Project GTH
Salsa on Sept. 9, 2010
Apologies, I have no excuse for it being this late. I also want to say that we'll be going on Hiatus until December. TFGM and I are both juniors in college and it's kicking our butts.
That said check out the forum and tell us what you think. We'll resume with I Am. Again I apologize for it being so late.
I Am The 1337 Master at 5:46PM, Oct. 10, 2010
Exactly alwin so keep the chick. Oh crap I'm going to be the return comic... Your eyes are going to bleed...alot. Even my own eyes bleed at reading my archives... Whatver.
alwinbot at 12:19PM, Sept. 16, 2010
I don't see why TFGM would like his arms where they are. THEY ARE WITHOUT SHOULDERS!
Salsa at 9:30PM, Sept. 12, 2010
@ Everyone: When you're three weeks late you tend to rush things. Sorry I try and make sure everything flows, but as TFGM said, I was pressed for time. Also, I can't believe I made that Typo. I'll fix it later. @ Hark: The joke is that TFGM wants Muse to stay. Muse would rather risk assault charges. @Limzee: That's cuz it was. TFGM saw the spins. I thought the plot was meh. It wasn't really bad, but it wasn't good either. @ Larry: If You'd like, you can see my explanation in the forum. @ Asbin: do I really come off as that big of a jerk? T-T
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 12:38AM, Sept. 12, 2010
@Everyone: We had more details but Salsa was being pressed for time and cut a lot out of the review. Also I was less harsh just to let you know ;D
Limzee at 8:54PM, Sept. 11, 2010
But details are what make a review awesome to read. D: I want to know exactly what was good and bad about the comic so I know whether or not to check it out. Right now I have no idea what the plot is. All you've told me is that the story is bland with creative spins. You should give little hints to the plot. Yeah, don't give anything major away, but at least tell me the genre and what it's about. Nothing about this review makes me want to check out the comic. Also, there doesn't seem to be any real introduction to the comic in this one, you just sorta jump right into the review, leaving me lost and scared. So lost and scared. ;-;
Larry at 2:18PM, Sept. 11, 2010
"I'd rather not go into details here because it would take too long." Why wouldn't you want to go into detail in a review?
Larry at 2:07PM, Sept. 11, 2010
If you leave a comic in hiatus too long then it can [i]spoile[/i] not unlike fruit that is left at the windowsill for weeks at a time.
Asbin at 8:35AM, Sept. 11, 2010
Thanks for the review. It was less harsh than I was expecting
harkovast at 11:53PM, Sept. 10, 2010
No one should "spoile" a surprise, TFGM. The last panel doesn't seem to make much sense. They cant organise an accident unless TFGM likes his arms where they are? Is that implying he doesn't normally like his own arms?