good though. Anyways good luck with it! ^__^
mimiche at 6:23PM, Aug. 29, 2006
Can't wait then! (Lovin' every update/page you made! Read...but too lazy to comment...died from DD so sorry!) ^^
What A Life at 11:38PM, June 10, 2006
The Forgotten Memories Comic is up already, you guys
What A Life at 6:51PM, June 8, 2006
you're see this "chapter" again (or at least something similiar)in the reversed version (but i don't know when though...^^")
Kagomas at 3:06PM, June 8, 2006
I was wondering if something was going to happen, but not like completely stoping the plot....then again I did about 15 comics before I actually thought of any kind of plot that was suitable. Up until then I was just winging it... The new title sounds a lot more suggestive, can't wait to see the result!
What A Life at 3:37PM, June 1, 2006
i don't think i should you my space to the max it'd look distracted if i do that but i guess i could add in a few more things as bgs & i dont draw a rough sketch (only layouts) cus usually, people's 1st time drawing something is better than drawing the 2nd time of the same thing & i also dont use 10x15 in i use 5.25x7 in my scanner's not big, so i cant draw on big paper thanks for the compliment and thank you for being honest seriously, thank you for being honest i like ppl who're straigh-forward (on some things) now i know what to do to improve lol ^ ^
guitar at 10:04AM, June 1, 2006
Not so bad. You need to work on your use of layout, camera angle, and pacing. On top of that you need to use your space to it maximun, there were a lot of empty and dead space. I recommend you do at least 2 or 3 thumbnail rough before you get into actual size. And work your actual size at 10X15 inches. When you shrink it down, your inking will look sharper. You have a good since of contrast and story telling. Keep up the good work and work hard.
Terminal at 6:14AM, June 1, 2006
Well, that's almost two weeks away. I'll be waiting.